Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/122

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Treafarers of the Navy, and Fay- mafters of the Land Forces and their OfficerSj (cc. fhall charge themfclves on Oarh v/'.ih the Inte' eft-monies by them icceived in Tallies or Or- ders, &c. Chaige to be ex- OTiineJ by llie Auditor of the Jlcce'pt, aad atieiicd, 5:c.

  • Far her pro-

vided lor by I Anns, 1>ac. i. c. 13. §.21. and 2 5: 3 Ann. c. 17.' 76 C. 1 1. Anno duodecimo & decimo tertio Gulielmi III, A. D. 1700. ' and for the Service of feveral Offices fubordinate to them, by Tallies of fiftitious Loans, with Orders ' for principal Sums equal to the Sums fo imprefted, and for Intersft thereof, at feveral Rates payable ' to the faid refpeftive Treal'urers and Paymaiters, or their Affigns, with Power to them refpeflively to ' make Aiiignments of or upon i'uch Orders, for the refpeflive Services aforefaid ;' Be it further cnadled by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid refpeftive Treafurers and Paymafters, and all the Officers in the faid fubordin^-te Offices, who are to render Accounts for the Money fo imprefted in the Exchequer, fhali -fully charge themfelves upon Oath (which the faid Auditors of the Imprefts, or either of them, for the time being, have hereby Power to adminiiler to the faid Treafurers, Paymafters, and other Officers, and to their Agents refpedtively) with all the Interefl Monies by the faid Treafurers, Paymafters, and other Officers rcfpeitively, or by their refpeitiye Agents, received at the Exchequer, or otherv/ife, for or upon Account of any fuch Tallies and Orders, or any of them, or any Part thereof, at any Time or Times before any Affignment or Affignments made of or upon fuch Orders, or any of them, by the faid Trea- fu-rers, Paymafters, or other Officers refpe6lively, which Intereft-monies ought, in Juflice, to be ac- counted for to the Ufcs aforefaid, and fhall fpecify therein every particular Sum fo received for Interefl, and the Order or Talley upon which the fame were fo received, and the Perlbns to whom the Affign- ments were made upon the faid Tallies or Orders, for which the faid Interefl was received ; and that every fuch Charge fhall be examined by the Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer for the time being, with the Entries or Vouchers remaining in the faid Receipt, and fhall be attefted by the faid. Auditor of the Receipt, who (if any Omiffion or Omiffions be made in the faid Charge) (hall take Care to add and furcharge the fame before the refpeftive Account or Accounts of the faid Treafurers, Paymafters, and other Officers before mentioned, fhall be declared. ' XXIX. And whereas many Perlbns who pay Duties of Excife and Salt, and fome Co!le6tors of the ' faid Duties, and of the late Duties on Malt and Leather, have by Accidents failed in their Credit, and ' may hereafter fail, and they and their Securities become infolvent, being indebted to his Majefly for the ' faid Duties, or for Monies collefted for the fame, and though incapable to pay all the Monies due or to ' grow due from them to his Majefty, may notwithftanding, by the Affiflance of Friends and Relations, ' be capacitated to pay Part of their faid Debts, which they would in many Cafes do, if a Compofition

  • could be made for the fame, and fuch Perfons could be difcharged of the Remainders of the faid Debts }

' but for want of fufficient Authority to make fuch Compofitions, fuch Debts do and may frequently be- ' come wholly and utterly loft:' For Remedy whereof be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful for the Commiffioners of his Majefly's Treafury, or any three or more of them, or Lord High Treafurer, or Commiffioners of his Majefly's Treafury for the time being, for any fuch Debts incurred before the five and twentieth Day of Mnrch one thoufand feven hundred and one, to make fuch reafonable Compofitions as to him or them fhall feem meet, and upon Payment of the Money com- pounded for, in cafe he or they fhall think it reafonable, by Warrant to the Commiffioners of Excife, to difcharge the Remainder of the Debt or Debts fo compounded. XXX. And it is hereby enadled and declared, That the Monies remaining due to the Officers and Sol- diers of the four Marine Regiments lately commanded by Colonel IViUiam Seymour, Colonel Edward Dutton Colt (fmce deceafed) Colonel Harry Mordant, and Colonel Thomas Brudcnell, fhall and niay be dif- charged and fatisfied to them or their Affigns, out of fuch Monies as were ilFued to the Earl of Orford, late Treafurer of the Navy, for the Service thereof, and are flill undifpofed, or out of fuch Monies as are or fhall be iiTued for VVages to the prefent Treafurer of the Navy. XXXI. Provided always, and be it enadled, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for Hdlen Arthur, Widow and Relifl of Robert Arthur of Hacketts Town in the County of Dublin Efquire, deceafed, to go into Ireland, and in Behalf of herfelf and of her Children, to enter her and their refpe<Slive Claim and Claims before the Truftees appointed by an Ail made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of his Majefly's Reign, intituled, An Ail for granting an Aid to his Majejly by Sale of the forfeited and other Efiates and In- terejh in Ireland, and by a Land Tax in England, for the feveral Purpofes therein mentioned, or before any feven or more of them, to and for her and their refpe6tive Rights and Titles to any Manors, Lands, Te- nements or Herediments, and to the refpeftive Portions of the faid Children, at any Time before the firfl Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and one : And further. That it fhall and may be lawful to for all and every other Perfon or Perfons, who have, by Petition to the Houfe of Commons, Drayed Relief either for not entering his, her or their Claim or Claims within the Time limited by the laid Aft, or for not doing thereof according to the Direftions of the faid Aft, and v/ho are mentioned in the Report from a Committee of the Commons appointed to feparate the Petitions relating to the faid Irifi Forfeitures, to enter his, her and their refpeftive Claims before the faid Truflees, or any feven or more of them, in Manner and within the Time aforefaid ; and the faid refpeftive Claims being io entred, fliall be heard, adjudged and determined by the faid Truftees, according to the Direftion of the faid Aft; any thing in the faid former Aft to the contrary thereof in any v»'ifc notwithftanding. ' XXXII. And whereas feveral Perfons have exhibited Petitions to the Houfe of Commons for Relief in ' divers Matters relr.ting to an A£t of Parliament made in the eleventh and twelfth Years of his prefent ' Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A£i for grar.ting an Aid to his Majejh by Sale of the forfitcd and other ' Eftates and Inierejls in Ireland, and by a Land Tax in England, far the feveral Purpofes therein mentioned, ' which faid Petitions have been by them referred to Sir Menry Sheers Knight, Francis Annefcy, and fohn ' Trenchard, Efquires, three of the Truftees in the faid Aft mentioned ; and Reports have been thereupon ' made : And whereas it was refolved by the faid Houfe, that the faid Petitions (except fuch Cafes as are ' certified under the Hands of the twelve Truftees, and except fuch of the faid Petitions as the Jrijh Tru-

  • ilees in Engiind have certified the Matter of Faft to be true) be referred to the Truftees in Ireland to

' examine Comm'flioners, &c. may com- pound with Cul- leiStors of Exiife, Salt, &c. who have failed. Monies due to the four Marine Regiments to be difcharged. Hellen Arthur, Widow, may en- ter her Claim be- fore the Truftees in Ireland, ap- pointed by 1 1 5: 12 V. 3. C. 2, The like to any other Perfon, who hath prayed Relief, &c. 11 & 32 W. 3, C, Z.