A. D. 1702, Anno primo Ann^ Reglnae. Stat. 2. C. 22. 129 V. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Writings, Matters, and Things (in AIlWtitings,&c. rcfpciS whereof any of the faid Duties (hall be payable, and which fhall be ingrofleJ or written, after the to be written ci- faid five and twentieth Day of y^/(7^•(^/; one thoufand fcven hundred and three) flial! be written in fuch ^|^°" '^"'^'^ planner, that fome Part thereof fhall be either upon, or as near as conveniently may be to the Stamps or ° ' "'"P Marks, which fliall (in purfuance of the faid Afts, or any of them) be placed on the Vellum, Parch- ment, or Paper, whereupon the fame fhall be written or ingroffed, upon Pain that the Perfon who fliall Penalty, write or ingrofs or caufe to be written or ingroffed, any fuch Writing, Matter, or Thing, contrary to the Tenor and true Meaning hereof, fiiall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds, with full Cofts of Suit. VI. And it is hereby further enaftcd by the Authority aforefaid. That the one Moiety of all the pecu- Penalties how to niary Forfeitures, Pains, and Penalties herein before mentioned, fhall be to her ITajefty, her Heirs and t'=<lpofe<l of- SuccefTors, and the other Moiety, with full Cofts of Suit, fhall be to any Perfon or Perfojis who fhall in- form, and fue for the fame, or any of them, in any Court of Record, by Aiifion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Information, wherein no Efibin, Protedlion, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. ' VII. And whereas fome Doubts have arifen touching the Allowances, which, by Virtue of the faid ' former A£ls, ought to be made for prefent Payment of the faid Duties;' Be it therefore declared and .enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the firft Day of March one thoufand feven Allowance m hundred and two,, there fhall be allowed and paid to every Perfon, who fliall at any one Time bring to P':^'^"' I'ayment be ftamped, or buy of the faid Commi.Tioners Paper or Parchment, the Duties whereof fhall amount to ° ten Pounds or upward, after the Rate of fix Pounds in the hundred Pounds per Annum., for fix Mouths, upon the prefent Payment of the faid Duties, at the head Oifice in London or JFeJhninfter., and not otherwife, nor any other Allowance; any thing in the faid former A£ts contained to the contrary notwithflanding. VIII. And to the end the faid Duties upon Vellum, Parchment and Paper, and all Matters incident thereunto, may be fully and duly anfwered and accounted for, be it further enacted by the Authority afortfaid. That the Comptroller and Accountant General of the faid Duties, for the Time being, fhall ^""'P^""^ °' annually pals a general Account in the Court o's Exchequer, of the grofs Produce of all the faid Duties : '^fs'^nannu,! In which x'^.ccoiint there fnall be charged all the Monies becomiing due to her Majefty, her Heirs or Sue- Accomi^t"o'f"^he cefTors, for all the Stamps or Marks, which fhall be impreiTed or put upon any Vellum, Parchment, or grofs Produce Paper, diftinguifhing thofe for which ready Money is or fliall be paid at the Head Office for the faid Du- thereof, &c. ties in London, from thofe which fliall be delivered over to ba otherwife fold or diftributed, and all the ^"°"j' °" '" Monies which fhall arife to her Majefty, her Heirs or SucceiTors, for Penalties relating to the faid Duties, ""^ ^' ' and all the Monies which fhall be paid by the Regifters of either of the two Univerfities, or by any OlS- cers of the Law, or others, for Entries made in Books, where the Duty ought to be paid for every Entry therein, and all the Monies arifing for Vellum, Parchment and Paper, which fhall be delivered out by the Commiffioners of the faid Duties, or by their Order, for the better accommodating her Majefty's Sub- jefts, fo that the Profits arifing thereby, and the Kinds and Quantities fo delivered out, may plainly ap-. pear in every fuch Account; and all the Monies which fliall be fecured by any Bonds taken for the faid Duties, or any Part thereof, and all other Monies, Matters, and Things whatfoever, which ought to iae charged in a general or grofs Account, for the faid Duties, within the Time for which every fuch annual Account ought to be made; and in the Difcharge of every fuch general Account, there fhall be compre- What fliall be hended all the Monies which fhall appear to have been duly paid or anfwered by the Receiver General of f '""P^'"'^'^'^ the faid Duties, within the Tim.e of every fuch Account, and all other Salaries and incident Charges!-" P^^'^"^^^ a which fhall be duly allowed in or for the Management of the faid Revenues, and all the Difcounts for count^""^ prompt Payments, which fhall be duly made out of the faid Duties, and all the Monies which fliall be aftually paid for Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, bought or prov'ded by the faid Commiffioners or their Order, for accommodating her Majefty's Subjefts, fo that the Kinds and Quantities of all the Vellum, Parchment and Paper fo provided, may alfo plainly appear in every fuch Account, and all other Matters and l~hings, which by the Courfe of the Exchequer ought to be difcharged in an Account of this Nature. IX. And it is hereby enafted. That all the Debts and Arrears of the faid Duties, which at the End Debts and Ar- cf every fuch Account ought to he charged upon any Receivers, Diftributors or others, fliall be duly fet "=•" to be fet infiiper, upon the feveral Perfons chargeable therewith, to the End the fame may be recovered by the or- '"'"'■'?='■• dinary Procefs of the faid Court, unlefs the Lord Treafurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall fee Caufe to ftay the faid Procefs, againft the faid Perfons, or any of them, for givinp- them Time to pay or anfwer fuch Debts or Arrears, or any of them, and to be difcharged thereof in any fubfequent Account of fuch Com.ptroller and Accountant General, according to the due Courfe of the faid Court. X. And it is hereby alfo enaiSed, That the Stocks of Vellum, Parchment and Paper, flamped or un- Stocks of VeU ftamped, which at the End of every fuch Account ought to remain in her Majefty's Warehoufes, or ""^^' "^^^P' elfwhere, fhall alfo be fet down and expreffed at the Foot of every fuch Account; and that the firft of o^ ""'^^mpt to the fiid general and annual Accounts fhall be for the Year to end on the firft Day oi Auguft one theFoot'o"ruih thoufand feven hundred and three, and fhall be delivered by the faid Comptroller and Accountaiit Ge- Account. neral to the Auditors of her Majefty's Imprefts and other Accounts, before the five end twentieth Day When anmwl of December one thoufand feven hundred and three, and fhall be fworn to by him to the heft of his Know- -^'^'^"""'s fli.ii) ledge, and be followed and profecuted by him in fuch Manner, that the fame fliall not, by his Ne- '^'^'■'"'"^'*' gligence or Default, remain unfiniflied in the Court o^ Exchequer, beyond the firft Day of May one thou- land feven hundred and four; and that every fubfequent annual Account fliail in like Rdanner terminate ■ Vol. IV. S