A. D. 1703. Anno fecundo & tertio ANNÆ Reginæ. C. 16, 17. 157 ' Payments, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum, to be fubject neverthelefs to be redeemed, on Payment of a Moiety of the principal Sums mentioned in the faid refpedtive Letters Patent, : And whereaj ' by an A6t of Parliament made in the firft Year of tlie Reign of her prefent Majefty, intituled, Jn A6i i Annae, flat, i, ' for the better Support of her Majejlfs Houjhold, and of the Honour and Dignity of the Crown, it is (amongft'- ?• , ' other Things) enaded, That from and after the Expiration of the Term of five Years therein mention- ' ed, fo much Money as, together with the faid Payments, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per ' Annum, fhould make up the Sum of three thoufand feven hundred Pounds for every Week, during her ' Majefty's Life, iliould and might be taken out of the faid Hereditary Duties of Excife, and out of the ' Duties of Excife thereby granted for her Majefty's Life, and either or any of them ; and the faid Pay- ' ments, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, being deduced out of the Hereditary Part ' thereof, the Refidue of the faid three thoufand feven hundred Pounds a Week fnould be applied and ' difpofed of to and for the publick Ufe and Service : And whereas by an Act of this prefent Seflion of ' Parliament, intituled. An A£i for granting an Aid to her Majef.y for carrying on the War, and other her ^ ^ 'i ^'^' ' Alaje/h's Occaftons, by felling Annuities at Jeveral Rates, and for fuch refpeSiive Terms and EJiates, as are'^'^' ' therein mentioned; It is (amongft other Things) enafted. That from and after the five and twentieth ' Day oi December in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and five, the faid full, clear, and
- entire weekly Sum of three thoufand feven hundred Pounds out of all the Monies ariiing by the
' (aid Hereditary Duties of Excife, and by the faid Duties of Excife payable during. her Majefty's Life, ' and by every and any of them, according to the Tenour and Direftion of the AiSt of Parliament ' above recited in that Behalf; and from and after her Majefty's Deceafe, then the like, full, clear, ' entire, and weekly Sum of three thoufand feven hundred Pounds, of lawful Englifh Money, out of ' all the Monies to arife by the faid Hereditary Duties of Excife, and every or any of them, from Time ' to Time for ever, fhall be brought and paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer ; and that out of the
- Monies of the fatd Hereditary Duties of Excife, arifing in or by fuch weekly Payments at the Exche-
- quer, as aforefaid, the faid annual Sums, after the Rgte of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, pre-
' fcribed by the faid Aft, made in the Parliament holden in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late * ' Majefty King William the Third, fhall be fatisfied and paid, according to the Direftions therein i»w. 3. c. 12. ' contained, and fubjeft to the Power of Redemption therein mentioned, as by tiie faid feveral A£ts, Re- 'ThefeAnnai- ' lation being thereunto had, more at large may appear :' Now for the better and more regular pay- ^^ ,""heSouth ing and affigning the faid . Annuities, after the Rate of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, be it sea Stock.' enadted, ISc, 6G«>. 1.0,4. " Auditor to certify to the Lord Treafurer the Names of Perfons intitled to Annuities at 3 /. per Centmn " per Annum. Eveiy Perfon to have a Warrant for Payment. Payments to be made quarterly. Orders " to be figned by the Lord Treafurer, &c. Annuities may be affigned or devifed, and not revocable, fo " as Entry be made thereof. Annuities free from Taxes, and to be as a perfonal Eftate, and not defcend- " able to Heir. Officers in the- Exchequer to take z^. in the Pound. Perfons "intitled to Annuities in •*' Right of their Wives, not to difpofe of fuch Annuities, unlefs the Wife be a Party to the Alignment. " Divers Annuities may be comprehended in one Order, and reduced into one Yearly Sum." CAP. XVI. An Act for the Difcharge out of Prifon fuch Infolvent Debtors as fhall ferve or procure a Perfon to ferve, 1 AnnE,flat. x. in her Majefty's Fleet or Army. Juftices of Peace, on Petition of poor Prifoners for Debt, may fum-"^-.^;- mon the Creditors before them, and alfo the Gaoler. Prifoner to take an Oath. Creditor to shew^^^' caufe why Prifoner fhould not be difcharged. In cafe Prifoner be detained. Creditor to allow him Ad. per Day, and if no Eftate appear in three Months, Juftices may difcharge the Perfon of Prifoner, buc the Debt not thereby difcharged, and Judgment againft Prifoners Lands, i^c. to ftand good. Perfons difcharged, and again arrefted, on {hewing a Duplicate of their Difcharge fhall again be difcharged. Perfon of Prifoner for ever free. Penalty on Sheriff, i^c. difobeying Juftices Summons. Prifoners be- fore Difcharge fhall declare on Oath what Effects or Debts are belonging to them. A Schedule thereof to be made. Creditors may fue for fuch Debts in Prifoner's Name. Perfons difcharged, freed from Chamber Rent and Gaoler's Fees, &c. Prifoners Wearing Apparel, Tools in Trade, not liable to Attachment. No Perfon to be difcharged who is indebted more than 100 l. to one Perfon : Nor from his Imprifonment, unlefs he lift himfelf in the Queen's Service, or procure one in his Stead. Penalty on Perfons convicted of wilful Perjury.
C A P. XVII. An Act for the better charging feveral Accountants with Intereft Monies by them received and to be received. Whereas by an Act of the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the 12 w. 3. c. u, ines, or Spirits of the firft Ex-/«- ^8. --- , ifion is made, that the refpeftive •^■^^" Treasurers of the Navy, and Paymafters of the Land Forces, and the Officers in the fubordinate Offices ' therein mentioned, fliould be chargeable with the Intereft/Monies by them or their Agents refpedively t received upon. Tallies and Orders for Monies imprefted to them feverally, during the late War againft ' France,