A. 0.1705. Anno quarto Annje Reginae. C. 6. 191 force, for governing, managing, raifing, levying, fecuring, collcftiag,. receiving, paying, and account- ing for the Duties upon Coals, Culm, and Cynders, by the faid former AcSls granted or continued, du- ring the faid feveral Terms therein mentioned, fliall be and are by force and virtue of this prefcnt Acl revived, and fhall be in full force, and be duly obferved, praftifed, and put in Execution, in and for the governing, managing, raifing, levying, fecuring, colkdiing, receiving, paying, and accounting for the Duties upon Coals, Culrn, and Cynders by this AiS granted, for and during the Term hereby granted of and in the fame, and all Arrearages thereof, as fully and cfFeftually, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame Powers, Authorities, Rules, Dire^Stions, Pcnaltjes and Forfeitures, Claufcs, Matters and Things, were again cxprelTed, and particularly repeated and re-sna6led in the Body of this prefent Aft. ' VI. And whereas in and by a certain AQ: of Parliament made in the fifth Year of the Reign of their 5 & 6 W. & ' late Majeflies King ' ^illiam and Qiieen Mary, (intituled, An A£i f»r granting to their Majeftu's^- ."i- T- „ ' certain Ratt's and Duties upon Salt, and upon Beer, Ale, and otljer Liquors, for fecuring certain Reconipcnces ^^^' ^^^_ ^^ ^^ ' and Advantages in the faid Act mentioned, to fucb Perfons as fliall voluntarily advance the Sum of ten hundred paid from 17 ' ihoifand Pounds, totuards carrying on the JVar againji Francs) certain Rates and Duties of Excife therein Mav 1713, du- ' ninety-feven, and feveral Annuities therein mentioned, were thereby made payable to fuch Perfons the Aggregate ' as fhould contribute Monies upon the .fame AiSt, their Executors, Adminillrators and Afligns refpec- F""-' ' tively, out of the Fund thereby provided, and charged upon the Duties of Salt and the faid Duties ' of Excife, thereby granted for a certain Term of fixteen Years, which will expire at the Feafl of ' St. Aiichael the Archangel, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten,
- or at the End of twenty Days then next enfuing, as by the Adl lad b;fore recited (Relation being
' thereunto had) may more fully appear :' Now her Majelty's faid dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Com- mons in Parliament affembled, do likevvife humbly befeech your Majefty that it may be enabled ; and be it enatled by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the feventeenth Day of May, which flaall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, there fhall be within and throughout her Majcfty's Kingdom of England, Dominion of IFales, and Town of Eertviek upon Tvjeed, raifed, le- vied, collected, and paid unto her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for and during the Space and •'Term of ninety-five Years, from thence next and immediately cnfuiiig, and fully to be compleat and ended, for Beer, Ale, Cyder, and other Liquors herein after exprelTed, by way of Excife, over and above all Duties, Charges and Impofitions, by any former Aft or Afts of Parliament fet or impofed, the feveral ■; Rates and Duties of Excife herein after exprefled : (That is to fay) VII. For every Barrel of Beer or Ale above fix Shillings the Barrel, exclufive of the Duty of Excife, For every Barrel brev/ed by the common Brewer, or any other f erfon or Perfons, who doth or flial! fsll or tap out Beer °^ Keer or Ale •'or Ale pubiickly or privately, to be paid by the common Brewer, or by fuch other Perfon or Perfons re- ai'O'e^Ss.jExcU^c ' fpeftively, and fo proportionably for a greater or leffer Qiiantity, over and above the Duties payable for " "'"^'■' 5 the fame, nine Pence. VIII. For every Barrel of Beer or Ale of fix Shillings the Barrel, or under, brewed by the common Every Barrel, Bre^w'cr, or any other Perfon or Perfons, who fhall fell or tap out Beer or Ale pubiickly or privately, to &e. of 6s. or be paid by the common Brewer, or by fuch other Perfon or Perfons refpeftively as aforefaid, and fo pro- """> S*^- portionably for a greater or leffer Qiiantity, over and above the Dudes payable for the fame, three Pence. , _ __ _ _ _ ^ r, ( ■ IX. For every Barrel of Vinegar, or Vinegar Beer, or Liquors preparing for Vinegar, which fhall be ^'^'°'^'"^" brewed or made of any Englifli or foreign Materials, by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, for Sale, and vinegar iTiader fo in proportion for a greater or leffer Qiiantity (over and above the other Duties of Excife payable for pickk-s for Sale, the fame) two Shillings and four Pence, to be paid by the Maker thereof. ' is to pay Duty. X. For every Barrel of Beer, Ale or Mum imported from beyond the Seas, or from the Iflands of ^'^""■'^' "^ 7--4' Giicrnfey or Jerjey, and fo proportionably for a greater or leifer Quantity, to be paid b^ the Importers be- p " fj '^"™' fore landing, over and above tlie Duties payable for the fame, three Shillings. imported,' .js!' XI. For every Tun of Cyder or Perry imported from beyond the Seas, and fo proportionably for a Cyder, &c. im- ' ■ greater or leffer Qiiantity, to be paid by the Importer before landing, over and above the Duties payabje ported, 4I. per 1 ■ for the fame, four Pounds. • J^un. XII. For e-very Gallon of fingle Brandy, Spirits or Aqua Vita:, imported from beyond the Seas, ^'"^^jj.^^""^' _ to be paid by the Importer before landing, over and above the Duties payable for the fame, two Shil- ported^ as! peT lings. Gallon. XIII. For every Gallon of Brandy, Spirits or Aqua Vitcs, above Proof, comm^only called double Brandy, Spirits, Brandy, imported from beyond the Seas, to be paid by the Importer before landing, over and above the &<;• above Proot, Duties payable for the fame, foiir Shillings. pTi^cliion^^' XIV. For all Cycler and Perry made and fold by Retail, upon every Plogfhead, to be paid by the Re- cyder, &c.' fold taller thereof, over and above the Duties payable for the fame, and fo proportionaljly for a greater or hy Ret.iil, to.pay leffer Meafure, one Shilling and three Pence. is. ^d. per XV. For all Methr-glin or Mead made for Sale, whether by Retail or otherwffe, to be paid by the ^°f *;','!'• Maker, for every Gallon, three Pence. = ,"'" p^fQ2i]„'^' XVI. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid feveral R;ites, Duties and Irnpofi- Duties on Beer,' tions upon Beer, Ale, Cyder, and other Liquors aforefaid, and all Arrearages thereof, be raifed, levied, Ale, &c. how cclleftcd, and paid unto her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffcrs^ during the faid Space and Term of '="ed. ilinety-iive