Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/262

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BXP. 6t^ zny tVrfie tffmqre of tJie C'ommiflioriers for executing the Office of" I>ord Hi^ Admiral of Etipfdnd for tfre'Time being, fliall from Time to Time give Notice to the fald Company of Watermen, there fliall be Occafioh for to ferve her Majefty, her Heirs ahd Succeflbrs, (being duly fujrtmoned by leaving Notice in Writing at the Place of their ufual Abode by the Company ) within ten Days after fuch Summons fhall not appear before the Rulers of the faid Wacermens Company, to be fent on board her Majefty's Fleet fuch Perfoii orPerfons fp furnmbned^ knd being duly cpnvifted before the Lord Mayor and Court of Al- dermen of the City of London, or two Juftices of the iPeace of the faid City, and two of the laid Rulers" that then he or they fo doing and offendihg, fhall fufier Imprifbritfient during the Space of one Month* and be difabled from rqwine;, or workihg.upon the faid River qiXhameSy and of enjpying any the Advan- tages 6r Privileges of the faid Company for the Spifce of two Years. ' ;-- ; - XP. *'• Infolvrent Dfebtbrs ivho fliall before th^ firft of Maj/ 1766. furrender their Effefts to the Ufe of their" . p .. " Creditors ; and talre an Oath ; and enter themfelves on board the Navy to ferve during the War • to be m'coZnn^" " difcharged frojii all I>ebts, &c. Any three Juftices may go to any Prifbn,' and examine what Prifoners Stamen^ 2 ^'^^ *" ^°^ Debt, rtot exceeding 60/. and grant their Warrant for fuch who are able to ferve, to be ferit lovtf™. e. 17. on board the Fleet. None to have benefit of Aft, unlefs he continue in the Service during this War: »C«. 1.^.15. " Nor be difcharged out of Prifon if indebted more than 60/. Dilchairge of Priforier, hot to difcharo** aG«.2.<:.7 «' his Debt, tff." ^ er 36. 6Gee.l.c.^s^f^1S. 8 Cm. i.e. 19. liCco. I,(. 30. 13 G«, «. f. 3 efii'7. l^Gu.s.c.itl l8G».t. f. 31. zo Ga.z.c. it. zxGu.i t tt 34 Ga. ». c. 47. <i»rf 31 Go. ». «. »o. ' • 5" C A P. XX. All A(St for the better enabling the Matter, Wardens, and Affiftants of Trimty Houfej to rebuild

. ,f i^.-, the Light Houle on the £<§j/?pwRockf;
  • T T THEREAS in and by one Aft of Parliarnent made in the eighth Year of the Reign of bur late

SElia. C.13. • W Sovereign hzdy Quetn 'EhiZABt.TH, mthuledy An J^ to enabk tbe Mq/ier, fFardens, and J^r~

  • /(»;7fj ^/'Trinity Houfe (J/ T)?Pfford Strond, to ereB Sea Marks, &c. They the faid Maftfer, Wardens
  • and Affiftants are impowered to ereft and fet up Beacons, Marks, and Signs for the Sea, needful fora-
  • voiding the Dangers, and to renew, continue, and maintain the fame, in fuch Manner as in the faid
  • A,ft is mentioned : hnA whereas there now is, and Time out ofMihd hath been, a very dangerous

Xdjltene Rock. ' Rock, called the Edyjlone, lying off oi Plymouth in the County oi D^von, upon which divers Ships and ' Veflels have been caft away, and the Lives and Goods of many Subjefts of this Kingdom loft and de- ' ftroyed : Ahd whereas upon Application foihe Time firice made to the faid Mafter, Wardens and Af- ' fiftants, by great Numbers of Matters and Owners of Shipping, to have a Light Houfe erefted'upon the ' faid Rock, offering and agreeing, in Confideration of the great Charge, Difficulty, and Hazard of fuch

  • an Undertaking, to pay to the faid Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants, one Penny per Tun outwards
  • and the like ii^wards^ for all Ships and Veffels which fliould pafs by fuch Light Houfe (Coafters except*
  • ed, who ftiould pay twelve Pence only for each Voyage;) they the faid Mafter, Wardens, and Affif-
    tants, having a due Regard to the Safety and Prefervation of the Shijjping ahd Navigation of this King-
  • dorn, did in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred nihety-hx, caufe a Light Houfe to be begun
  • to ble erefted on the faid Rock, and in three Years Tihie a Light was placed therein ; arid the faid

' Light Houfe in the Term of five Years was^ with much Hazard and Difficulty, and a very great Ex-

  • pence, fully built and compleated, to the great Satisfaftion of the Flag Officers and Commanders of the
  • Fleet and Ships of War, and of all others concerned in Trade and Navigation, the fame being not only

' ufeful for avoiding that dangerous Rock upon which it wa^ built, but alfo a Guide and Direftiori to

  • Ships paffing through the Channel froin and to all Parts of the World : And whereas the faid Light
  • Houfe was preferved and kept up for feveral Years, notwithftanding thfe great ForCe and Violence of
  • the Wind and Sea, (to which it was expofed) uhtil the late dreadful Storm in A/«w»z^^r one thoufand
  • feven hundred and three, when the fame was blown down arid deftroyed : And whereas it was found by
  • EjJperience, That the faid Light Houfe (during the ftanding thereof ) was of publick Ufe arid Benefit to

' this Kingdom, a Means to preferve her Majefty's Ships of War, and the Shipping, Lives, and Eftates f of her Subjefts, and was ufeful and beneficial to Navigation ; and forafmuch as the fpeedy rebuilding

  • the faid Light Houfe is abfolutely neceffary for avoiding the Dangers attending the Navigation and

' Trade of this Kingdom, and in Regard the fame js a Work of great Charge, mzard, and Expence,

  • and all due and proper Encouragement ought to be given thereunto ; to the end therefore that the laid

' Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants, may be iehcouraged to new 'ereft arid build. Or caufe to be new erefted

  • and built, the faid Light Houfe, with all convenient Speed, and Conftantly to keep arid maintain the

f R. • fame for the Benefit of the Navigation and Trade of this Kirigdomj' Be it enafted, &c. Expbinci and « Mafter, Wardens, and Affiftants of Trinity Houfe, to nevf ereft a Light Houfe on the Edyfltne RocTt. tnfomdby 8 « Duties to be paid by all Ships, i^c. paffing by the fame, viz. All EngVijh Ships which fhall pafs by lea!*'.'" " !^^ '^'^ Light Houfe (except Coafters) one Penny fer Tun dutvi'ard bound, and one Penny *fr Tun " inward bound, of the Merchant one Moiety, and of the Owner the other Moiety j arid Aliens Ships

  • ' two Pence per Ton ; and every Coafter, two Shillings, for each Tirtie." *