Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/273

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A. D. 1706. Anno quinto Ann^ Reglnaeli C. 4. 221 forth to ceafe and determine, one Annuity or yearly Penfion of five thoufand Pounds of lawful Money 5000 1. per An- of England, (hall be iffuing and payable out of, and charged and chargeable upon all the Revenues and num to be paid Monies arifing, due and payable, or vrhich fhall arife, grow due, or be payable by virtue or in purfuance outof thePoft of an k€t of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her Majefty's Royal Uncle King "' ' Charles the Second, of bleffed Memory, intituled, An Ail for evening and Ejhbli/lylng a Poji Office, or nCar. i.e. 35.. by virtue, or in purfuance of ^ny other AiSt or A£l:s of Parliament what Ibever, for eftabliftiing, vefting, •or fettling the Revenue of the General Letter Office, or Poft Office, or Office of Poft Mafter General in the Crown, or any other A£t or A6ts of Parliament relating to the faid Office or Revenue : And the fame quarterly, ihall from time to Time be paid quarterly, at the four moft ufual Feafts, or Days of Payment in the Year, (that lis to fay) the Arknunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary, the Nativity of Saint John the Baptiflr, the Feaft of Saint Michael the Archangel, and the Feaft of the Birth of our Lord Chrilt, in Manner and Form following, (that is to fay) to the faid Duke oi Marlborough, for and during the Term of his totheDuke, &,?. natural Life, and from and after his Deceafe to Sarah Duchefs o'i Marlborough, Wife of the faid Duke, andallothers,&c. for and during the Term of her natural Life ; and from and after her Deceafe, to the Heirs Male of the '"*' '^"^T^ftj'";' Body of the faid Duke oi Marlborough begotten; and for Default of fuch Iffue, to all and every the ^"^j^'j^j^i^jj^"/ Daughters of the faid Duke of Marlborough, and the Heirs Male of their refpeitlve Bodies iffuing, and to all others faverally and fucceffively, in fuch Manner as the faid Titles, Honours, and Dig- nities aforefaid, are by the faid Adl made in this prefent Seffion of Parliam.ent, expreffed and limited to go and be eajoyed. If. And be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Annuity, or yearly Penfion of How and by five thoufand Pounds hereby enadted to be paid, as aforefaid, fhall be paid by the immediate Hands of ail whom the faid •and every the Commiffioners, Pdft Mailers, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers, and Collectors for the ^"°"">"*'"'* Timeibeing of the faid Revenues refpeftively, by Authority of this Aft, without any further or other ^*' ' Warrant, Order, or Direction to be obtained for that Purpofe, and without any Fees or Charges to be demanded or taken for paying the fame, or any Part thereof, unto the iiiidi John T)xikQ oi Marlborough, and to all others faverally and fucceffively to whom the fame fhall, after the Deceafe of the faid Duke, come, defcend, remain, or belong by virtue of this Aft, when and as they fhall fefpeftively become en- titled to receive the fame, at the aforefaid four moil ufual Feafts or Days of Payment in the Year; the firft of the faid Payments to be made on the Feaft of the Annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary now next enfuing, and the Payment of the faid Annuity, or yearly Penfion of five thoufand Pounds herein before enafted to he paid, as aforefaid, fhall not at any Time hereafter be flopped or delayed by any Order or Direftion whatfoever: And if the faid Commiffioners, Poft Mafters, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers, and Colleftors for the Time being of the faiid Revenues, or any of them fhall refufe or negleft to pay the faid Annuity, or yearly Penfion of five thoufand Pounds hereby enafted to be paid, as aforefaid, or any Part thereof, to the faid Duke of Marlborough, or any other Perfon to whom the fame after the Deceafe of the faid Duke fhall come, defcend, remain, or belong, by virtue of this Aft, rthen the faid Duke and every other Perfon refpeftively, being intituled to receive the fame, as aforefaid, may fue, profecute, and ■implead the faid Commiffioners,, Poft Mafters, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers General, and ColleftorSj >or any of tliem, and all or any of their Securities, Heirs, Executors, and Adminiftrators, by Bill, Plaint, or Aftion of Debt, and fliall and may recover Judgments, and fue out Executions thereupon, againft .the faid Commiffioners, Poft Mafters, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers, and Colleftors refpeftively, and .:their refpeftive Securities, Heirs, Executors, and Adminiftrators, for fuch Sum and Sums of Money theji idue and owing upon the faid Annuity or yearly Penfion, as fliall be in the Hands of the faid Commiffion- .ers, Foft Mafters, Farmers, Treafurers, Receivers, and Colleftors refpeftively of the faid Revenue, at the Time when Demand fhall be made of the Payment of the faid Annuity or yearly Penfion, or any Part thereof, or of any Arrears thereof. in. And 'tis hereby further enafted, That the Acquittance or Acquittances of the faid Duke, Duke's Ac^rt- and of every other Perfon to vv^hom the fiid Annuity or yearly Penfion of five thoufand Pounds, J?""* '^"^"'"^ after the Deceafe of the faid Duke, fhall come, defcend, remain, or belong, by virtue of this Aft, ^"'=*?S«. (cxpreffing the .Receipt of any Sum or Sums of Money in purfuance of this Aft, fhall be a good and fufficient Voucher and difcharge for the Payment thereof, and every fuch Payment fliall be allowed upon the refpeftive Account and Accounts of the aforefaid Officer and Officers, Perfon or Perfons pay- .jng the fame, without .any further or other Warrant or Authority y/hatfoever to, be had or obtained for that Purpofe, IV, Provided always, and- be, it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That neither the faid Duke Neither theDuke ■Xii Marlborough, or. any other Perfon to whom the faid Annuity or yearly Penfion of five thoufand Pounds ^°^ *"" J*"' hereby enafted to be .paid, as aforefaid, fhall come, defcend, remain, or belong, by virtue of .the Liml- fn*!^ p„f^^^" tations aforefaid, fhall have Power by any Aft, Affurance or Conveyance in the Law whatfoever, to whom the An- hinder, bar, or difinherit any. the Perfon or Perfons, to whom the faid Annuity or yearly Penfion is by nuity is limited virtue of this Aft limited or appointed to come, defcend or remain, from holding, enjoying receiving, or ^"'^ receiving staking the. fame according to the 'Limitations ..thereof made by this Aft, tut that every. fuch Aft, Affurance. ^^ '^'"'• or Conveyance, (hall be, and is hereby declared and enafted to be .void. V. "Provided always, That nothing in this prefent Aft contained, fhall extend, or be'conftrued to'N'ot tapreju'dicfi 4:ake awav, interrupt or prejudice the Payment, of any Annuity, Penfion, or yearly Sum of Money v/hat- •!"-= Payment of ^granted der

live thoufand Pounds ^graaled by the faid .Letters Patents, .•bearing Date .the and .twentieth r3ay o'f