Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/295

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A. D. i7o6« Anno quinto Ann^ Reginae. C. 19. 243 good, paying and fatisfying the quarterly Payments of all and every, or any the Annuities to be purchafed by virtue of this A6t, during the whole Term of ninety-nine Years by this A6t intended to be granted of and in fuch Annuities refpedively. X. And for the better fecuring the quarterly Payments which fliall grow due on or before Michaelmas ^^oool.rtrerv. one thoufand feven hundred and ten, upon the Annuities to be purchafed in purfuance of this Aft, Be it ed for quarterly enafled by the Authority aforefaid, that the faid Sum not exceeding thirty-five thoufand Pounds, Part of f^.y^^"" "'1 the Contribution Monies to be raifed by Sale of Annuities upon this A&, or fo much thereof as (hall be 'l^^^ fufRcient in this Behalf, ftiall and may be referved and applied for and towards the difcharging the quarterly Payments laft-mentioned. ' XI. And whereas by and in purfuance of feveral former Adls of Parliament, fundry other Annuities Sundry Annui- ' payable at the Receipt of Exchequer have been purchafed, and are charged upon the feveral other t'" P^chafed

  • Branches of the publick Revenues or Funds herein after particularly expreffed, which Revenues or arged,&c.

Funds do alfo annually produce more than fufficient to difcharge the fiiid Annuities charged thereupon an A(ft of the fourth Year of their Reign, for the Term of ninety-nine Years theren imentionad, and , ' are liable to the Payment of feveral Annuities, with Benefit of Survivorfhip, and other Annuities ; the

  • Overplus of which Rates and Duties hath beeji, and is to be computed on the four and twentieth Day ot

' June yearly : The Rates and Duties of Excife which were granted to their faid late Majefties, tiieir ' Heirs and bucceffors for 'ever, by an A(5l of the fifth Year of their Majefties Reign ; the Overplus whereof ' hath been and is to be computed as followeth, that is to fay. As to five feventh Parts thereof (being ap- ' propriated to make good the Fund of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England) the fame ' have been and are to be computed on the firflDay ofjrin; yearly ; and as to the other two feventh Parts

  • thereof, being for Payment of feveral other Annuities, the fame have been and are to be computed on

' the five and twentieth Day of March yearly : The Rates and Duties of Excife which were granted to ' their faid late Majefties by another A<51 of the fifth Year of their Reign, for the Term of fixteen Years, 5W. &M. c. 7.

  • for Payment of the Lottery Annuities therein mentioned ; the Overplus whereof, when the fame fhall
  • arife, is to be computed on the five and tvifentieth Day of Alarch yearly : And the particular Rates and
  • Duties upon Salt, and the particular Duties upon Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, which were

'granted to' his faid late Majefty King V/illiam, his Heirs and Succeffors by feveral Acls of the ninth 9 ^ 'o w. 3, ' Year of his Reign, and are charged with feveral Annuities amounting to one hundred and fixty thoufand ■^■^5-

  • Pounds /).r Annu77i to the Companies or Perfons entitled to the Trade to the Eaft Indies ; the Overplus '° ' ^'

■* of which feveral Rates and Duties laft mentioned hath been and is to be computed on the nine and twen- ' tieth Day of September yearly :' Now it is hereby further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That the ^°^^ Treafurer, Lord High Treafurer of England, or any three or more of the Commiflloners of the Treafury for the f ^e Vc ' Time being, fhall from time to time caufe all the faid Overplus Monies of the faid feveral Rates, Duties, ' and Funds fo charged with the faid Annuities, formerly purchafed, as aforefaid, to be jufHy and duly coirputed at fuch refpe£tive Days and Times as are before mentioned in that Behalf; and after paying or referving fufHcient to pay all the Payments then incurred thereupon refpeftively, the faid Overplus Monies laft-mentioned, fo to be computed at any Day or Time, between the four and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fix, and the thirtieth Day of September one thoufand (even hundred and ten (except the neceffary Charges of paying and accounting for the faid Annuities formerly pur- chafed, as aforefaid) or fo much of the Overplus Monies lafi-mentioned, as fhall be fufiicient for , ^ , this Purpofe, fhall be referved and applied foror towards the making good fuch quarterly Payments of (he quarj"™ the Annuities to bs purchafed on this Aft, as fliall incur or grow due at or before the Feait of Saint Payments on Michael the Archangel, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and ten. this Aa. XIL And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That there fhall be provided and kept in Auditors to keep the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of her Majefty's Exchequer one or more Books, in v^-hich all Books forentnng the Monies of the faid feveral Rates and Duties hereby appointed to be paid in Weekly, as aforefaid, and ?" ^"'"^ r^'"* which fhall be brought to the faid Receipt for that Purpofe, and the faid Sum, not exceeding thirty-five' thoufand Pounds, hereby direfted to be referved out the faid Contribution-money, and alfo the faid Over- plus Monies of the faid former Annuity Funds hereby directed to be computed and applied, as aforefaid, fliall be entred apart and diftinft from all other Monies paid into the faid Receipt on any other Account whatfoever.

Xin. And to the end all the Monies by this Act appropriated for the Pa^rment of the Annuities to be Commffioners,

purchafed on this A£t, may be duly and certainly raifed and brought into the Receipt of the Exchequer ^'^^ "> l": »P- for that Purpofe ; it is hereby further enacted, That from time to time, during the continuance of this 'P'""'* A£t, there (hall be continued or appointed Commiffioners, Receivers General, Comptrollers, Collectors, and other proper OfRcers, for raifing the feveral Rstes and Duties by this AiS intended for the Payment of the Annuities to be purchafed thereupon, and for keeping the Accounts of the fame ; and that the refpective Commiffif/uers or chief Managers thereof, fliall from time to time, weekly, compute and ^"^^ "compute afcertain the Monies of each Branch of the faid Rates and Duties, which ought to be paid into the Ex- '^'^'"^^r' ^nil chequer on every fi'ednejtiay, or on the fiibfequent Day, not being an Holy Day, as aforef.dd ; and that ^uJ™ ^"' all Commiflioners, Receivers General, Comptrollers, Colledlnrs, and other Officers, who a-e or fliall be * concerned in the managing, raifing, levying, receiving, collefting, or paying the fame, or in keeping the Accounts thereof, fhall perform their feveral and refpedtive Duties therein, as to them refpedi'vely ihall appertain, under fuch and the like Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabiiities, for any OiFence or Ne- ■<"» Penalt.'e:. li 2 ^leil '