254 C. 27. . Anno quinto Ann^e Reginae. A. D. 1706. feven hundred and ten, {hall be, and are hereby continued to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflors, Continued to from the laft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and ten to the firft Day oi Augnji one thoufand I Aug. 1717.. {z-zw hundred and twelve, and no longer; and fliall be raifed, levied, collected, and paid, in fuch Man- I AnnE.ftat. I. ^^^. ^^^^ Pomi, and by fuch Ways and Means, and under fuch Penalties as are mentioned in the faid A(5l for granting the faid Impofitions on Whale-fins and Scotch Linens ; which Aft, with all the Powers, The Duty as to Provifoes, Penalties, Articles, and Claufes therein contained, or thereby leferred to, fhall continue and T'f-'^cmthued ^^ ^ f"^' Force, until the faid firft Day ol Augujl one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, and fhall be 'iTs!5TO.T."i3.' applied, praftifed, and put In Execution for raifing and levying the faid Duties on Whale-fins, hereby ami made f'erfe- Continued, and all Arrears thereof as fully and effeftually as if all the Claufes, Matters, and Things tual by 9 Ann. therein contained, concerning the faid Duties on Whale-fins were repeated, and again enadled in the Body '■ *'• of this prefent A£l. i2Car. 2.0.4. ' XI. And whereas the faid Subfidies ofTunnage and Poundage, and the faid other Duties granted ' therewith, in the twelfth Year of King Charles the Second, as aforefaid ; and the faid Impofitions on I Jac. 2. c. 3. ' Wines, Vinegar, and Tobacco, which were firft granted to King James the Second, in the firft Year I Jac. 2. r. 4. ' of his Reign ; and the faid Impofitions on Eajl India Goods, and other Goods charged therewith, which a w. & M. fl. 2. < -^^^xe. firft granted to their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, in the fecond Year of their l'& cW &M. ' Reign ; and the faid additional Impofitions which were firft granted to them in the fourth Year of their c, 5. ' ' ' Reign ; and the faid Duties on Wale-fins imported, which were granted to his faid late Majefty King 5 & loW. 3. ' William, in the ninth Year of his Reign, whereby the faid A£t of the firft Year of her Majefty's <:■ 45- ' Reign, intituled An Aii for making good Deficiencies, and preferving the pullick Credit, contmueA ss ziort- 1 Anns, flat. I. c j-^;^^ ^j^^jj jj^g f^jj ^^^ -p^y ^f Auguji One thoufand feven hundred and ten,_ in the Manner therein men- '^'^ ' tioned ; and the faid Subfidies, Impofitions, and Duties arifing by the faid Aft of the firft Year of her
- Majefty's Reign, are thereby made fubjeft and liable to the Satisfaftion of the Principal and Intereft
Monies therein mentioned, great Part of which Principal Monies do ftill remain unfatisfied, and are
- (together with all the Intereft due, and to grow due thereupon) to be paid and difcharged in the firft
' Place out of the Subfidies, Impofitions, and Duties granted or continued by the Aft laft-mentioned :.' After Principal Now it is hereby further declared and enafted by the Authority aforefaid, Ttiat from and immediatly and inercftMo- after the Time that all the Principal and Intereft Monies, which by the faid Aft of the firft Year of her nies by i Ann^, Majefty's Reign, for making good Deficiencies, and preferving the publick Credit, are charged upon the flat. I- J^- feveral Subfidies Duties, and Impofitions laft-mentioned, fhall be fully paid off and fatisfied, or that fuf- "'^■^^(j^j to Ijf^'ficient Money fhall be referved in the Exchequer for that Purpofe, then the aforefaid Subfidies, Duties, paM"intotheEx- ^^^ Impofitions laft-mentioned, to arife by the faid Aft of the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, for the chequer for Ufes Remainder of the feveral Terms thereby granted, and therein then to come and unexpired (except the in this Aa. neceiTary Charges of raifing, levying, collefting, and accounting for the fame) fhall from time to time be paid into the Receipt of the Exchequer diftinftly, for the Purpofes in this prefent Aft exprelTed, and for no other Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever. ClaufeofLoan XII. Provided alfo, and it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may for eight hundred be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons, Natives, or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to twenty-two advance and lend to her Majefty at the Receipt of her Majefty's Exchequer, as well upon Credit of the fe- thoufand three yej-^l Subfidies, Impofitions, and Duties by this Aft granted or continued, as alfo upon Credit of the cne Poun^df fif- Monies which by the faid Aft of the firft Year of her Majefty's Reign, after Satisfaftion of the Principal teen Shillings and Intereft thereupon, as aforefaid, fhall arife by the Subfidies, Impofitions, and Duties thereby and eight Pence granted, any Sums which fhall not exceed in the whole the Sum of eight hundred twenty-two thoufand Farthing. three hundred eighty-one Pounds fifteen Shillings and fipc Pence Farthing, for the Service of the War, I Annse, ftat. i. ^^^ other her Majefty's Occafions ; and moreover the Lord High Treafurer of England for the Time be-
- ■ ■ ing, or any three or more of the CommifTioners of the Treafury for the Time being, are hereby authorized
See % Ati«. c. 1%. grid direfted to caufe the Officers of the faid Receipt of the Exchequer to receive from time to time by ^" "' way of Loan, from any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, willing to make the fame at the faid Receipt, any further Sum and Sums of Money, over and above the faid Sum of eight hundred twenty- two thoufand three hundred eighty-one Pounds, fifteen Shillings and fix Pence Farthing, as fhall be fuffi- cient to make good the Payment of all the Intereft Monies appointed or allowed by this Aft, every three I Anna, ftat. I. Months, until the faid Subfidies, Impofitions, and Duties arifing by this or the faid Aft of the firft Year «• '3- of her Majefty's Reign, or either of them firft happening, fliall come into the Exchequer, and be fuffi- cient for that Purpofe, purfuant to the Intent and true Meaning of this Aft ; and that all the Lenders, as well of the faid Sum not exceeding eight hundred twenty-two thoufand three hundred eighty- one Pounds fifteen Shillings and fix Pence Farthing, as of the faid further Sums for making good the Payment of the intermediate Intereft as aforefaid, fhall have and receive Intereft for the Forbearance thereof, after the ^t6 per Cent. Rate of fix Pounds ^i?r Centum per Annual; and that no Money to be lent upon the Security of this Aft, Tax-free. fhall be taxed, rated or afTefled by any Aft of Parliament whatfoever. Lenders to have XIII. And it is hereby further enafted. That all and every Perfon or Perfons who IhaU lend any Tallies and Or- Money upon fuch Credits as aforefaid, and pay the fame into the faid Receipt of Exchequer, fhall imme- &^K, Sic. diately have a Talley of Loan ftruck for the fame, and an Order for his, her or their Repaym.ent, bear- ing the fame Date wjth hjs, her, or their Tallies, in or upon which Order fhall be alfo contaiited a Warrant for Payment of Iptereft for the Forbearance thereof at the Rate aforefaid, to be paid every three Months Ufitij the Re-payment of the Principal ; and that all fuch Orders for Repayment of Money to be lent, ihall be regiftred in courfe, according to the Dates refpeftively, without other Preference of one be- fore another ; and that all and every Perfon and Perfons fliall be paid in courie, according as their Orders ihall fiand regiftred ijii the fajd Regifter Books, io as the faid rerfon, Xative ,or Foreigner, iiis or her Executors,