270 5 & 6 W. & M, c. 7. 4 Ann:E, -c. 6. Annafty Aft, 4 Aanae, c. €. j[,AnfliE,c. 15. Annuity Aft, 4 & ,5 W. & M, C.3. jAnns, c, 19. C, 5. Anno fexto Ann^ Reglnae. A. D. 1707. ' fand feven hundred and thirteen; and all the Monies to arife by Virtue of an Afl: of the fifth Year of ' the Reign of their late Majefties King William and Qiieen Mary, of glorious Memory, of or for the Duties of Excife thereby granted, after paying off, or referving fufficient to pay off the Lottery An- ' nuities therein mentioned, together with other Monies mentioned in the faid AiEt of the fourth Year of ' your Majefty's Reign, are appropriated and made liable to the Payment of certain Annuities, purchafed ■' thereupon, not exceeding one hundred eighty-four thoufand two hundred forty-two Pounds and four- ■' teen Shillings ^^r y/«M«TO, for ninety-nine Years, from Lady-day one thoufand feven hundred and fix, ' payable at the Receipt of the Exchequer; which Subfidies, Rates, Duties, and other Funds or Provi- " fions charged by the faid ASt of the fourth Year of your Majefty's Reign, with the Annuities laft men-
- • tioncd, will by Eftimation produce annually a confiderable Sum more than fufHcient to difcharge all thole
- Annuities, and the neceffary Charges of paying and accounting for the fame; and the Overplus Monies
' thereof are fince enafted to be juftly and duly computed at the Feaft of the Annunciation of the Bleffed
- Virgin Mary in every Year, or within fix Days after : And whereas by an Adt of Parliament made in
' England in the fifth Year of your Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Ail for continuing the Duties on Low ' Wines, and Spirits of the firjt Extraiiion., and the Duties payable by Hawkers, Pedlars, and Petty Chapmen, ' and Part of the Duties onfiampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, and the late Duties on Stveets, and the one ■' third Subjidy ofTunnagc and Poundage, and for fettling and ejiablijhing a Fund thereby, atid by the Application ' of certain Overplus Monies, and otherzvife, for Payment of Annuities to be fold, for raifmg a further Supply to, her Majeftyfor the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and feven, and other Ufes therein exprejfed,
- certain Duties upon Low Wines, and Spirits of the firfl: Extra£tion, thereby granted and continued
' from the three and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and ter,, for the Term of ninety-
- fix Years from thence next enfuing, and certain Duties payable by Hawkers, Pedlars, Petty Chapmen,
■* and others therein defcribed, and thereby continued for the like Term of Years; and fuch of the Du-
- ties upon ftampt Vellum Parchment, and Paper, as are therein mentioned, and thereby granted and
- continued for the Term of ninety-fix Years, to commence from the laft Day of July one thoufand feven
- hundred and ten; and the Duties upon Sweets thereby laid for the Term of ninety-nine Years, com-
' mencing from the four and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fix ; and the addi-
- tional Subfidy of Tunnage and Poundage, and other Duties upon Wines, Goods, and Merchandizes,
' which arc commonly called as aforefaid, the one third Subfidy, by the fame Aft granted, and continu- 'ed for one whole Year, commencing from the Expiration of the ninety-eight Years granted therein by ' the faid former AiSl: ; and all the Overplus Monies of the Subfidies, Rates, Duties, and other Funds ' cotained in the faid AiSt of the fourth Year of your Majefty's Reign, after paying, or referving fuffici- ' ent to pay fo much as (hall be incurred or grown due upon the faid Annuities by Virtue of that Adf, at
- or before every Feaft of the Annunciation of the Bleil'ed Virgin Mary refpeftively, the neceffary
- Charges of paying and accounting for the faiiie Annuities purchafed thereupon being excepted, are ap-
- propriated and made liable to the Payment of certain Annuities purchafed upon the laid A&. of the fifth
' Year of your Majefty's Reign, not exceeding in the whole the Sum of feventy-two thoufand one hun- ' dred eighty-feven Pounds ten Shillings per Annum, for ninety-nine Years, fro u the five and twentieth ' Yy?c^ of March one thoufand feven hundred and feven, payable at the faid Receipt of the Exchequer;
- and for the better fecuring the quarterly Payments which fliould grow due at or before Michaelmas one
- thoufand feven hundred and ten, upon the faid Annuities, not exceeding feventy-two thoufand one
- hundred eighty-feven Pounds ten Shillings per Annum, divers other temporary Provifions are made in
- the faid Kdi of the fifth Year of your Majefty's Reign; and thereby it is alfo provided. That if at the
- End of any Year of the faid Term of ninety-nine Years, for which the faid Annuities upon the faid
' Kdi of the fifth Year of your Majefty's Reign were to be purchafed (the firft Computation to be made ^ at Lady-day one thoufand feven hundred and eight, or within fix Days after) the Monies arifing at the ■^ Exchequer within fuch Year by the faid Rates, Duties, Subfidies, Overplus Monies, and other Monies ' thereby appropriated for Payment of the faid Annuities, purfuant to that Ait, fhall exceed all the Mo-
- nies then due for or upon the fame Annuities, and all Arrearages thereof, then or at any Time or Times
- before that Time incurred, fo that there fhall be an Excefs or Surplus remaining in the Exchequer, fuch
' Excefs or Surplus fhall be difpofable from Time to Time for the publick Ufe and Service, and not ' otherwife : And whereas by an Kdc of Parliament made in England in the fourth Year of the Reign of
- their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, of glorious Memory, (intituled. An ASi for
' granting to their MajeJUes certain Rates and Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, for fecuring ' certain Recompences and Advantages in the faid ASi mentioned, to fuch Perfons as fnall voluntarily advance the ' Sum often hundred thoufand Pounds toivards carrying on the JVar againjl France) certain other Rates and
- Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors therein particularly expreffed, were granted to
- to their faid late Majefties, their Heirs and Succelfors, for the Term of ninety-nine Years, from the
- five and twentieth Day of January one thoufand fix hundred and ninety-two, and are by that and by fe-
- veral other A<2:s relating" thereunto, made liable to the Payment of feveral Annuities, with Benefit of
- Surviyorfhip, and other Annuities charged thereupon; which Rates and Duties of Excife laft menti-
- oned, do alfo produce annually a confiderable Sum more than fufficientto difcharge all thofe Annuities
- fo charged thereupon, and the neceffary Charges of paying and accounting for the fame ; and the Over-
- plus Monies thereby arifing have been and are to be computed on the four and twentieth Day of June
' yearly, and are comprehended amongft the temporary Provifions made in the faid Aft of the fifth Year ' of your Majefty's Reign, for better fecuring the quarterly Payments of the faid Annuities, not exceed- 'jSJng feventy-two thoufand one hundred eighty-feven Pounds ten Shillings /)^r yf«Kz/w, which fhould grow
- .due^t ox before the feaft pf St. Michael the Archangel, which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one
' thoufajjj