274 C. 5. Arino fexto Ann^ Reginse. A.D. 1707. Tax-free. And have Tal- lies' and Orders ftrucjt for Pay- mem, &c. 5 per Cent, for Prompt Pay- ment before z6 March 1708. Annuities af- fignabls, &c. before the refpe6llvc Days or Times in this A£l limited in that Behalf, for any fuch Annuity or Annui- ties, as aforefaid, or fuch as he, fhe, or they fhall appoint, his, her, or their refpeftive Executors, Ad- minifl:rators, Succeilors, and Affigns, fhall have, receive, and enjoy, and be entitled by virtue of this Atl, to have, receive and enjoy the refpe£i:ive Annuity and Annuities fo to be purchafe<l out of the Monies by this A6t appropriated or appointed for the Payment thereof, during the faid whole Term of ninety- nine Years, to be purchafed therein, as is above mentioned ; and that all and every fuch Purchafers, their Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns refpectively, fhall have good and fure Eftates and Interefts in the feveral Annuities fo by them to be purchafed, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this Adl ; and that all the faid Annuities to be purchafed upon this Aft and every of them, during the Term aforefaid, fliall be free from all Taxes, Charges, and Impofitions whatfoever. XIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, T'hat every Contributor upon this Aft, for any Annuity or Annuities, as aforefaid, his, her, or their Executors, Adminiftrators or Affigns, upon. Payment of the Confideration or Purchafe-money for the fame, at the Rate aforefaid, or any Part or Pro- portion thereof, within the Tim.e or Times in this A£l limited in that Behalf, fhall immediately have one or more Tally or Tallies levied, importing the Receipt of fo much Confideration-money as fhall be fo paid ; and upon Payment of all the Purchafe-money for any fuch Annuity or Annuities, at the Rate aforefaid, every fuch Contributor, his, hei-, or their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors, or Afligns refpeftively, fhall have an Order for paying of the fiid Annuity and Aimuities, for and during the faid Term of ninety-nine Years, to be purchafed therein, which Order fhall be figned by the Treafurer and Urrder Treafurer of the Exchequer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treaiury for the Time being, and after the figning thereof, the fame fhall be firm, good, valid, and effeftual in the Law, according to the Purport and true Meaning thereof, and of this Aft, and fnall not be determinable by or upon the Deaths or Removal of any Treafurer or Under Treafurer of the Exchequer, or any Commiffi- oner or Commiffioners of the Treafury, or by or upon the Determination of the Power, Office or Offices of them, or any of them, nor fhall any Lord High Treafurer of Great Britain, Treafurer of the Exche- quer, or any Commiffioners of the Treafury now or for the Time being, have Power to revoke, counter- mand, or make void fuch Orders fo figned, as aforefaid, or any of them, XIV. And for the Encouragement of the Contributors to advance and pay forthwith into the Receipt of the Exchequer the Sums by them intended to be advanced upon this Aft, it is provided and enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That every fuch Contributor who fhall advance and pay into the faid Receipt of Exchequer, all or any Part of the Purchafe-money payable for any fuch Annuity or Annuities, as aforefaid, before the faid fix and twentieth Day of Adarch in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and eight, his, her, or their Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns, fhall be al- lowed and paid out of the Contribution-money arifing by this Aft, Intereft after the Rate of five Pounds per Centujn per Annum for the prompt Payment of the Money fo advanced, from the Time of the aftual advancing and paying the fame, until the faid fix and twentieth Day oi March one thoufand feven hun- dn d and eight. XV. And be it further enafted. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for any Contributor or Con tributors, his, her, or their Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeffors, or Affigns, at any Time or Times, during the Continuance of his, her, or their Term, Eflate, or Intereft of and in any Ajinuity to be pur- cliafed upon this Aft, by any Writing under his, her, or their Hands and Seals, or under the Common Seal of a Corporation, or by his, her, or their laft Will in Writing, to affign, or devife fuch Annuity, or any Part thereof, or any Intereft therein, to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, and fo toties quoties, and no fuch Affignment to be revokable, fo as an Entry, or Memorandum of fuch Affignment or Will be made in Books to be kept for that Purpofe in the faid Office of the Auditor of the Receipt, within the Space of three Months after fuch Affignment, or Death of the Devifor; and that upon producing fuch Affignment, or Will, or Probat thereof, in the faid Office of Receipt to be entred, as aforefaid, the Party fo producing the fame fhall bring therewith an Affidavit taken before one or more of her Majefty's Juifices of the Peace, of the due Execution of the faid Affignment or Will, which Affidavit fhall be fe- verally filed in the faid Office; which faid Entry or Memorandum the proper Officers in the faid Receipt of Exchequer are hereby required to make accordingly, and to file the faid Affidavits ; and in Default of fuch Affignment or Devife by Deed or Will, the Intereft of fuch Contributor fhall go to his or her Exe- cutors or Adm.iniftrators. XVI. And it is hereby enafted. That it fhall and may be lawful for any Guardian or Truftee, ha- ving the Difpofal of the Money of any Infant under the Age of one and twenty Years, for the Ufe and Benefit of fuch Infant, to advance and pay the Sum of one hundred and fixty Pounds of the Money of fuch Infant, to purchafe an Annuity upon this Aft, for the Benefit of fuch Infant ; and the faid Guardian or Truftee, as to the faid Sum of one hundred and fixty Pounds fo advanced, is hereby difcharged. XVII. And be it further enafted, for the better Encouragement of Perfons to advance the Monies on this Aft, That all Receipts and Iflues, and all other Things direfted by this Aft to be performed in take no Fee, &c. the Exchequer, fhall be done and performed by the Officers there, without demanding or receiving di- reftly or indireftly, any Fee, Gratuity, or Reward for the fame; and in cafe any of the Officers of the Exchequer fhall take or demand any fuch Fee or Reward, or fhall divert or mifapply any of the Monies of the faid Fund, Duties, or Monies hereby appropriated, or any Part thereof, which fliould make good the Payment of the faid Annuities, or flial] pay, or iffue out the fame otherwife than according to the Intent of this Aft, or fiiall not keep Books or Regifters, and make Entries, and do and perform all other Things which by this Aft they are required to perform, every fuch Officer fliall forfeit his Office. and Guardian may advance 160 J. for Benefit of Infant. OSicers at the Exchec|uer to Penally.