A. D. 1707. Anno fexto Ann.e Regina3. C. 19. 301 Duties on Whale-fins and Scotch Linen) were granted to his faid late Majefty King William, and by fubfequent Afts already paffed, have Continuance until the firft J3ay oi j^uguji one. thoufjnd feven hun- i dred and twelve, ftiall be and are hereby continued to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, from the laft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and twelve to the firft Day of Augufl one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, and no longer; and {hall be raifed, levied, collected, and paid in fuch Manner and Form, and by fuch Ways and Means, and under fuch Penalties, as are mentioned in the faid Act for granting the faid Impofitions on Whale-fins and Scotch Linen ; which Act, with all the Powers, Provi- foes. Penalties, Articles, and Claufes therein contained, or thereby referred to, fhall continue and be in fuir Force until the faid firfb Day oi Auguji one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, and fliall be appli- ed, practifed and put in Execution for ruifing and levying the laid Duties on Whale-fin? hereby conti- nued, and all Arrears thereof, as fully and effedrually as if all the Claufes, Matters, and Things therein contained, concerning the faid Duties on Whale-fins, were repeated, and again enafted in the Body of this prefent Aft. ' X. And whereas the faid Subfidies of Tunnage and Poundage, and the faid other Duties granted ' therewith in the faid twelfth Year of King Charles the Second as aforefaid, as to Wines, Goods, and J^Car. 2. c 4, ' Merchandizes imported, and the faid Impofitions on Wines, Venegar, and Tobacco, which were firfl ' granted to King James the Second, in the firft Year of his Reign, and the faid Impofitions on Enjl » J^- *• <:-3'4' ' India Goods, and' other Goods charged therewith, which were firft granted to their late Majefties King w «. m ir ' William and Queen Mary, in the Second Year of their Reign, and the faid additional Impofitions ' ' ' which were firft granted to them in the fourth Year of their Reign, and the faid Duties on Whale-firs ^ &', w. & M. ' imported, which were granted to his faid late Majefty King William, in the ninth Year of his Reign, c. 5. ' were by the faid hSi of the fifth Year of her Majefty's Reign (intituled. An A,^ for continuing Jcveral') & 'o W". 3. ' Siihfidics, hnpofitions, and Duties, and for making Provtfwns tisercin mentioned^ to rnife Money by Way of Lnan'^' "t^- ' for the Service of the War, and other her Majefiys necejfary and important Occqfwns, and for afcertaining the ^ ""^' '^' ^^'
- ed, which are to be paid and difcharged in the firft Place out of the Subfidies, Impofitions, and Duties
' granted or continued by the A61 laft mentioned :' Now it is hereby further declared and enacted by the After the Prin- Authority aforefaid. That from and immediately after the Time that all the Principal and Intereft Mo- "^'P* ^'^- charg- nies which by the faid Aft of the fifth Year of her Majefty's Reign are charged upon the feveral Subfidies, tiMh^^kh^-' Duties, and Impofitions laft mentioned, fliall be fully paid off and fatisfied, or that fufficient Money fhall ed^ the^Hdf s'ub- be referved in the Exchequer for that Purpofe, then all the Monies which fhall from thenceforth arife by fidies, .vc. to be one Moiety or half Part of the faid Subfidies of Tonnage and Poundage, and other Duties upon Wines, appropriated for Goods, and Merchandizes imported (which were -firft comprehended in the faid Aft of the tv/elfth Year ^^ ufo of this of King Charles the Second) and all the Monies, which from and after fuch Payment made, or referv- ^^^ ing Money to difcharge all fuch Principal and Intereft as aforefaid, fnall arife by the faid Impofitions upon ^' '^' ** Wine, Vinegar, Tobacco, Eajl India Goods, and other Goods therewith charged, and by the faid addi- tional Impofitions on Goods and Merchandizes, and by the fiiid Duties upon Whale-fins, for the Re- mainder of the Terms formerly granted, and therein then to com,- and unexpired (except the neceftary Neceffary Charges of raifing, levying, collefting, and accounting for the fame) fhall from Time to Time be paid Charges except- into the Receipt of the Exchequer diftinftly, for the Purpofes in this prefent Aft exprefled, and for no "^" other Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever. ' XI. And whereas all Wines of the Growth and Produft of France, or of any Dominions under the ^"""^f" Wines. French King, are by feveral Laws and Statutes liable to the Payment of feveral IJutics upon the Impor- tation thereof, and particularly by an Aft of Parliament made in the feventh Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King William the Third (intituled. An A^ for granting to his Majejty an additional y &:%W. 3, Duty upon ff// French Goods and Merchandizes) it was enafted, amongft other Things,' That for every ■=■ »o. ' Ton of i^;v«i:A Wine imported within the Time therein mentioned, there fhould be paid twenty-five Pounds above the Duties before charged thereupon : But by another Aft made in the eighth Year of the 8 & g w. ^, fame King's Reign (intituled. An Ail for granting to his Majefty a further Sidijidy of Tonnage and Poundage^- 24. upon Merchandizes imported, for the Term qfiiuo Tears and three ^larters, and an additional Land Tax for one Year, for carrying on the War again ft Yxdinc^) it was provided. That nothing in the faid Aft of the feventh Year of his laid late Majefty's Reign, fhould charge any Merchandize of the Growth o{ Fratice, which fhould be bona fide feiz^ed or taken, and condemned as Prize, with any further or other Duties than what they were or ought to have been charged withal before the making of tb? Aft laft mention- ed ; and her Majefty, by her Royal Declaration bearing Date the firft Day oi June in the firft Year of her Reign, for the Encouragement of her Ships of War and Privateers, was pleafed to fubjeft all Ships, Veffels, and Goods, which fhould be taken and condemned as lawful Prize, to the Payment of fuch Cuftoms and Duties only as are therein mentioned : And whereas by an Aft made in the fecond Year of her Majefty's Reign, (intituled, An AB for granting to her Majefty an additional Suhfidy ofiTonna'ye and 2& 3 Ann», Poundage for three Years, and for laying a further Duty uponYxnwzh Wines ccmdcn.ned as laivful Prize, and^'^- for afcertaining the Values of unrated Goods imported from the Eaft Indies) it was enafted. That for every Ton of any Wines of the Growth or Produft oi France, or of any Dominions under the French King, feized or taken, or to be feized or taken by any of her Majefty's Ships, or by any Privateers or other- wife, and which at any Time or Times, during the Term of three Years, w.iich commenced from the - eighth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and three, fhould be condemned or adjudged as law- ful Prize, there Ihould be paid to her Majefty the Sum of fifteen Pounds over and above the Duties ' before