A. D.I 7^7' Anno fextd Ann ^ Reginae. C. 26. 315 Oaths of OiSce, mutat'ts muhndis, and other Oaths, as the Barons of thd Court of Exchequer in Efighnd And take the have ufed, or ought to take, upon their Admiffions into their refpeftive Offices, the faid Oaths to be ^"^ ^^l "n taken for the firft Time before the Court of Seffion in open Court, in cafe the faid Court be fitting, or fo^s^n t'ng^and' otherwife, in cafe the faid Court be not then fitting, before any three of the Lords of Seffion, and at all Times hereafter before the faid Court of Exchequer; and the faid chief Baron and Barons fliall ufe and And weir-fiKh wear fuch Robes and Habits as the chief Baron and Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Englan^ do ufe Rotes, &c. and wear, or fuch other Robes or Habits as her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflbrs, mall appoint. III. And it is futher enaicSed by the Authority afprefaid, That there fliall be in the faid Court of Ex- ^'^" ?^^'^^ " {hequer in Scotland, the feveral Offices following, that is to fay. The Office of Queen's Remembrancer, ^^^l^ ' * the Office of Lord Treafurer's Remembrancer, the Office of Clerk of the Pipe, and fuch other Offices now in being in the Court of Exchequer in England^ or are now in being in Scotland^ relating to Signa- tures, Gifts, and Tutories, as the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, fhall from Time to Time think fit and proper, to be conftituted and appointed under the Seal which by the faid Artitles of Union is appointed to be kept in Scotland; and that fuch Perfons fhall be the Mafters or chief Officers of and in the faid refpeiSive Offices, and for fuch Term, Eftate, and Intereft therein, as the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, (hall from Time to Time by Letters Patents under the Seal aforefaid ordain or ap- ' point, and that the faid Mafters or chief Officers of the aforefaid feveral Offices fliall have and appoint from Time to Time under them, and in their refpeftive Offices, fuch and fo many Attornies and Clerks as fliall be fit and proper for the Bufinefs in their refpeftive Offices ; which faid Mafters and chief Offi- cers, as alfo the faid Attornies and Clerks, fliall, before their Admiffions into their Offices or Places re- fpeftively, take fuch Oath or Oaths in the faid Court, or before the chief Baron, or one of the Barons of the faid Court, for their faithful and honeft Carriage and Behaviour in their faid Offices refpedlively, as the like Officers, Attornies, and Clerks in the Court oi Exchequer in England have ufed and ought to do, or as by the Barons of the faid Court of Exchequer in Scotland fhall for that Purpofe be devifed aad ap- pointed. IV. Provided neverthelefs. That the faid feveral chief Officers in the refpeSive Offices aforefaid, a's oj^cers- fcc alfo the faid Attornies, Clerks, and other Officers of or belonging to the faid Court of Exchequer in Scot- ciay be'pani""* Jand for the Time being, fhall all of them be fubjeft and obedient to the faid Court of Exchequer, and may for Negkaof be fufpended, punifhed, or amoved by the faid Court for Negleft of Duty, or for Crimes and Mifde- Duty, meanors in their refpeftive Offices and Places, or other juft Caufes. V. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That there fliall be a. Seal to be affigned or i^een to aKgn » appointed by the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succefl!brs, for the Sealing all fuch Letters Patents', Seal fortte: Grants, Commiffions, "Vi'^rits, Precepts, and other Procefs and Proceedings, which fliall iffue out of or Court. be awarded by the faid Court of Exchequer in Scotland, or ought or fhall be direited to pafs under the Seal of the faid Court ; vC^hich Seal fhall be kept in the Cuftody of the chief Baron of the faid Court of Exche- chief Baron t» quer in Scotland, for the Time being ; and the faid chief Baron of fuch Perfon or Perfons as he fhall de- keep the fame, pute, and for whom he will be anfwerable, fhall therewith feal all Letters Patents, Grants, Commiffions, Writs, Precepts, and other Procefs and Proceedings before mentioned, which fhall beirought to be feal- ed ; and for that Purpofe fhall attend at proper and convenient Times and Places to be direfted by the faid Court of Exchequer in Scotland, or any of the Barons thereof (in cafe any Queftion fhall arife touch- ing the fame;) and the faid Court of Exchequer in Scotland is hereby impowered from Time to Time to Comt may eon- depute and appoint all fuch other Officers, Minifters, Clerks, Servants, and Attendants for the confti- ft'tute otherOf* tuting of which there is no other Provifion made by this ASt, as fhall be thought convenient for the Ufe ^""' ^-'J- f°^ and Service of the faid Court, and for the carrying on and Difpatch of the Bufiiiefs therein, fufejedf and com" liable neverthelefs to be fufpended, punifhed, and amoved, and to the taking of fuch Oaths, mutatis mu- who ihall take tandh, for the faithful Execution of their refpeftive Offices, Places, and Employments, as herein before ^he OatL, &c. is provided for any the Officers, Attornies or Clerks in the faid Court of Exchequer in Scotland; and all ^ii sheriffs &c. and every the Sheriffs, by themfelves or their fufficlent Deputies for whom they are to be anfwerable, and to be Attendajit, •other Officers, Minifters, and Subjects in Scotland, are hereby enjoined and required to be from Time to Time aiding, affifling, obedient to, and attendant upon the faid Court of Exchequer in Scotland^ aiid the Judges and Jurifdi<aion thereof, in all Things relating to the faid Court of Exchequer, which do, may, oi- ahall any w^ays touch or concern their refpedive -Offices or Duties m any manner of wife, and fhall be li^. able and fubjeft to fuch Penalties and Punifliments for Negled of their Duties, or for any Cohtesipts ot Difobedience to the faid Court, or the Procefs thereof, or for any other Negleft, Gbnt^mpt^ or Offence as fhall be fet or-smpofed upon them refpeftively by the faid Court of Exchequer. _ VI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Revenil€S and Du- Its Juriraiflioa ties of Cuftoms and Excife, and all and every other the Revenues, Debts, Duties^ and Profits of what «nd Authority. Nature or Kind foever, any ways appertaining, or which hereafter fhall appertain to the Qyeen's Ma- ijefty, her Heirs or Succeflbrs within Scotland, either as Queen of Great Britaon, or as Prince and Steward of Scotland, and afi Honers, Caftks, Manors, Lands, TenenieMs, afld Hereditaments in 5wft!!?a(^^ which now do, or hereafter fhall appertain to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs or Succeflbrs, by Force or Virtue «f any Attainder, Outlawry, S. izure for any Crime or Caufe of Forfeiture, Debt, or Duty, or upon any * Extent, Commiffion, or othervwfe, or by Force and Virtue of the Royal Prerogative, or by any other Right or Title whatfoever, and ail and every the Rents, Ifliies, and Profits thereof^ or of any of them, and alfo all and every the Goods, Chattels, Debts, Credits, Rights, Titles, and Perfonal Eftates withiii Scotland, any ways accruing or belonging, or which hereafter fliall belong to the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, by Force or Virtue of the Royal Prerogative, or of any Attainder, Outlawry, Ex- tent, InquifitKMi^ D^t, Duty, or Eorfeiture, or by any otli«r Right^ Titie, Waysj of Means whatfoi ■S s a ' ever.