wet» A. D. 1708. Anno feptimo Ann^e Reglnas. C. i r. 35^ ' fuch Manner, as by the faid Laws now in Force is directed and appointed ; And it is thereby provided, ' That the fame Decrees and Ordinances ihall bind all and every Perfon and Perfons, that at the making
- of the fame Decree had any Intereft in fuch Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, in Ufe, Poffeflion,
- Reverfion, or Remainder, their Heirs and Feoffees, and every of them ; and (hall alfo bind as well the
- Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments of the King of England., as all and every other Perfon and Perfons
- and their Heirs, and fuch their Intereft, as they (hall fortune to have in any Lands, Tenements, and
' Hereditaments, or other cafual Profit, Advantage, or Commodity whatfoever they be, whereunto the y,,.faid Laws, Ordinances, and Decrees fhall jn any wife extend, according to the true Purport, Meaning, !^' and Intent of the faid Laws ; but the faid Laws of Sewers now in Force, have been found Defe£tive, in
- that fufficient Power and Authority is not thereby given to Commiflioners of Sewers, to make Sale of
' Copyhold or Cuftomary Lands within the Limits of their Commiffion for the Caufes aforefaid ;' For Re- After 25 March medy whereof. Be it enacted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con- ^^"J'/^^f j!^^' fentofthe Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, ^^^^^Y may fottim- ' the Authority of the fame, That from and after the five and twentieth Day of March in the Year of our payment of any Lord one thoufand feven hundred and nine, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Commiffioners au- Lst affefled on thorized by Commiffion from her Majefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, or any fix or more of them, to put Copyhold Lands, in Execution the Laws now in Force concerning Sewers, for Nonpayment of any Lot or Charge alTefled f"m"he Own- er charged upon any Copyhold or Cuftomary Lands within the Limits of their Commiffion, and by the g„^ ^(,_ Pawer and Authority of the faid Commiffion of Sewers, to decree and ordain the faid Copyhold or Cufto-' fliary Lands to charged from the Owner or Owners, and their Heirs, and the Heirs of every of them, to any Perfon or Perfons, for fuch Eftate and Intereft therein, as the faid Owner or Owners thereof, or The faid Decrees any claiming in Remainder under them, at the Time of fuch Decree made, had in the fame Copyhold "« executed as Lands, Tenements, and Hereditarnents ; the faid Decrees to be made and executed, as Decrees concern- j„g Freehold""' ing Freehold Lands are, by the faid Laws now in Force, to be made and executed. II. Provided always. That all and every Perfon or Perfons, to whom any fuch Sale of Copyhold or The Buyers of Cuftomary Lands or Tenements ftiall be made, fhall before fuch Time as they or any of them fhall enter^ fuch Copyhold or take any Profit of the fame Lands or Tenements, agree and compound with the Lords of the Manors, ^-"1,^^^^ L^^^ of whom the fame fhall be holden, for fuch Fines or Incomes, as heretofore hath been moft ufual and ac- of whom holden, cuftomed to be yielded or paid therefore ; and that upon every fuch Agreement or Compofition, the faid fortheaccuftom- Lords for the Tim6 being, at the next Court to be holden at or for the faid Manors, fhall not only grant ed Fines, and the to fuch Vendee or Vendees upon Requeft, the fame Copyhold or Cuftomary Lands or Tenements by ^"f** '» ^'i'" Copy of Court Roll of the faid Manors, for fuch Eftate or Intereft as to them fhall be fo decreed or fold^ ">«■" Tenants, and referving the ancient Rents, Cuftoms, and Services, but alfo fhall in the fame Court admit them Te- nants of the fame Copyhold or Cuftomary Lands, as other Copyholders of the fame Manors have been wont to be admitted, and to receive their Fealty accordingly, -.;, IIL And be it further enadled and declared. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Com- SlxoftheCom- iniffioners of Sewers, or any fix or more of them, by Warrant under their Hands and Seals, to give Au- n»'5°"'"'"'7 ^ tliority to any Perfon or Perfons, to levy the Sums of Money by them, from time to time, to be afTefTed power*any"peXn or taxed upon the Lands, Meadows, Mariflies or Grounds, liable or chargeable with any SefTes, Taxes, to levy the Af- Jmpofitions, or Charges, by Authority of their faid Commiffion, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Goods of fuch feffments by Di- Perfon or Perfons that fhall not pay, or refufe to pay the fame ; and the Overplus of the Money arifing ^'^^^ ^"^ Sale, upon fuch Sale, after Dedudion of the reafonable Charges of making fuch Diftrefs and Sale, fhall be ^e'^re^oredloUe reftored to the Owner or Owners of the Goods fo diflrained. OwLr.'^ CAP. XI. An Aft for afcertaining and direfting the Payment of the Allowances to be made for or upon the Exportation from Scotland, of Fifh, Beef, and Pork, cured with Foreign Salt imported before the firft Day of May one t^houfand feven hundred and feven ; and for difpofing fuch Saltftill remaining in the Hands of her Majefty's Subjefts there ; and for afcertaining and fecuring the Allowances for Filh and Flefh exported, and to be exported from Scotland fSr the future, WHEREAS certain Quantities of White Herrlngsyand of Salmon, Codfifh, Beef and Pork, cured with Foreign Salt only, which was imported into Scotland before the firft Day of May one thou- ' fand feven hundred and feven (at which Time the happy Union of the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland took Eftefl:) have been, fince the faid firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and feven,
- exported from feveral Parts of Scotland, fuch Herrings, Salmon, and Codfifh refpedively, having been
' firft duly pined, cured, and packed for Exportation with the faid Foreign Salt only, without any Mixture of Britijh or Irijh Salt, according to the Laws and Afts of Parliament formerly made in Scotland, and ftill
- in Force in that Behalf; j(nd the faid Beef and Pork having been alfo firft duly faked with the faid
Foreign Salt without Mixture, as aforefaid, and exported for Sale Only ; and on the five and twentieth Day, of March one thoufand feven hundred and nine, certairt other Quantities of White Herrings, Salmon, Codfifh, Beef and Pork, do or may remain in Scotland ready to be entred for Exportation from I thence to Parts beyond the Seas, being alfo falted with Foreign Salt imported into Scotland before, the ' fajd firfl Day of M^y one thoufand feven bundled and feven, without Mixture, as aforefaitl ; and fuch ' Fifh being aifc^ duly pined, cured and packed, and the Beef and Pork laft-mentioned, being likfiwife in- ' tended