Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/418

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3^6 G.jy. Anno feptimo Annje Regin^. A. D. 1708) alTefs Rates for jnaintaining the iDgines, Sec. tn be levied as Poor Rates, fcut fubjeft to

  • V. And wlitrens there is no Provifion made for raifing Monies to defray the neceffary Charges of pro-
  • viding and maiiWaining the faid Engine or Engines, Stop Blocks and Fire Cocks, and Keys, and other

' Implements and Materials, and Payment of the Rewards or Gratuities directed by the faid A& ;' Be it ThePartfti Offi- further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That the Churchwardens, Overfeers of the Poor, and Inhabi- cers, Sec. may taiUs, in a Veftry duly fummoned, of the feveral Parifhes within the Limits aforefaid, fhall a;nd may, and they are hereby required from time to time (as often as there fhall be Occafion) to rate and affefs fuch competent Sum and Sums of Money as {hall be needful and requifite for the Ends aforefaid, in like Manner as by Law they may do for the Maintenance and Relief of the Poor of their refpeftive Parilhes ; which Rates being allowed and confirmed in like Manner as the Rates made for the Poor are or ought to be, fhall be collefted and levied in the fame Manner as the Rates made for the Relief of the Poor by Law A ""^ may or ought to be collefted and levied, fubjeft neverthelefs to the like Appeal as in cafe of Rates the like Appeal, i^^jg f^^ ^^^ Relief of the Poor ; and the faid Officers fliall be accountable for the fame in like Manner as by Law they are for the Money by them levied and collected for the Relief of the Poor. Incafeof Remo- VJ. An be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, that where any Stop Blocks of Wood with al of Mains or Plugs, or any Fire Cocks have been or fhall hereafter be made and fixed upon any Mains and Pipes be- Stop Blocks fhall '°"§^S ^ ^"y ^^'^s '^o''* by virtue of this or the faid former Ait, the Owners of the faid Water be fixed, Works fhall afterwards remove, change, or alter the faid Mains or Pipes"; then in every fuch Cafe the and theKevre- Owners of the faid Mains or Pipes fhall, at their ov/n proper Charges, place and fix the fame or the like moted to the Stop Blocks, Plugs, and Fire Cocks upon fuch new Main or Pipe fo to be new laid, to be placed where Houie where the the Churchwardens for the Time' being of the Parifh where the fame were placed, fhall direft and ap- FirePipeis. point ; and in fuch Cafe of Removal, the Key and Pipe fhall be removed to the Houfe upon which Notice fhall be of fuch Fire Plug. "^h^Anl^^ '" ' ^^^' ■^"'^ whereas by the faid Ail it was further enafted. That all and every Houfe and Houfes that c.ii thafpart ^""'^^ ^^ credled and built, either upon old or new Foundations, in any Place or Places in and about Walls fhould^be ' the Cities of London sind Wejiminjler, or other Parifhes^or Places comprized within the weekly Bills of ■wholly of Brick or Stone, fliall. not extend to Maufes onLoor. don Bridge.. ' Mortality, fhall have Party Walls between Houfe and Houfe wholly of Brick or Stone, and of two Bricks thick at the leaft in the Cellar and Ground Stories, and thirteen Inches thick upwards from the Foun- After May t, dation quite through all the Stories of each Houfe, and eighteen Inches above the Roof, and that no Mundillion or Cornifh of Timber or Wood under the Eaves, fhould thereafter be made or fufFered ia any fuch new Houfe or Houfes ; but that all Front and Rear Walls of every Houfe and Houfes, fhall be built of Brick or Stone, to be carried two Foot and an Half high above the Garret Floor, and coped ' with Stone or Brick ;' Be it declared and enatSed by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid recited Claufe was not intended, or fhall be conftrued to extend to any Houfe or Houfes hereafter to be eredled and built upon any Part of London Bridge, but that the fame may be eredled and built with Wood and Timber,, as hath been always hitherto ufed ; the faid recited Claufe, or'any other Claufe in the faid Adt contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithflanding. VIII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the firft Day of May 1709. ailHoufes which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and nine, all and every Houfe and ■within the Bills Houfes that fhall be erefted and built, either upon old or new Foundations, in any Place or Places in and,- cf Mortality, about the Cities of London and Wejlminjier, or other Parifhes or Places comprized wkhin the weekly Bills d^'nBr"id°e^&c'v°'^^°'^^*y' {^xcept Houfes on London Bridge and on the River of TTioiKw below Bridge) fhall have Party thatftalfbe Walls between Houfe and Houfe, wholly of Brick or Stone (except Door Cafes, Windows, Lentils,.. built on old or Breafl Summers, Story Poflrs, and Plates) of two Bricks thick at the leafl in the Cellar, and one Brick jwwFoundations, and an Half thick upwards to the Top of the Garret Floor, and all Gable Ends to be one Brick in Length, ftaii have Party ^jjd eighteen Inches above the Roof, and to have no Beams or Rafters lie or ftand, or be in the Brick S:a:dHrfe.Worksofthe Gable Ends. except Door Cafes, &c,

  • IX. And whereas many Suits of Law have been brought about Differences m Party Walls,' Be it fur-

ther enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Party Walls that fhall hereafter be built, fhall be built nine Inches on each Man's Ground, whether the old Party Wall be Brick, Stone, or Timber, and that the firfl Builders fhall have Power to pull down the fame, and build up the new Party Wall, as afore- faid, and be paid by the Owner of the next Houfe after the Rate of five Pounds ^£r Rod as foon as hefhalL have built the faid Party Wall ; and for all Houfes hereafter to be built that will not yield the Rent of twenty Pounds /i^r Annum more than the Ground Rent, to be left to the Difcretion of the Builders: Pro- vided that all Party Walls for the fame be built with Brick. X. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Chimney Jambs and Backs that fhalt hereafter be erefted or buiJt, fhall be nine Inches thick from the Cellars to the Roof,, and all Withs the Infides of fuch Chimnies, fhall be four Inches and an Half in Breadth, and all the Funnels plaiftered or pargetted the Infide from the Bottom to the Top, and that all Chimnies be turned or arched under the Hearths with Brick, (except upon a Ground Floor) and that no Timber fhall lie nearer than five Inches to any Chimney, Funnel, or Fire Place ; and all Mantles between the Jambs arched over with Brick,' and no Wood or Wainfcot fhall be placed or affixed to the Front of any Jamb or Mantle of any Chirh- ney, nearer than five Inches from the Infide of fuch Jamb or Mantle ; and that all Gable Ends called nine Inches thick in Party Walls, be rendred on the ruffefl Side ; and that all Stoves and Boylers, Cop- yers, and Oveijs that fhall be hereafter fet up with Brick or Stone, fhall not be nearer than nine Inches at the leaft to the adjoining Houfe, and no Timber to lie nearer than five inches to any Fire Place or Flew. » « XI. And How the Party ■Walls fliall be built. Tor the pulling down of Party ■Walls, fee 11 Ceo. I. c. 2S. §1. How bhimney Jambs, Backs, lEC.ihaltbcbwlt