Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/426

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374- C. 23, 24. Anno feptlmo Ann^e Regmae. A. D. 1708. ' ing that divers of lier faid Subjefts may by fundry Ways have fallen into the Danger of very many Pe- ' nalties and Forfeitures, ordained by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, from which they can in no wife

  • be freed but by her Majefty's great Goodnefs and Clemency; and being gracioufly inclined to encourage

' and invite all her loving Subjefts to live and continue in their due Obedience to her Majefty, rather by

  • Adb of Grace and Mercy, than by a fevere Execution of Juftice; and having an efpecial Truft and Con-
  • fidence in her faid Subjcds, that they v/ill with more Cheerfulnefs and AfFeftion apply themfelves to the

' Difcharge of their refpeftive Duties towards her Majefty, and her Goverment, when they fnall be re- ' leafed and freed from the many Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures to which they are nov/ liable, hath ' thought fit to grant her general and free Pardon, in a large and more bountiful Manner than hath ' heretofore been done :' And therefore her Majefty is well pleafed and contented that it be enadled by the Authority of this prefent Parliament ; And be it enabled, ^c, CAP. XXIII. An A61 for raifing the Militia for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and nine, although the Month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid. EXP. CAP. XXIV. An Aft for continuing the former A6ts for the Encouragement of the Coinage, and to encou- rage the bringing Foreign Coins and' Briti/h or Foreign Plate to be coined, and for making Provifion for the Mints in Scotland, and for the profecuting Offences concerning the Coin in England. iS Car, I.e. 5.' "^TT HERE AS great Benefit and Advantage hath accrued to this Kingdom by one Aft of Parlia- continued by ' W micnt paffed in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of his Majefty King Charles the Second, 25 Car. a. c. 8. « intituled, Jn ASl for encouraging of Coinage, and continued by another Aft made in the five and twentieth rVuc Tc™^ ' ^^"^^ °' ^^ Reigii of his faid Majefty King Charles, intituled, An Aa for continuing a former Aa con- £ontmu^e/b/4& ' cemiug Coinage; both which faid Afts were revived by an Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign of his 5W.&M. c. 24. ' Majefty King James the Second, and were continued by an Aft made in the fourth and fifth Year of §. 3. and further ' the Reign of King William and Queen Mary, of blefled Memory, and were further continued by an """^'vv^ y ^^ ' Aft made in the twelfth and thirteenth Year of the Reign of thelate King William of glorious Memory, CoMinued'bv" ' ^'~' ^° ^^ force for feven Years, from the firft Day pf June one thoufand leven hundred and one, and from 9 Geo. I. c. ig. ' thence to the End of the firft Seflion of Parliament then next following, and no longer ; fo that unlefs the 4. 1, for 7 Years ' faid Afts be revived and continued, the Encouragement given thereby will ceafe, and this Kingdom be from I March ' deprived for the future of fo great a Good as it hath for many Years laft paft enjoyed :' Now we your 1723. farther Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons oi Great Britain in Parliament aflembled, do give March"i73o°ftir ^^^"^ grant unto your Majefty the Rates, Duties, and Impofitions herein after mentioned, for and during 7yearsby4Geo. the Term and Time herein after exprefiTed ; and do humbly pray that it may be enafted ; And be it enaft- 2. c. 12. The ed by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent cf the Lords Spiritual and Rates, Duties, Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That %^'ca""'^'t^ fuch and the like Rates, Duties, and Impofitions, as by the faid Aft of Pariiament of the eighteenth Year and continued as °^ ^^e Reign of King Charles the Second were granted, and by the faid fubfequent Afts were continued, above, upon for and upon the Importation of Wines, Vinegar, Cyder, Beer, Brandy, and Strong Waters imported. Wines, Vinegar, during the refpeftive Terms therein mentioned, fhall be further continued, and be paid and payable to her &c. further con- jvjajgfi-y^ her Heirs and Succefibrs, for and upon all Wines, Vinegar, Cyder, Beer, Brandy, and ftrong Oueen '&cfor Waters, which fliall be imported or brought into G7-eat Britain, within or during the Space of ieven Years, TYear's, to com- to Commence from the firft Day of March one thoufand (tvtn hundred and eight, and until the End of jnencf i March the firft Seffion of Parliament then next following, and no longer ; and that the faid Act of the eighteenth J70S, and till Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, and alfo one other Act made in the five and twentieth fi'ifl-^s" tr" ^f "^^^"^ of the Reign of his faid Majefty King Charles the Second, intituled. An Aafor continuing a former Parliame'nt -^^ concerning Coinage ; and one other Act made in the fourth Year of her now Majefty's Reign, in- and ihe faid Act tituled. An Acl to itnpower the Lord High Treafurer, or Commijftoners of the Treafury, to ijjue out of the Monies of 18 and 25 arifing hy the Coinage Duty., any Sum not exceeding five hundred Pounds, over and above the Simi of three thou- Car. 2. c. 8. j'^ncl Pounds yearly, for the Ufes of the Mint ; and every Claufe, Article and Sentence in the faid Acts, or any theAct4Annffi, qJt ^hem Contained, fhall be, and are by virtue of this Act, revived and continued, and fhall be in Force, vived'an'd "onti- ^"^ ^^ extended to all Wines, and fuch othei; Licjuors, as aforefaid, which fhall be imported or brought riucd for the into Great Britain, for and during all fuch Term and Time as are before-mentioned. Time before-mentioned. Farther continued by 19 Ceo. 2. c. 14. 27 Geo. z, c, 11. i Geo. 3. c, 16. The Lord High ' II. And whereas the giving a further Encouragement at this Time to the Coinage of Silver Money, may ^'reafurer, &c. ' be an Advantage to the Publick,' Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be MafterTtVe '^^^'^'^ to and for the Lord High Treafurer of Gr^^f Sr/toV, or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the the Mint to iffue Time being, or any three or more of them, by his or their Warrant or Warrants, to authorize and re- cut of the Over- quire the Mafterand Worker of her Majefty's Mint or Mints for the Time being, out of the Office of plus Money ari- Receipt of the faid Mint or Mints, according to the Manner and Courfe of the fame, to iffue or difpofe fing by the Coin, of the Overplus of the Money that hath arifen or fhall arife by the Coinage Duty, any Sum or Sums not ffr the^'ay°.^nt '=^^^^'^'"S fi^ thoufand Pounds, for and towards the Payment of any Sum or Sums not exceeding two pi ii, ob, per Ounce, of Fereiga Coin, Plate, 6;c, brought into the Mint, after ao April 1709, till iDee. 1709. Pence,