Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/517

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A. D. lyfo; Anno nono A n n i® Reglnaa. G. 15. 465 C A F. XV. An A£t for making more effedual an Aft of the forty third Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, intituled. An A5t toncerning the Ajfifes of Fuel, fo far as it relates to the Affife of Billet. WHEREAS an A.Q. made in the forty- third Year of Queen Elizabeth, intituled, y^n A£i con- ^■^nz.z.tii; cerntng the AJJifes of Fuel, extends only to Cities, Boroughs, and Tov/ns Corporate : And whereas alfo there is no Forfeiture by thefaid Aft, unlefs the Talewood, Billet, or Faggots therein mentioned were put to Sale, the Difficulty of knowing which is very great, (notwithftanding the faid Commodities lie ex- pofed in publick Places where they are ufually bought and fold) by Reafon of the Unwillingnefs of Per- fons to become Informers : And whereas aUb the Aflife of Billet in the faid Aft is carried up no higher 3'1- ^ 3S^« 8. than to two Caft, which is very far fhort of the Scantlings of Billet now in Ufe in many Parts of this '^" J" , Realm;' For remedying the Defefts in the faid Aft, and making it more effeftual, be it enafted by the HowBiiietex- Queen's moft Excellent Majefly, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- pofed (o Sale In poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from any Pert, after and after the firft Day oi November in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, all '^°'^' '• 171°- Billet whatfoever, that is or fliall lie expofed on Wharfs, Stathes, Kays, or other Places where Billet is ^al^^li^^^^t^ ufually put on board, landed, laden, unladen, or that fliall be put to Sale, or that fliall lie in any Hoy, "^ '^" " * ° Barge, Keel, Lighter, or other Boat or Veflel within the Port of Xo«(i3«, or any other Port, fliall be affifedj and cut or marked in Manner following, viz. all Billets, of what Scantling or Denomination foever, fliall contain in Length three Foot and four Inches j every Billet named a Single, being round Bodied, fliall single, contain in Compafs feven Inches and a half; every Billet commonly called a Caft, Ihall be cut or marked ^^j^ one, and being round, fliall contain in Compafs ten Inches and an Half, being half round fliall contain in Compafs twelve Inches and a Quarter, being Quarter-Cleft, flial! contain in Compafs twelve Inches ; every .Billet commonly called a Trois, fliall be cut or marked with three Notches in the Middle, and being Xj.(j;5_ round, fliall contain in Compafs thirteen Inches, being half round fliall contain in Compafs fifteen Inches, being Quarter-Cleft, fliall contain in Compafs fourteen Inches and three Quarters ; every Billet commonly Two'Caft. called two Call, fliall be marked two, and being round, fliall contain in Compafs fifteen Inches, being half round, fliall contain in Compafs feventeen Inches and a Quarter, being Quarter-Cleft, fliall contain in Compafs feventeen Inches ; every Billet commonly called three Caft, fliall be marked with a Notch at each Three Caft, End, -and another in the Middle, and being round, fliall contain in Compafs eighteen Inches and a Quarter, being half round, fliall contain in Compafs twenty-one Inches and a Quarter, being Quarter-Cleft, fliall contain in Compafs twenty-one Inches; every Billet commonly called four Caft, fliall be marked four, and Four Cad, being round fliall contain in Compafs twenty-one Inches and a Quarter, being half round, fliall contain in compafs twenty-four Inches and a Half, being Quarter-Cl-eft, fliall contain in Compafs twenty-four Inches ; every Billet commonly called five Caft, fhali ie marked, and being round, fliall contain in Compafs Five c.;(l. twenty-three Inches and three Quartersy being half round, fliall contain in Compafs twenty-feven Inches and a Half, being Quarter-Cleft, ftiall Contain in Compal's tv/enty-feven Inches; every Billet commonly Six Caft. called fix Caft, fhall be marked fix, and being round, Ihall contain in Compals twenty-fix Inches, being half round, fliall contain in Compafs thirty Inches, being Quarter-Cleft, fliall contain in Compafs twenty- nine Inches and a Half; every Billet commonly called feven Caft, fliall be marked feven, and being round, Sever Ca(l; fliall contain in Compafs twenty-eight Inches, being half round, fliall contain in Compafs thirty-two Inches and a Half, being Quarter-Cleft, fliall contain in Compafs thirty-two Inches ; every Billet common- Eight Caft. ]y called eight Caft, fliall be marked eight, and being round, fliall contain in compafs thirty Inches, being half round, fliall contain in Compafs thirty-four Inches and three Quarters, being Quarter-Cleft, fliall contain in Compafs thirty-four Inches ; every Billet commonly called nine Caft, fliall be marked nine, and Nine Caxi-. being round, fliall contain in Compafs thirty-one Inches and three Qiiarters, being half round, fliall con- tain in Compafs thirty-fix Inches and three Quarters, being Qiiarter-Cieft, fliai! contain in Compafs thirty- fix Inches and a Quarter ; every Billet comqionly called ten Caft, fliall be marked ten, and being round, Xen CaS-. fliall contain in Compafs thirty-three Inches and a Half, being half round, fliall contain in Compafs thirty- ci^ht Inches and three Quarters, being Quarter-Cleft, fliall contain in Compafs thirty-eight Inches ; every £]£,„„ Q^n Billet commonly called eleven Caft, fnall be marked eleven, and being round, fliall contain in Compafs thirty-five Inches and a Quarter; every Billet commonly called twelve Caft, fliall be marked twelve, and Twelve Cart, being round, fliall contain in Compafs thirty-fix Inches and three Quarters ; every Billet commonly called Thirteen Caft. thirteen Caft, Ihall be marked thirteen, and being round, fliall contain in Compafs tliirty-eight Indies and a Quarter; every Billet commonly called fourteen Caft, fnall be marked fourteen, and being round, fliall ?■>'"(«" C=S. contain in Compafs thirty-nine Inches and three Quarters; every Billet commonly called fifteen Caft, fhall Fifteen Caft. be marked fifteen, and being round fliall contain in Compafs forty-one Inches ; every Billet commonly cal- sixteen Caft. led fixteen Caft, fliall be marked fixteen, and being round, fliall cojitain in Compafs forty-two Inches and a Half ; every Billet commonly called feventeen Caft, fliall be marked feventeen, and being round, fliall Seventeen Caft. contain in Compafs forty-three Inches and three Quarters ; every Billet commonly called eighteen Caft, Eighteen Caft. fliall be marked eighteen, and being round, fnall contain in Compafs forty-five Inches; every Billet com- Nineteen Caft, monly called nineteen Caft, fliall be marked nineteen, and being round, fliall contain in Compafs foJty-fix Inches and a Quarter; every Billet commonly called twenty Caft, fliall be marked twenty, and being Twenty Caft, round, fliall contain in Compafs forty-feven Inches and a Half. II. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Billet that is, fliall lie, or be expofed, Billet expofed to on Wharfs, Stathes, Kays, or other Places where Billet is ufually put on Board, landed, laden, unladen, ^=<=' "^^'^eii. Vol, IV. O G o or ^ '^ ^'"'^'=