494 ^- 23. Anno nono Ann^ Reginse. A.D. 1710. Only one Sheet of an Almanack to be flampt. Penalty on ^Vii- tingj before Pa- per, &c. is iiampt. No Certificate, &c, not ftampt, good, till 5I. and Stamp-Duty paid. Officers may in- fpe6l publick Books, Sec. Commiflioners, &c, tobefvvoni; neral of the Stamp Duties for the time being, or to his Deputy or Cletk, the refpefliive Duties payable for the fame by this Acl, without any other Fee or Reward, and without Delay; which Stamp or Marie to be put thereupon in purfuance of this Aft, fliall be a fufficicnt Difcharge for the feveral and refpeftive Duties hereby payable for the faid Vellum, Parchment or Paper, which fliall be fo rtamped or marked. XXVI. Provided always, That where any Almanack fhall contain more than one Sheet of Paper, it fhall be fufficient to ftamp only one of the Sheets or Pieces of Paper upon which fuch Almanack fliall be printed and to pay the faid Duty accordingly. XXVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Officer of the Cuftoms flial! from and after the fiid firfl: Day of Augujl one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, at any Time within or during the Term laft mentioned, fign any fuch Certificate or Debenture, as aforefaid, not appearing to have been firfl duly ftamped according to Law ; or if any other Perfon fliall, from and after that Day write, ingrofs, or print, or caufe to be written, ingrofled, or printed, any fuch Certificate, Debenture, or Note or Bill of Lading, Licence, or Almanack, as aforefaid, or figa fuch Bill or Note of Lading, or fell or expofe to Sale any fuch Almanack, before the Vellum, Parchment or Paper, whereupon fuch Cer- tificate, Debenture, Bill or Note of Lading, Licence, or Almanack, fhall be refpeftively ingrofled, written or printed, fhall appear to have been fo duly flamped ; that then every fuch Officer or Perfon fo offending in any of the Particulars before mentioned, fhall for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum often Pounds together with Full Cofb of Suit; and every fuch Officer of the Cufloms offending herein, and being con- viSed of ariy fuch Offence, fhall (over and befides the Forfeiture or Penalty aforelaidj forfeit and lofe his Office and Employment, and be incapable to hold the fame ; and that if any fuch Certificate, Debenture, Bill or Note of Lading, or Licence, as aforefaid, fhall, during the Term lafl mentioned, be written or ingroffed contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof, upon Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, not ap- pearing to have been duly ftamped according to Law, that then, and in every fuch Cafe, there fhall be due, anfwered, and paid to her Majeffy, her Heirs and Succeffors (over and above the Duties hereby due or payable) for every fuch Certificate, Bill or Note of Lading, and Licence refpeftively, the Sum of five Pounds; and that no fuch Certificate, Debenture, Bill or Note of Lading, or Licence, fhall be available in Law, or be given in Evidence, or admitted in any Court, unlefs as well the faid Duties hereby charged, as the faid Sum of five Pounds, fhall be firft paid to the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, and a Receipt produced for the fame, under the Hand of the Receiver General, for the time being, of the Stamp Duties, or of his Deputy or Clerk, and until the Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, on which fuch Certificate, Debenture, Bill or Note of Lading, or Licence, is fo written or ingroffed, fhall be marked or flamped, ac- cording to the Tenor and true Meaning hereof; and the faid Receiver General, and his Deputy or Clerk, are hereby enjoined and required, upon Payment or Tender of the faid Duty, payable by virtue hereof, and of the faid Sum of five Pounds, to give a Receipt for fuch Money; and the other proper Officers are there- upon required to mark and ftamp fuch Certificate, Debenture, Bill, Note, or Licence, with the proper Marks and Stamps requifite in that Behalf. XXVIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all publick Officers who fliall, from time to time, have in their Cufiody, any of the faid Debentures, or any publick Books, Files, P^ecords, Remembrances, Dockets, or Proceedings, the Sight or Knowledge whereof may tend to the fecuring of thefe or any her Majefl:y's Stamp Duties, or to the Proof or Difcovery of any Fraud or Omiffion in relation thereto, or to any of them, fhall at any feafonable Time or Times, permit any Officer or Officers there- unto authorized Isy the Commiffioners, for the time being, appointed to manage thofe Duties, or the ma- jor Part of them, to infpeft and view all fuch Books, Files, Records, Remembrances, Dockets, and Pro- ceedings, as aforefaid, and to take thereout fuch Notes and Memorandums as fhall be neccflary for the Pur- pofes laff-mentioned, without Fee or Reward, upon Pain that fuch Clerk or other OlHcer or Officers, who fhall refiife or negleft fo to do, upon reafonable Requefl in that Behalf made, fhall, for every fuch Refufal and Negleft, forfeit the Sum of five Pounds with full Cofts of Suit. XXIX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That every Commiffioncr and OfScer, who fhall aft in or about the managing or collefting the Duties lafl-mentioned, and hereby granted, fliall, before he fliall aft in or about the fame, take the Oath following, that is to fay. Their Oath. A. B. do fvrear, That I will faithfully execute the Trufl repofed in me, purfuant to the Aft of Par- liament, whereby certain Duties are charged upon Certificates, Debentures, Bills of Lading, Al- manacks, and certain Licences, to be ftamped as is therein ir.entioncd, without Fraud or Concealment ; and fliall, from time to time, true Account make of my Doings therein, and deliver the fame to fuch Perfon or Perfons as her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, fhall appoint to receive fuch Account; and fhall take no Fee, Reward, or Profit, for the Execution or Performance of the faid Truft, or the Bufinefs -relating thereto, from any Perfon or Perfons, other than fuch as fhall be allowed by her M^ijefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, or fome other Perfon or Perfons under her or them to that Purpofe authorized.' Commiffioners to obferve the Orders of the Treafuty. No Fee to be taken, &c. Which Oath fhall and niay be adminiftred by any two or more of the Commiffioners lafl-mentioned, or any Juftice of the Peace. ■.. : ■ XXX. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid Commiffioners for managing the faid Duties on flampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, and all other Officers who fhall be employed iji or about the collefting or rnanaging of the Duties lafl-mentioned, and iiereby granted, fhall, in and for the better Execution of their faid Offices and Trufts, obferve and perform fuch Rules, Methods, and Or- ders as they refpeftively fhall, from time to time, receive from the Lords Commiffioners of the Treafury now being, or the Treafurer of the Exchequer, or the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being; and that no Fee or Reward fhall be demanded or taken by any her Majefty 's Officers, relating to the faid Stamp