Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/548

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496 C. 23* Anno nono Ann^ Reginas. A. D. 1710. CommiiTlonersto every Skin or Pibce of VeHuin or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, fo by them to be fold ; and that jiiiov/6!. |jer jjjg j-^jj Commiffioners fliall likewife allow and pay to every Perfon that fhall bring Vellum, Parchment, or ^ol'f^'^e'^'^ Paper to the faid Head Office to be ftamped in purfuance of this Adt (the Duty whereof hereby impofed Months' ^'■^^^ amount to the Sum of ten Pounds, or upwards) after the Rate of fix Pounds in the Hundred Pounds fer Annum-, for fix Months, upon prefent Payment of the faid Duty upon the faid Vellum, Parchment, or 'aper fo by them brought, over and above the like Allowance upon the fame Quantity by the faid former A£ts ; and that any Perlons that fliall buy of the faid Commiffioners, or their Agents, Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, at the Head Office for flamping the fame, the Duty whereof amounts to the like Sum of tea Pounds, or upwards, fhall have the fame Allowance. Penalties, how XXXVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Penalties hereby impofed, re-* to be diflributed. ]ating to the faid Duties upon flrampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, fliall be, the one Moiety thereof to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety thereof, with Full Cofls of Suit, to fuch Per- fon or Perfons as fliall inform and fue for the fame, in any of her Majefty's Courts at JVeftminJler, for (3f- fenees committed in England, Wales, or Berwick i)0 "Tweed, and in her Majefly's Court of Exchequer in Scotland, for Offences committed in Scotland, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or Irfformation, wherein no EfToin, Proteftion, Privilege, or V/"ager of Law, or any more than one Imparlance fliall be allowed. , iPfovifo for AI- XXXVIII. And in Regard of the Uncertainty hov/ many Almanacks for any one Year will be fold, it is iiftiBa'clis. hereby provided and enacSed, That the Commiffioners for managing the faid Stamp Duties, fliall and may deliver to the Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, by or for whom any Almanack or Alma- nacks is or are to be printed or publiflied. Paper marked or fl;ampt, according to the true Intent and Mean- ing hereof, for the printing fuch Almanack or Almanacks, upon his, her, or their giving fufficient Security to pay the Amount of the Duties hereby charged thereupon, within the Space of three Months after fuch Delivery ; and that the faid Commiffioners, upon bringing to them any Number of the Copies of fuch i^lmanacks, within the faid Space of three Months, and Requefi: to them in that Behalf made, fhall can- cel all the Stamps upon fuch Copies, and abate to fuch Perfon or Perfons fo much of the Money due upon ^uch his or their Security or Securities, as fuch cancelled Stamps fhall amount unto ; any thing herein con- tained to the contrary notwithftanding. fTomii Jiine XXXIX. And be it further enacSled by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the eleventh Day 1711. for3i of y«m<? one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, during the Term- of thirty-two Years from thence next Years, Cards to enfuing, there fhall be raifed, levied, collefled, and paid, unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs 3"')' ^.•P"^^'^'^' and Succeflbrs, for all playing Cards and Dice, which within or during the Term lafl-mentioned, fhall be Patr '"'^^'^^"^made fit for Sale or Ufe in Gr^ffi^ i?;-/ifl/«, or imported into the fame, the Duties following; that is to fay. Made perpetual for every Pack of fuch Cards the Sum of Six-pence, and for every Pair of fuch Dice the Sum of five Shil- iy jG. I. c.y. lings, to be paid by the Makers or Im.porters thereof refpedtively. ■§. I* ^L. And it is hereby enacSted, That the Duties upon fuch Cards and Dice imported fhall be levied and Isrought into the Exchequer, in fuch Manner and Form, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as any her Majefty's Cuftoms or Duties on Subfidy Goods Iiiwardsi ure, by any Laws no<v lii Force, to be levied and brought into the faid Exchequer. Duties on Cards XLI. And it is hereby enafted, That all Makers of Playing Cards or Dice, in Great Britain, after the and Dice im- firft Day of Atigiifi one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, before they refpeftively fhall begin to make any ported, how to fuch Cards or Dice, fhrJl give or fend Notice in Writing of the ufual Houfe or Place where they refpec- w'r'^'^Vr d t'^s^y ^'^^ make, or intend to make the fame; which Notice fhall be given to the faid Commiffioners for ^d Dk^ af"r^ ^^^ Stam.p Duties on Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, or to their Officers next adjacent to the Place where 1 Aug. 1711. to fuch Cards or Dice fliall be made ; and the like Notice fhall be given or fent, by every fuch Maker of Cards give Notice of or Dice during the Term laft mentioned, as often as they refpeftively fhall change their Places for that ihe Places where Purpofe ; and as often as any Perfon or Perfons fliall fet up, or exercife the Employment of making Cards •they make the ^^ Dicfi, in any Houfe or Place whatfoever in Great Britain., during the laft mentioned Term, the like No- feiTureof coT ^^^^ ^^ ^^ given or fent ; upon Pain that every Perfon making Default in giving fuch Notice, as aforefaid, and to permit f*^"" every fuch OfFence fhall forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds ; and that all and every Perfon and Perfons, Officer to take vvho fhall, during the Term laft- mentioned, make any Cards or Dice in any Houfe or Place not notified, an Account of as aforefaid, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds; and that all and every fuch Cards and. Dice, Perfon and Perfons fhall permit the proper Officers for the faid Duties to enter fuch Houfe or Place for raa- cn Forfeiture of j^jj^g ^f Cgj-^jg g^d Dice, and take an Account of the Cards and Dice there made, under the Penalty of

  • ° ■ ten Pounds for every Rc-fufal thereof; and that no Maker of fuch Cards and Dice, chargeable with the

move°then/ti*Il '"^id Duties by this Act, fhall remove or fuffer to be removed the fame from the Houfe or Place of making jnariced, on For- thereof, froni time to time, until fuch Mark upon the Dice, and fuch Seal upon the Paper and Thread en- feiture of tiie clofing every Pack of Cards, fhall be put thereupon, as the Commiffioners for the faid Duties on ftampt Cards, &c. and Vellum, Parchment and Paper, for the time being, fliall, from time to time, devife and appoint, in Writing S« o^hanie under their Flands, to denote the charging the faid Duties, upon Pain of forfeiting all fuch Cards and Dice, c. 10. ^. i6i. ' sind treble the Value thereof, as fhall be removed contrary to this hSt. Makers to make XLII. And it is hereby further ena6ted_. That the faid Makers of Cards and Dice, during the Term lafl Entries on Oath, mentioned, fliall, once in every twenty-eight Days, make true Entry upon Oath with the faid Commif- once inzSDays, fioners for the Duties on ftampt Vellum., Parchment and Paper, or with their Officer next adjacent to their f°'-*'^h°c^d° ^'^^ Pl^ce of making, (which Oath the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, or the faid Of- ciaklr". ^ " ' ficer, have hereby Power to adminifter) of all the Cards and Dice by fuch Makers thereof refpe£tively Seefi Geo. i. made, within the time for v^hich every fuch Entry ought to be made ; and fliall, once in every fix Weeks, c. zi. %. 57, .58. clear all the Duties owing from every fuch Maker, by paying the fame to the Receiver General for ftampt and to clear in Vellum, Parchment and Paper, or to the proper Officer for the time being, for colledting the faid Duties, 6 Weeks, on ^^^ j.j.^g -Q|-g ^^j- j^^^. fy^jjefty^ her Heirs and Succeffors ; upon Pain of forfeiting the Sum of twenty Pounds and dMbk'the ' ^"^ every Default in maklni^^ fuch -Entry, and double the Duty for Non-payment thereof. XLIII. And