544 C. 19. Anno decimo Akn^ Regins. A.D. 1711. The Duty oil Paper rhat pays ad Valorem, how to be af- ■ceitaijied. liJakers of Pa- iper, Paftbuard, &c. Jjefore 24 June 1 711, to give Notice of their Names and Places of ibode, and of. '■their Worlc- ■houfes, Ecc. on Pain of 50. i. By I Geo. i. flat. z. c. 36. ^.17. Officers are to take an Account of the •Qoantities, &c. •of-i^aper, before iPiinting,&C4 An3 of their iPlaces of dry- ■ing, Sec. on iPain of eo I» ^ntry to be made oine in '6 Weeks upon ■Oathj &c. Psnaly 50 1. Entries, &c. to be at the nejit Market Town. Duty to be cleared off in 6 Weeks afcrr Entry, en Pa'.n of double the JXity. Officers may saicr bj Djy or XLTI. And it is hereby enafted and declared. That the Values of fuch of the (aid Paper made in Gre/7t Sritaifi as is to pay Duty ad Valorem, as aforefaid, fhall in all Cafes be taken to be fo much as fuch Pa^ per fhall be worth to be fold (fo foon as the fame is perfe&ly made, from time to time) at the next Mar- ket Town, -without Relpedt to the Duty hereby chargeii thereupon ; and that the Colledlor for the time ^being fhall receive the laid Duties payable ad Valorem for fuch Paper accoidingly, ujion the Oath of the Maker or Makers of fuch Paper, or of his cr their Chief Workman or Servant employed in making the fame, according to the beft of their Knowledge or Belief, unlcfs fuch Maker, Workman, or Servant, be a known Quaker, and the folemn Affirmation of fuch Maker, Workman, or Servant, to the fame Etfc^Sl, in cafe he or {he be a known Quaker, (hall and may be taken inftead of fuch Oath ; which Oaths and Affirma- tions to afcertain the Value of fuch Paper fo to be charged, fliall and may be adminiftred by the proper Col- leftor or Supervifor of the Diftri£t or Divifion within which fuch Maker of Paper doth inhabit, without any Fee or Charge {or the fame. XLIII. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, who, on or before the four and twentieth Day of 'June in the Year of our Lord one tiiouland feven hundred and twelve, fhall make any Paper, Paflhoard, Mildhoard, or Scaleboard, or fhall print, parnt, or fl:ain any Paper in Great Britain,' as. aforefaid, for Sale, or not for Sale, fhall, on or before the laid four and twentieth of fune one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, give or leave Notice in Writing at the Office for the laid Duties on Paper next to the Place where fuch Paper, Paftboard, Mildboard, and Scale- board fhall be made, or where fuch Paper fhall be made, printed, painted, or ftained, of their refpedtive Names and Places of Abode, and of the Place or Places where every fuch Perfon or Peribns do ufually make or print, paint, or fl-ain any fuch Paper, Paftboard, Mildboard, or Scaleboard ; and that all and every fuch Maker or Makers, as often as he, fhe, or they fUall change their Places of making, printing, painting, or ftaining of Paper, or making of Paftboards, Mildboards, and Scaleboards, and all and every Perfon and Perfons who fhall at any Time or Times hereafter, during the Continuance of the faid Duties on Paper, be a Maker or Makers of Paper, Paftboard, Mildboard or Scaleboard, or fh.dl print, paint, or ftiin any. Paper as aforefaid, fliall give or leave the like Notice of their refpeftive Names and Places of Abode, and the Places where th:y fhall refpeftively make, or intend to make any fuch Paper, Pafl:board, Mildboard, or Scaleboard, or to print, paint, orftain any fuch Paper, as aforefaid, before they refpectively do prefume to make, print, paint, or ftain the fame, in any fuch new or other Place or Places, to the end the faid Com- rniffionsrs, or other Officers for the faid Duties on Paper, may, from time to time, have due Knowledge of all the Places where fuch Goods fhall be made or wrought, and be the better enabled to fecure the Duties hereby granted thereupon ; and if any fuch Perfon or Perfons who fliall make, print, paint, or ftain any Paper, or make any Paftboard, Mildboard, or Scaleboard, for which a Duty ough: to he paid by this Act, fhall negleft to give or leave fuch Notice, as aforefaid, he, {he, or they, fhall,, for cveiy fuch Oiifcnce, for- feit the Sum of thirty Pounds. XLIV. And the better to prevent any Frauds or Concealments, whereby her Majefty, her Heirs or Suc- ceftbrs, may be injured or deprived of his, her or their Dues; be it further enacted by the Authority afore- faid, ThatnoPeribn whatfoever, during the Continuance of the faid Duties upon Paper, fhall ufe any Place for drying the fame, or making it fit for Ufe, other than fuch common Place of Places whereof he, {he, or they fhall firft have given or left Notice in Writing at the proper Office for the fame Duties, to be the Place or Places for his, her, or their drying or iinilhing the fame, upon Pain of forfeiting the Sum of twenty Pounds for every fuch Oft'ence. XLV. And it is hereby farther en.iiffed by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the four and twentieth Day of yune one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, during the Continuance of the faid Duties upon Paper, a'il and' every Perfon and Perfons v.'ho laall make any Paper, Paftboard, Mildboard, or Scaleboard in Great Britain, or print, paint, or ftain any Paper, as aibrefaid, in GreatBritain, fhall, once in every fix Weeks, make a true Entry in V7riting at the next Office for the faid Duties upon Paper, of all the Paper, Paft- boards, Mildboards, and Scaleboards by hi;r., her, or them feverally made fit for Ufe, within-fuch fix Weeks rcfpeftively ; which .Entries fnall contain ilic juft Kinds and Quanthies thereof, on Pain to forfeit, on every Negleift of fuch Entry, the Sum of fifty Pounds : Which Entries ihall be made upon Oath, or upon an Affirmation, as aforefaid, to be refpectively taken and adminiftred as this Aft prefcribes, in Cafes where the Value of any unrated Paper is to be ai'ccrtained, as aforefaid, v/ithout any Fee or Charge whatfoever to be demanded or taken for the fame. Xr^VI. Provided always. That no Perfon who fhall make, print, paint, orftain any Paper, Paftboard,. Mildboard, or Scaleboard, fhall be obliged to go or fend farther than the Market Town, where his or her Paper is made, printed, painted, or ibined, or fuch Boards are made, or the next Market Town to the Place of making, printing, psinnng, or ftaining the fame refpeiStively, for the m.aking of fuch Oaths, Af- firmations, or Entries, as aforefaid. XLVII. And be it further enafted. That all and every Perfon and Perfons who fnall make any Paper, Paftboard, Mildboard, o-; ?iC^eho2.vAm Great Britai?z, or print, paint, or ftain any Paper in Grt'^/ i?nW«, ihall, from time to rime, within fix Weeks after he, fhe, or they fliall make or ought to have made fuch Entry, as aferefirid, pay and clear oft" all the faid Duti s for all fuch Paper, Paftboard, Mildboard, or Scale- board, as {hall by or for them refpefiively be made, and for all inch Paper as fliall by them refpeftively be printed, painted, or ftained, (o as to be iit for Ufe or Sale, upon Pain of forfeiting for every fuch Offence double the Sum of the faid Duty whereof the Payment fliall be fo refufed or neglected ; and that no fuch Perfon, after fuch Default in Payment made, fliall fell, deliver, or carry out any Paper, Paftboard, Mild- board, or Scaleboard, until he hath paid and cleared ofi^ his Duty, as aforefaid, on Pain to forfeit double the Value of the Paper, Paftboard, Mildboard, and Scaleboard, fo delivered or carried out. XLVIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the O.fficers of the faid Duties on Paper, {hall, at all Times, by Day or by Night, and if in the Night, then in the Prefence of a' ' Conllable