Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/607

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and A. D. 171 1, .Anno (3ecimo Ann iE Regin^e. C. 19. ^^^ Mpjcfly, her Heirs and Succeflbrs fover and above the Duties hereby payable) for every fuch Matter and k„ Wiiting be- Thing rcfpeftively, the Sum of five Pounds ; and that no (lich Matter or Thing fiiall be available in Lav/ fore Paper be cr Equity, or be given in Evidence, or admitted in any Court, unlcfs as well the faid Duties hereby charg- "an-pf, ^nd, cd, as the faid Sum of five Pounds, {hall be firfl: paid to the Ufc of her Majefty!, her Heirs or Succefibrs, 'l".5^'j ^"""^ *° and a Receipt produced for the fame under the Hand of the Receiver General for the time being, of the [^^ Dutv"be^' Stamp Duties, or of his Deputy or Clerk, and until the Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, on which fuch paid. Matter or Thing is fo written or ingrofied, fhali be marked orftampcd, according to the Tenor and true Meaning hereof; and the faid Receiver General, and his Deputy or Clerk, are hereby injoined and re- quired, upon Paymejit or Tender of the faid Duty, payable by virtue' hereof, and of the faid Sum of five Pounds, to give a Receipt for fuch Money ; and the other proper Officers are thereupon required to mark or ftamp fuch Matter or Thing with the proper R'lark or Sramp fequifite in that Behalf. CVI. And be it further ena<Sted by the Authority aforefiid, 'J'hat every Commiflloner and Officer, who Commiffioners . fhall aft in or about the Managing or Collecting the Duties lail mentioned, and hereby granted, (hall, be- ^° be fwcm. fore he fliall adi: in or about the fame, take the Oath following, that is to fay, J. B. io fwear, That I will faithfully execute the Truft rfpofed in me, purfuant to the Aft of Par- Their Oath. lianient, whereby certain are charged upon Surrendi-rs of, and Admittances to Copyhold Lands ' or Tenements, and other the Matters and Things thereby (iirefted to be flamped, as is therein mentioned, ' v/ithout Fraud or Concealment ; and {hall, from time to time, true Account make of my Doings there- ' in, and deliver the fame to fuch Perfon or Perfons, as. her Majefty, her Heirs and Succefibrs, fliall ap- ' point to receive fuch Account; and fhall take no Fee, or Reward, or Profit for the Execution or Per- ' formance of the faid Truft, or the Bufinefs relatin.g thereto, from any Perfon or Perfons, other than fuch ' as {hall be allovved by her Majcfty, her Heirs and Succefibrs, or fome other Perfon or Perfons by her or

  • them, to that Purpofe authorized.'

Which Oath fhall and may be adminlftred by any two or more of the Commiffioners lafl- mentioned, or any j.uftice of the Peace. CVII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid CommifTioners for managing Comm'ffienerj the faid Duties on fliampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, and all other Officers, who (hall be employed in ^° obferve the or about the Collefting or Managing of the Duties lafl: mentioned, and hereby granted, fhall, in and for !j'^j"^'° *^ the better Executionof their fiiid Offices and Trufi:s, obferve and perform fuch Rules, Methods and Or- ' ^' ders, as they refpeftively {hall, from time to time, receive from the Lord High Treafurer oi Great Britain now being, or from the Lord High Treafurer of Great Britain, or three or more of the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being ; and that no Fee or Reward fhall be demanded or taken by any her Ma- No Fee to be jefly's Officers relating to the faid Stamp Duties, from any of her Majefty's Subjefts, for any Matter or '"ken. Thing to be done in purfuance of this Aft ; and in cafe any Officer intru{led, or to be intrufied, in the Execution of this Aft, in Relation to the faid Stamp Duties, /liall refufe or neglect to perform any Matter or Thing by this Aft required to be done and performed by him, whereby any of her Majefly's Subjeft's fhall or may fuftain any Damage whatfoever, fuch Officer fo off nding fliall be liable by any Aftion to be founded on this Statute, to anf«'er to the Party grieved all fuch Damages with Treble Cofts of Suit. CVIIL And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Duties by this Aft grant- Thefe Duties to ed on ftampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, and the faid Duties upon News Papers and Pamphlets, {hall ^^ paWtotiie be all paid, from time to time, into the Hands of the Receiver General, for the time being, of the faid Jaf "f'the ^'ma" Duties on rtampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper; who {hall keep a feparate and diftinft Account thereof. Duties. ■and pay, from time to time, all the Monies arifing thereby (the neceflary Charges of raifing, paying, and accounting for the fame excepted) into the Receipt of the Exchequer of her Majefly, her Heirs and Suc- ■ce{rors, for the Purpofes in this Aft exprefTed. CIX. Provided alw^ays, and it is hereby enafted. That as often as her Majefi:y, her Heirs and Succef- Upon Renewal fors, {Ijall think fit to alter or renew the faid Marks or Stamps to be provided and uTed for Vellum, Parch- of Stamps thofe inent, and Paper, in putfuance of this Aft, or any of them, it fhall be lawful for all Perfons, who fhall at ""' ^^^^ ^•"^°' that Time have in their Cu{lody or Pofieffion any Vellum, Parchment or Paper, marked with the Stamp ,,',"'"'^,^ h;.ve or Stamps which fhall be fo altered or renewed, and upon which none of the Matters and Things hereby it changed in 60 charged, fhall be ingrofi^ed, written or printed, at any tin-je within the Space of fixty Days after fuch In- Days, tention of renewing or altering, fhall be publifhed by Proclarr.ation, to bring or fend fuch Vellum, Parch- ment or Paper to the Commiffioners lafl: mentioned at the faid Head Office, or to fuch Officers as fliall be appointed in that Behalf; and the fame Commiffioners and Officers refpeftively are hereby required to de- liver, or caufe to be delivered to the feveral Perfons who fliall fo bring and deliver any Qiiantity of Vellum, Psrchment and Paper, the like Quantity of Vellum, Parchment and'Paper, and as good in Quality, with fuch nev/ Stamps, without demanding, or taking dircftiy or indireftly for the fame, any Sum of Money or Confideration whatfoever, under the Penalty of forfeiting for every fuch Offence, one hundred Penalty rr Of- Pounds, to be fued for, recovered and divided in fuch Manner as the other Penalties in this Aft, relating fi«r i-L-fufing to to the faid Duties hereby charged on Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, are direfted to be fued for, recover- «^'"sej lool. ed, and divided ; and in cafe any Perfon fhall negleft or refufe within the Time aforefaid, to bring or caufe Paper not to be brought and delivered to fuch Commiffioners or Officers, as aforefaid, any fuch Vellum, Parchment, ^rough^n with- or Paper, the fame is hereby declared to be of no other EfFeft or Ufe than if it had never been flamped ; '" tl'.itTJme, of and that all Matters or Things charged with the Duties lail mentioned, and hereby granted, which fhall '"^ "■=' *-"^' ■after that Time be ingrofifed or writen thereon, (hall be of no other Effeft than if they had be n ingrofied ' • ■■ or written on Vellum, Parchment, or Paper not marked, or flamped at all ; and all Perfons who fli.ill in- ' grofs, write, or print any the Matters or Things hereby charged on fuch Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, 4 B 2 after