560 C. ig. Anno decimo An n je Reginae. A. D. 1711, " of the three Lotteries to be paid numerically, Wc. _ Any Number of Tickets, not exceeding an hun- " dred, may be included in one Order, fo'as they be in the fame Lottery and Courfe of Payment. Several " Orders for fmail Sums in the fame Lottery and Courfe, may be exchanged into one Order. The Monies " arifnig by this A&-, to be applied to pay ofF Principal and Intereflr. No undue Preference, if fubfequent " Orders be paid before others, who did not demand their Monies. Deficiency of one Year to be made " good out of the next. Surplus to be applied to malce good Deficiencies, ^c. Notice to be hung up in " the OfKce when Orders become due. Eight Pence ;^^r Cent, per Die?n allowed for the firft Payment, and " 4.d.pcr Cent, for the other Payments, till 25 Dec. 171Z. Receivers may take in Money before they re- " ceive their Books. Contributors advancing one fourth Part, and failing in the reft, to forfeit the firll " fourth Part : And if no Ticket fhall have been deliver'd him, then the Ticket to be returned into the • " Exchequer, bfc. Treafury to appoint a Paymafter, i^c. Who fliall be fubjecft to the Rules of the " Treafury. Affignment of fbanding Orders to be regiftred. Her Majefty, i^c. to reward the Managers, " £s'c. out of the Monies arifuig by the Duties. Extraordinary Benefits of zoool. may be divided into " ftanding Orders not lefs than ;oo/. principal Money. If all the Principal and Intereft be paid oft before "32 Years, then the Refidue to be difpofed of by Parliament. Guardians to contribute for Infants, is'c.'^ 9 Anna:, c. 23.. ' CLVIIL And whereas by an A£i: of Parliament made in the ninth Year of her Majefty 's Reign, inti- ' tuled. An ASi for Ucenfing and regidattng Hackney Coaches and Chairs ; and for charging certain new Duties an ' Jlampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper, and on Cards and Dice ; and on the Exportation of Rock Salt for Tre- ' land ; and for fecuring thereby, and hy a Weekly Payment out of the Poji Office, and by feveral Dttties on Hides ' and Skins, a yearly Fund of one hundred eighty fix thoufand fix hundred and feventy Pounds, for thirty-two ' Years, to be applied to the SatisfaBion of fuch Orders as are therein mentioned, to the Contributors of any Sum ' not exceeding tzvo Millions, to be raifed for carryi-ng on the JVar, and other her Majefty s Occafons, it was en- ' afted. That the Commifiioners for licenfing and regulating Hackney Coaches for the time being, or the ' major Part of them, Ihould have Power, and are thereby required (amongft other Things therein con- ' tained) to licenfe ail fuch Hackney Chairs which, from and after the twenty-fourth Day oi June one ' thoufand feven hundred and eleven, within or during the Term of thirty-two Years, from thence next ' and immediaiely enfuing, ftiould be kept and ufed for Hire within the Cities of London and IVcfiminfter, ' and the Suburbs thereof, and within all and every the Pariflies and Places comprized within the Weekly ' Bills of Mortality ; and that the Number of all fuch Chairs fo to be licenfed upon that Aft, fhould not ' at any one Time, within or during the Term laft-mentioned, exceed two hundred ; and that upon every ' one of the faid Licences fo to be granted, for keeping or ufing for Hire any Hackney Chair, there ftiould ' be referved and payable to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, the annual Sum of ten Shillings, to ' be paid quarterly at the four moft ufual Feafts in the Year, by equal Portions, during the Continuance of ' every fuch Licence for a Chair ; and in the fame Aift feveral Rates, Reftriftions, and Claufes are inferted, ' in relation to fuch Chairs and Chairmen fo licenfed; as by the fame, relation being thereunto had, may Commiffioners ' more fully appear : And whereas it is found neceflary or convenient that a greater Number of fuch Hack- fm- Hackney t j^gy ghajj-j fliould be licenfed to be imployed within the Limits aforefaid ;' Be it further enafted by the Jicenf^'^^ico^ Authority aforefaid, That the Commifiioners for licenfing and regulating Hackney Coaches now being, and more Hackney the Commiffioners for licenfing and regulating Hackney Coaches for the time being, or the major Part of Chairs. them, fhall have Power and Authority, and are hereby impowered and required, under their Hands and By 12 Geo. i. Seals, or the Hands and Seals of the major Part of them (over and above the Number of Chairs autho- c. II. ^.15. I'ized to be licenfed by the faid former Aft) to licenfe any additional Number not exceeding one hundred n-avl^ce^nfeJ." f"ch Hackney Chairs, which, from and after the twenty-fourth Day of y/«z^ one thoufand feven hundred M.'d.: perpetual and twelve, at any Time or Times within or during the Term of thirty-one Years from thence next and fey 3 Gee. I. immediately enfuing, (ball be kept and ufed for Hire within the Cities and Limits aforefaid, fo that the c. 7. §. I. Number of all the (aid Chairs licenfed, or to be licenfed upon this or the faid former Aft, fhall not at any Ard}°c'^ g'^^ one Time within or during the Term laft-mentioned exceed three hundred. c'Jr^^ "'^' CLIX. And it is hereby enafted. That upon every one of the faid Licences for any of the faid Chaii^s Hackne Chairs '^ ^^ granted by this A61:, there {hall be referved the like yearly Rent of ten Shillings, to be paid quar- to pay quarterly, terly ; and that the fame Chairs, and the Perfons to be fo licenfed for carrying or ufing the fame, fhall, in and to befuhien refpeft thereof, have the fame Rates anri Benefits, and be fubjeft and liable to the fame Rules, Penalties, totheiameRules Matters and Things, as are by the faid former Aft prefcribed in relation to the Hackney Chairs or Chaip- as the other men, which were thereby authorized to be licenfed ; and that all Perfons, who fliall prefume to carry for Hire ney aits, j^ ^^^ Hackney or common Chair, any Perfon or Perfons within the Limits aforefaid, without fuch Lt~ Furiher Pic-vi- cence upon this or the faid former Aft, fhall be liable to fuch Penalties as he, fhe, or they would have in- ieZ'7iz^Ayr! curred for ufing an unlicenfed Chair, if this Aft had not been made. fi.^t. I, c. :^. 1 Geo. I.e. ^j. 12 Cfs. I, (T. 12, 2.oGi:o. z. c, 10. 3oGe5. 2'. c, 22. §. 6. 33 Geo. 2. f, 25. ' 9 Anna;, c. 33, < CLX. And whereas in and by the faid Aft made in the ninth Year of her Majefty's Reign famongft '""d^b'f'^"^^-. ' other Things therein contained) it was enafted, That from and after the eleventh Day oi fune one ln<LjTi
' thoufand feven hundred and eleven, during the Term of thirty-two Years from thence next enfuing,
the Hands of the ' there fhall be raifed and paid unto and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, for all Makers, to pay ' playing Cards or Dice, which, within or during the fame Term, fhould be made fit for Sale or Ufe iii for every Pack ' Great Britain, or imoorted into the fame, the Duties following, (that is to fay) for every Pack of fuch anH for ever ""^' ' Cards, the Sum of fix Pence, and for every Pair of fuch Dice, the Sum of 'fiv.- Shillings :' Nov/ it is ^vkx'lT."'^ hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That there fhall be raifed, levied, collefted, andpaid, to anil for the Ufe of her Maj^ fty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, for and upon all playing Cards and Dice which no'.V remain unfold in the Hands of any Perfon or Perfons trading or dealing therein, and which were aftu'dly and completely made before the twelfth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred 3 and