A.D. ryir. Anno decimo Ann^ Reginae. C. 2 6. 581 faid Duties on-Gilt and Silver Wire to be made In Great Britain (the neceiTar^ Charges of Management The Monks to excepted) to b.e paid, as the fame fliall arife, into the Receipt of her Majefty's Exchequer in England, un- ^ ^f"^ '"'° ^* der the Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities herein after exprefied. "" '^^""• XlylX. .And it is hereby enafted, That all and every Perfon and Perfjns, who at any Time or Times Wire-drawers to within or during the Term laft-mcntioned fhall draw or caufe to be drawn, any Gold or Silver into big?"'"= Notice at Wire in Great Britain, fliall give Notice in Writing at the next Office for the faid Duties on Wire, of their rf'the^'i^^es refpe£live Names and Places of Abode, and of the Houfes or Places by them refpectively made ufe of, for and.Work-'"^ the drawing or making of fuch Wire therein, upon Pain to forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds for every Of- ho»f<-s, &c. on, fence in drawing or caufmg to be drawn any fuch Wire, in any Houfe or Place, without having firft noti- Forfeiture of fied the fame, as aforefaid; and that no Refiner, Wiredrawer, or other Perfon or Perfonsfh 11, during the =■*'• Continuance of the faid Duties on Wire, diaw or caufe to be drawn any Gold or Silver into fuch Wire as is commonly called Big [fire, at any Houfe or Place other than fome common, Bar-houfe, to be approved '"J of their by the Commiffioners for the faid Duties on Wire for that Purpofe, upon Pain to forfeit the Sum of twenty Bar houits. Founds for every Offence therein. L. And it is hereby enacted. That from and after the faid firft Day oi July one thoufand feven hundred wire-drawers, .. and twelve, during the Continuance of the faid Duties upon Wire hereby granted, all and every the Re_ ^.'^- ""^^^"■ finers, Wire-drawers, and other Perfons, who fliall draw, or caufe to be drawn, any Gilt or Silver Wire, & "'at"tlie"ext • commonly called Big Wire, as aforefaid, fliall once in every Month make a true Entry in Writing at the office monthl/, next Office for the faid Duties of all the Gilt and Silver Wire by them feverally made or drawn within fuch Month refpeflively; which Entries fliall contain the Weight and Kinds of all the Wire mentioned therein, and how much thereof refpeiSively was made in each Week, on Pain to forfeit, for every Negleft of Entry, the Sum of one hundred Pounds;, which E.atry fliall be made upon the Oath of the Refiner, on Fotfdture ef ■ or other Perfon for whom the faid Wire was drawn, or of the- chief Workman employed therein, or (ffiool- he or (he be a Quaker) then upon his or their folemn .Afnrmation, to the beft of their refpeilive Know- ledge and Belief; which Entries, Oaths, and Affirmations fhall and. may be made with, and admjniftred by fuch Officer or Officers as fliall be appointed to take the fame, without any Fee or. Charge what- foever. LI. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That every Refiner, Wire-drawer, and other -Wife-Jrawer, . Perfon, who fhall draw, or caufe to be drawn, any Gold or Silver Wire, as aforefaid, fliall,. from time to *<^- '<":|ear oft" time, within fix Weeks after they refpeftively fliall make, or ought to have made, fuch- Entry, as aforefaid, ^^ Duties m ff pay and clear off all the faid Duties for Gilt and Silver Wire which (hall be due from them refpedively, fei^I'e^of doub^'- upon Pain of forfeiting double the Sum of the faid Duty whereof the Payment fhall have been fo- refufed. the Duty, or neghdted. LIl. And it is. hereby declared and enafted, That all and every the Officers for the faid Duties, on Wire, officers may en- fhall at all Times, by Day or by Night, and if in the Night, then in the Prefence of a Conflable, or other tcr any Bar- lawful Officer of the Peace, be permitted, upon his or their Requeft, to enter the Bar-houfe, Worlc- houfe, ^°"'^,» *'^' ^^ or other Place which fliall be made ufe of by any Perfon or Perfons for the drawina; or making of Gilt f,',""^^' '^° n-1 -TTT- 1 11J7>- T/fr 1- 1.1 .. ^l_ r • 1 l- ■ 1 1 A I-; ■ • rt taKe.Ai Account or Silver Wire, commonly ziWe^ Big Wire, liable to the faid Duties, and to take an. Account of the juft ^f ,hg v/ire Weight of the Gilt and Silver Wire which fliall have been fo drawn or made from time to time; and fhall and make Re.- thereof make Return in Writing to the Commiffioners of the faid Duties upon Wire, or fuch as they fhall turn thereof to . appoint to receive the fame, leaving a true Copy thereof (if demanded) with the Maker of the faid Wire, theCommiilion^- upon whom fuch Return of the faid Officer fliall be a Charge; and if the faid Officer fhall refufe to give «'■'> leaving a or leave fuch Copy (being demanded, as aforefaid) every fuch Officer, for every fuch OfFence, fliall forfeit ^^°.'|]',^,l|'jJ^°^^^j. the Sum of forty Shillings to every fuch Refiner, Wire-drawer, or other Perfon, as aforefaid. on Pain of 40s!- LIII. Provided always. That if fuch Charge be made by taking the Weight of the Gold and Silver in if- chaise be ta-- fuch Big Wire at the Bar-houfe, as aforefaid, then an Allowance o'i one fifth Part fhall be made in Confi- ken at the Bar- deration of the Wafte to be fuftained in reducing the fame to Small Wire. houfe, one Fift4i. LlV. Provided allb, That every Officer who fliall be impowered to make fuch Charge, as aforefaid, fliall, '° '""^ allowed, in the firft Place, be fvvorn for the due and faithful Execution of his Office;, which Oath fhall and may be Officers to be adminiftred by all or any the Commiffioners of the faid Duties upon Wire, or by any Juftice of the Peace, '^'°"- who fhall give to fuch Officer a Certificate thereof; and all Perfons chargeable with the faid Diities upon v/ire-diawers to. Wire, are hereby rec[uired to keep fufficient and juft Scales and Weights at the Place or Places where he, keep Weights fhe or they do make fuch Wire, and permit and affift the Officer to make ufe thereof for the Purpofds j"^"'^ °" aforefaid, under the Penalty of ten Pounds, to be forfeited and lolt for not keeping fuch Scales and Weights, "^ yofiol. . or for not permitting and affifting the Officer to ufe the fame, as aforefaid. LV. Andbe it enadted, Th;'.t if any Maker of Wire fhall obftruft or hinder any of the faid Officers in obftmaing Of- the Execution of any the Powers given to him or them by this Aft, for afcertaining and fecuring the. faid ficer forfeit zoi;. Duties upon Gilt and Silver Wire, the Perfon or Perlbns offending therein fliall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds. LVI. And it is hereby further enaifted. That no Refiner, Wire-drawer, or Perfon, who fhall draw, or Wire-dra«-ernot caufe to be drawn, any Gilt or Silver Wire, as aforefaid, after the faid firft Day oi July one thoufand "'.""'°™^'"^ feven hundred and twelve, during the Continuance of the faid Duties upon Wire, fliall (under Pain of ^'[^^"'^'p^^^^'j:* forfeiting forty Pounds for every Offence) remove, carry, or fend away, or fuffer to be removed, carried,. qj'" or lent away, any Gilt or Silver Wire by or for him, her, or them made or drawn, of whichno Account fhall have been firft taken by the proper Officer of the faid Duties, from the Bar-houfe, or Place where the fame Wire fhall have been made or drawn, without giving to the proper Officer four and twenty Hours Notice at the leaft of his, her or their Intention to remove, carry, or fend away the fame, -that fo the. faid Officer (without his own wilful Defaidt) m.ay have Time to weigh . and take an .Account thereof.'. .^yj^.. ^^^ ^^ LVII. And for the better afcertaining the faid Duties upon Wire, It is hereby enafted. That all Per- vepd w be'^kept- foiis, by or for whom any Wire fliall be made or' dravKn, as aforefaid,; fhall, from time to time, keep all feparate, onPaia .