Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/645

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A. D. 171 1. Anno decmio Ann^e J^cglnaei. C. 29, 30. 593 CAP. XXIX. Ah Adl for better afcertain'ing and fecuring the Payments to be made to her Majefty for Goods and Merchandizes to be imported from the Eaji Indies, and other Places within the Limits of , the Charter granted to the Enji India Company. ' ^T7HEREAS the United Company of Merchants of jB^/ffewi;^ trading - to the Eq/? Indies, do yearly 9 ^. 3. r. /[ifti.-?. ' W import great Quantities of Goods, the Species and Quantities whereof cannot be known, nor due fj^""' '• 3» ■■- ' Entries made, To as to afcertain the Cuftoms, without having them firfl: landed and examined, to bring '■'■ ' the Contents thereof into a Method fit for the Computal:ion of the Cuftoftis and other Duties payable for ' the fame ; for which Reafdn it hath been the conftant Praftice of all Companies trading to the EaJl In- ' dies, to enter and land their Goods and Merchandizes by Bills at Sight, or Sufferance, and to give Secu- ' rity for Payment of the Cufloms, and other Duties thereof, at two fix Months Time from the Importa- ' tion : And "whereas fome Doubts have lately arifeh concerning the Legality of the faid Praftice ;' Be it therefore enatSed and declared by the Queen's mofl Excellent Majefly, by- and with the Advice and Con- fent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Company-, and their SuccffTors, Eaftiridia Corti"- 1 from time to time, to enter fuch Goods as are or {hall 'be imported by theni at the Cuftom-houie by Bills at may enter - Sight, or SufferaneCj and to give Security -under their. Common Seal for the Pa'yment of the Cufi:oms, and ]'^<^ Goods they •. other Duties laid, or to be laid, upon all fuch Goods as are rated in the Book of Rates, and upon Coffee, 'T^^'l'^:^ ^j which is to be afcertained by the Gath of the Importer, videlicet, for the Payment of one half Part thereof givt'sec'urit'y at the End of fix Calendar Months next after the Time within which the Report of the Maftet or Purfer-fcr Payment of .- of the Ship, in which they {hall be imported, {Kail or ought to have been mad£, and for the Payment of the the Ciftomr, other Half Part thereof, at the End of twelve Calendar Months next after the time within which fuch ^'^' ■ Report {hall or ought to be made, as aforefaid ; and the Commiffioners and principal Officers of the Cuflioms, . are hereby authorized and required to grant to thfi-faid Company fuch Bills at Sight, or Sufferance, and take fuch Security^ as aforefaid, and to make them fuch Allowances and Deduftions as are to he made to other Merchants, paying their Cuftoras and other Duties at or before the landing of their Goods. II. Provided always, .and- be it further ena£l:ed by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft, or any thirig Not to alter the ' therein. contained, {hall not extend, or be confli-ued to extend, to alter the Method or Manner of paying the M^""'^ of pay- Duties of fifteen per Cent, on Miiflins and Callicoes, or the Duties upon any othe.r Goods, which are to be ^'^^j^^^j^^" '^.^_ afcertained by Sale at the Candle. S:e the Re/'remei to th> fdregiiiiig Cbspler. .. And.lcmifr'n'wg' IiiHia Goods, fee farther 7 Geo, i. c, 7, & 21, loG'eo. 1, c.,ii. 9 Geo. a, ff. 4, IS '^"' ^' '^' i'^' •'■ C^-A P. XXX.., A'n Aft for continuing the Trade to the South Seas, granted by an Aft of the lafl: SefHon of " Parliament, although the Capital Stock of the faid Corporation Ihould be redeemed. '"TTTHEREAS by an A6t of Parliament made in the ninth Year of her Maje{ly's Reign, intituled, „ ^nn^^ ^ j,,__ . ' W ylii ylSi for makiv.^ good Deficiencies, and Jatisfying the puhUck Debts ; and for erecting a Corporation ' to carry on a Trade to the bouth Seas,- «Wy"ffr the Encouragement of the Fijhery ; and, for Liberty to trade in ' umvrought Iron with the SubjeSis of Spain ; and to repeal the ASis for regiflrir^g Seamen ; it is provided and

  • "enafted, That at any Time upon one Year's Notice after the five and twentieth Day of D^fcOT^^r one

' thouiand feven hundred and fixteen, upon Repayment by Parliament of the principal Sum of which the ' Capital Stock of the Company, which was intended to be eftabli{lied by virtue of the faid Aft, {liould, ' for the time being, confift, and of all Arrears of the Annuities or yearly Payments therein mentioned, or by Payment thereof by and out of the Surplus Monies of the Fund fettled by the faid KSc for Payment

  • of the faid Annuities to the faid Company, then all the Impofitions and Duties thereby granted or appro-

' priated, {lioald or might be difpofed of by Parliament, and the yearly Fund therein mentioned, and the

  • Annuities iffuing out of the fame, fhall abfolately ceafe and determine ; and her Majefty, by Letters Pa-

' tent under the Great Seal of Great Britain, bearing Date the eighth Day of September one thoufand {tvzn. ■■

  • ■■ hundred and eleven, grounded on the faid Ail of Parliament, hath incorporated all and every the Perfou.

' and Perfons, Natives and Foreigners, Bodies Politick and Corporate, who then were or fhould be in- ' terefted in, or entitled unto any the Bills, Tickets, Debentures, Certificates, or other publick Debts, '■ Deficiencies, or Sums of Money, intended to be provided for by that Aft, and all and every Perfon and 'Perfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, who as Executors, Adminiflrators, Siicceffbrs, or Affigns, or ■ ' by any other lawful Title derived, or to be derived from, by, or under the original Proprietors, at any '■' Time or Times, fhould have and be entitled to any Part, Share, or Interefi; of or in the yearly Fund, by - ' the firft Aft fettled, fo long as they refpeftively fhould have any Part, Share, or Interefl therein, to be, ■ ' one Body Politick and Corporate, by the Name of The Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Bri- - ' tain, trading to the South 'i&s.s and other Parts a/" America, and for encouraging the Fijliery ; and by that ' Name to have perpetual Succeffion, with fuch Powers, Privileges, and Advantages, as in the faid Charter ' are mentioned, fubjeft neverthelefs to the Condition or Power of Redemption in the faid Aft expreffed, as ' by the faid Aft of Parliament and Charter may refpeftively appear: And whereas fome Doubts ihave ' arifen, or may arife, concerning the Power of Redemption intended by the faid Aft and Charter^ which '• might tend to difcourage the faid Company in expending fuch large Sums of Money as are necefiaryto be Yo.L. IV, 4G 'expended 1