A. D. 1700. Anno undecimo & duodecimo Gulielmi III. C. 3. 37 CAP. III. An A£t for laying further Duties upon Wrought Silks, MuQins, and forne other Commodi- ties of the Eaft Indies, and for enlarging the Time for purchafmg certain reverfionary An- nuities therein mentioned. MoJ} - Gracious Sovereign, MA Y it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefly, we your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the All wronght Commons of England m Parliament allembled, as a further Suppl/ for your Majefty's Occaftons in S'""> ^'^- ""^ this A£1: mentioned, have cheerfully and unanimoufly given and granted, and do hereby give and grant to ™'^" '^ ^"'| your Majefty the further Rates, Payments, Duties, and Sums of Money herein after mentioned. And be Jh^j Aa"^w.'ri^ it enaded by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by andwith the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spi- prohibited (af- ritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, ter Expiration That for and upon all wrought Silks, and for and upon all Bengals and Stuffs made of or mixed with Silk j?«r^°n by a or Herba, of the Manufafture oi Perfia, China, or the Eaji Indies, and for and upon all Calicoes painted, of th?s"s'^ffitif dyed, -printed or ftained there, which from and after the hve and twentieth Day oi March one thoufand °. io.ut'the' feven hundred, and before the thirtieth Day of September, which fliall be in the Year of our Lord Duty of 15 1. per one thoufand feven hundred and one, fhall be imported or brought into the Kingdom oi England, Domi- Cent. onMuflinB nion of TVales, or Town oi Berwick upon Tweed, by any Perfon or Perfons, or Bodies Politick or Corpo-'! ^"f" con- rate whatfoever, there fhall be yielded and paid to his Majefty (over and above all Cuftoms, Subfidies, j^^g"^ ™'j'^^ Impofitions and Duties already due and payable for the fame) a further Duty after the Rate of fifteen 13 v. /.c. u. Pounds for every one hundred Pour.ds of' the true and real Value of the faid Goods, to be afcertained as is Further Duties herein after mentioned; and for and upon all Muflins which from and after the faid five and twentieth '^^'t* o" wrought Day of March one thoufand feven hundred, and before the thirtieth Day of September one thoufand fe- ?|"^^' E«°S^ls> ven hundred and one, fhall be imported or brought into the Kingdom, Dominion or X own aforefaid, p7o,D a c March there ftiall be yielded and paid to his Majefty (over and above all other Duties now payable for the fame) 1700 to 30 a further Duty after the Rate of fifteen Pounds for every one hundred Pounds of the true and real Value Sept. 1701. of the faid Muflins, to be alfo afcertained as is herein after mentioned. ' 15'- percent.
- Explained as to
Muflins and Calicoes la & 13 W. 3. c, 11. § 14. farther continued by 3 & 4 Annas, c, 4. 6 Annse, c. zz. and perpetuated by 7 Anns, c. 7. §. 26.' Ths like Duty on Muflins. IL And for the better raifing, levying and fecuring the faid Duties, after the Rate of fifteen Pounds'Goods to be en- in the hundred, it is hereby further enaSfed, That upon the Importation of any fuch Goods as aforefaid ^^'^^ attheCuf- liable thereunto, an Entry or Entries thereof fhall be made in the Cuftora-houfe where fuch Goods fliall j.^'Toned'r * '"^ be imported, and before the landing thereof the Importer or Importers of the fame fhall give Security by importer' to give Bond, with two or more fufScient Sureties (which the Commiffioners or proper Officers of the Cufloms Security for Pay- are hereby required or impowered to take) for Payment of the faid Duties after the Rate of fifteen Pounds mentofDuiy. in the hundred upon the faid Goods, as foon as the fame fhall be fold, and for expofing the Goods fo im- '^^^i ^^i -j ported to Sale openly and fairly, by way of Auftion, or by Inch of Candle, within the City oi London, to "jVear" by^"^ within the Time of twelve Months after the Importation thereof. 7 G-eo. i. Stat. III. And it is hereby enafted and declared, That the Value of the faid Goods, according to v/hich the i. c. zi. §. n.' faid Rate is to be paid, fhall be reckoned according to the grofs JPrice at which fuch Goods fhall be fold ; and that in cafe any fuch Goods fhall be landed or put on Shore out of any Ship or Veflel, before due How Goods fliall Entry be made thereof at the Cuftom-houfe in the Port or Place where the fame fliall be imported, and bevalued. the Duties hereby irr:pofed fhall be fecured as aforefaid, or without a Warrant for the landing or deliver- ^^J^^,!'^ on land- ing of the fame firft figned by the CommifTioners, Colleftors, or other proper OfHcer or Officers of the E^tL^" ^'*'* Cuftoms refpeiftively, that all fuch imported Goods as fhall be fo landed or put on Shore, or taken out of any Ship or Veffel, contrary to the true Meaning hereof, or the Value of the fame, fliall be forfeited, and fhall and may be recovered of the Importer or Proprietor thereof (to wit) two third Parts of the fame to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs, and SuccefFors, and the other third Part to the Ufe of fuch Perfon or Perfons as will feize the faid Goods, or fue for the fame, or the Value thereof, by Adiion, Bill, Suit, or Information, wherein no Effoin, ProtecStion, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed. IV. And it is hereby further ena<Sed, That the faid Duties of fifteen Pounds in the hundred fhall be Commi,'?ioners from Time to Time under the Management and Government of the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms for °^ ^^ Cuftoms . the Time being, who fhall caufe the fame to be raifed, levied, coUefted, and paid to the Hands of the Ru"^;"^^^ *^' Receiver or Receivers General of the Revenue of the Cuftoms for the 1 ime being; and fuch Receiver or ' Made' perpctua! Receivers General for the Time being fhall anfwer and pay over all the Monies arifuig thereby (the ne- by 7 Anna;, c. 7. cefTary Charges of raifing, collefting, and anfwering the fame only excepted) into the Receipt of his Ma- ^""^ Part of the jefty's Exchequer, fox the Purpofes in this A£f mentioned. Aggregate Fund. V. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe the ^••'^°' '• *^' ^-' Goods or Merchandizes upon which the faid further Duties of fifteen Pounds in the hu ..dred are paid, or <2°P'^s «fported fecured to be paid, as aforefaid, be again exported at any Time or Times v-'-ithin twelve Months after the ^|^i"' ?"'>° Importation thereof, and that due Proof be firft made upon Oath, that the Goods or Merchandizes, fo c4^^{ ' exported, be the fame for which the faid Duties are paid, or fecured to be paid as aforefaid, then and in Months «een- fuch Cafe (and not otherwife) the fame Duties fnall, without any Delay or Reward, be wholly repaid larged to 3 Years by the Receiver General of his Majefty's Cuftoms for the Time being, out of fuch Monies as fhall be in by 7 Geo. i. Srat. Jli3 I. £.21. §. II,'