A. D. 1700. Anno undecimo & duodecimo Gulielmi IIL C. 3, 39 and Orders for fuch refpe<£tive reverfionary Annuities to the OiRcers of his Majefty's Exchequer, fhall in lieu thereof there receive from them, by Warrant or Order from the faid Lord High Treafurer, or Com- miffioners of the Treafury for the Time being as aforefaid, who are hereby impowered to grant the farr.e» one or more 'Tallies or Orders for the like Reverfion of the fame yearly Sum or Annuity as is mentioned in fuch Tallies or Orders fo to be delivered up, expectant and to commence upon the JJeath of a Nomi- nee and Nominees who fiiall be then aftually living; any Thing in this or any former Act or Acls of Parliament contained to the contrary notwithftanding. ' XI. And whereas fome of the faid Nominees, for whofe Lives fome of the faid Annuities are or have^ ' been held, cannot be found or heard of, and the Parties that are or were intitled to fuch Annuities ' do not come or fend to demand the faid Annuities, whereby it is become uncertain whetl'.er fuch ' Nominees be living or dead, or were fo at the Time of the purchafing fuch Reveriions, whereby the ' Titles of fuch Purchafers of fuch Reverfions are become and will become difputable :' For Remedy whereof, be it ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe any of the faid Annuity or Annuities (whereupon the Reverfion or Reverfions are or fhall be purchafed, as aforefaid) are or Ihali not be de- If Annuity be manded at the Exchequer for the Space of two Years next after tiie fame fhall become payable, and in """^ demanded cafe Certificates of the Life or Lives of any Nominee or Nominees, upon whofe Life or Lives any An- ceniffc""pro-' nuities do depend, fhall- not be produced to the Officers of his Majefty's Exchequer, c^r fufficient Proof juced of ths made thereof, according to the Rules prefcribed by the former A£ts, within two Years next after the faid Life-of Nomineei- Annuities fhall from Time to Time become payable, then and from thenceforth, from and after the Ex- piration of the faid two Years, fuch Nominee and Nominees, of whofe Life or Lives no fuch Certificate Aich Nominrei fhall be produced, or Proof made, fliall be taken to be dead, and the Perfon or Perfons that hath or fliall ^'=- *=" = '»- hereafter purchafe fuch Reverfion or Reverfions of fuch Annuity or Annuities, expectant upon the Death andt'hepufchaftir of fuch Nominee or Nominees, of whofe Life or Lives no fuch Certificate fhall be produced, or Proof of,he Reverfion. made, fhall receive the faid refpeftive Annuity and Annuities, from Time to Time, until fuch Certificate ihail receive ths- fhall be produced, or Proof made, and fhall not be accountable for fuch Part of the faid Annuity as he ame, fhall then have aftually received for Default of fuch Certificate or Proof; any Thing in this or in any for- mer A£t or A6ls of Parliament contained to the contrary notwithftanding. ' Xn. And whereas by an A<3: of Parliament made and palfed in the fourth Year of the Reign of hfs ' prefent Majefty and the late Queen Mary, intituled, yfn Jif for granting to their Majejiies certain Rates ^"W.&M^cp- ' and Duties of Excife upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, for fecuring certain Recommences and Advantages in the ' faid ASi mentioned, to fuch Perfons as fhall voluntarily advance the Sum often hundred ihoufand Pounds, towards ' carrying on the War againji France, it is (amongfl: other Things) enafted, That it fhall and may be law- ' ful for any Contributor, his Executors, Adminiftrators, or Alfigns, by any Writing under Hand and ' Seal, or by his laft Will in Writing, to affign or devife any one or more Share or Shares of the Fund ' therein mentioned to any Perfon or Perfons, and no fuch Affignment to be revocable, fo as an Entry or ' Memorandum thereof be made in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt within the Space of twc ' Months after fuch Affignment or Death of the Devifor ; and upon producing fuch Affignment or Will,, ' the Party is to bring an Affidavit of the Execution thereof, to be filed, as is therein fpecified : And ' whereas in purfuance of an Act of Parliament m.ade in the ninth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, ' An Ait for enlarging the Time for purchafing certain Ejlates or Interejh in feveral Annuities therein mentioned, gW, j, c. 24, ' feveral reverfionary Tallies have been ftruck, and Orders thereupon drawn, for Payment of reverfionary ' Annuities, in the Name oi Richard Y.'ixX oi Ranelagh of the Kingdom oi Ireland, and by him ifiiied out ' to fuch Ufes as in and by the faid Aft is direfted ; but fome Doubt arifing whether the Affignments made ' by the faid Earl, on the Back of the faid Orders, be according to the Form prefcribed by the firft i-ecited ' A£t, whereby the feveral and refpeftive Affignees may not have fuch legal Titles to the faid Tallies and ' Orders, as by the faid laft recited A(3: was intended they fhould, which may obftruft the Sale or convey- ' ing away the fame, and their receiving any Annuity due or to grow due thereon;' To the end there-- fore that all Perfons who now are o» at any Time hereafter fhall or may be poffefi"cd of or interefted irr any of the faid Tallies and Orders, may have and be invefled in a good and lawful Title to the fame, be it enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the faid indorfed Affignments now made or Indorted Afllgn- hereafter to be made by the faid Earl of Ranelagh, or other Perfon or Perfons authorized to make the faine, ments made oa- for conveying the faid Tallies and Orders to fuch Perfons, and to fuch Ufes, as in the faid recited Act 5;^™°"^y„ ^ are fpecified, and all other Affignments, whether indorfed or otherwife, made by virtue of and fubfequent of KanelLh^ &c, to fuch Indorfed Affignments, fo as an Entry or Memorandum of fuch fubfequent Affignments be made adiudgcd good. " in the faid Office of the Receipt, before the nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven ' Explained bjr hundred, fhall be and are hereby deemed and adjudged to be as good to all Intents andPurpofes what- '; ^^°- ^ '■• '"'■ foever in Law, as if each and every of the faid Affignments had been executed in every Particular, pur- ^" *" fuant to the Form and Manner in the firft above recited Aft more at large prefcribed and enafted. ' XIII. And whereas feveral Tickets, commonly called Malt Tickets, which are unpaid, and feveral of ' the Bills, commonly called Exchequer Bills, not difcharged, are by Cafualty or Mifchance, burnt,, loft, ' or otherwife deftroyed,' it is hereby further enafted. That in all Cafes, wh^re it fhall appear by Affi- MaitTJckets-or davit to be made before any of the Barons of the Exchequer, that any fuch Ticket or Tickets, or any fuch Exchequer Bifls- Exchequer Bills, as aforefaid, before the third Day of .(^nV one thoufand feven hundred, have been or ^'^1']'.°'^'°*/ ^"^^ are burnt, deftroyed, or otherwife loft, it fhall and may be lawful for the refpeftive Officers appointed' to difchargedf ^° pay or difcharge the faid Tickets or Bills, upon the producing a Certificate from th^e faid Baron, of fuch Affidavit made before him (which Affidavit the faid Barons or any of them is and are hereby authorized to take, and which Certificate he or they are hereby required to grant, without Fee or Reward), anion ■Sficurity giveato the faid refpeclLve Officers to theii good likingj to indsmnify thexa refpeftiv-ely againfb