A. D. lyoo. Anno undeclmo & duodecimo GuLi ELM I III. -C. 3 0. 47 ' enafted, That in all Anions of Trefpafs, Affault and Battery, and other perfonal Actions, th:_Plain- ' tiff in I'uch Adieus, in cafe the Jury fhall tind the Damages to be under the Value of forty Shillings, ' fhall not recover or obtain more Colts of Suit than the Damages fo found fhall amount unto; which ' Claufe having- Reference to an Aft made in the forty-third Year of Queen Elirabeth, for avoiding 43 Eliz. c. 6, • infinite Numbers of final! and trifling Suits commenced in the Courts at JVeJhninftcr, hath been un- ' derft od to relate only to the faid Courts;' Be it therefore enafted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confcnt of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament afiembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That as well the faid Claufe, and all the Powers Claufe in 22 & and Provifions thereby, or by any other Law now in Force, made for Prevention of frivolous and vexa- 23 Car. 2. e.g. tious Suits in Law commenced in the Courts at TVe/lminJier, fhall from and after the firft Day oi May which fhall be in the "V'ear of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred, be extended to, and be of the fame to extend to the Forc-e and Efficacy in all fuch Suits, to be commenced or profecuted in the Court of Great Seffions for the Courts of Grea: Principality oUVaks, the Court of Great SeOions for the County Palatine oiChefter, the Court of Com- wdercheft r mon Pleas for the County Palatine of Lancajier, and the Court of Pleas for the County Palatine of Durham, &c^ ^' ' "' as fully and as amply, as if the faid Courts had been mentioned therein. ' II. And whereas the holding of Perfons inhabiting within the faid Principality o^ JFahs, and Coun- ' ties Palatine, "to fpecial Bail in fmall Actions, is oppreffive and vexatious to the Subjedt:' For Remedy whereof, be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no SherifF or other Officer within the No Sheriff, &c, faid Principality or Counties Palatine, upon any M'"rit or Procefs iiluing out of any of his Majefty's '" Wales, &c. Courts of Record at JFeJhninfter, fliall hold any Perfon to fpecial Bail, unlefs an Affidavit be firft made in J!^^'^' ^"^ **"- Writing, and filed in that Court, out of which fuch Writ or Procefs is to ilTue, fignifying the Caufe of g^"] " ^^ Aftion, and that the fame is twenty Pounds and upwards; and where the Caufe of A6tion is tv/enty unle'fs Caufe of Founds and upwards, Bail Ihall not be taken for more than the Sum exprefled in fuch Affidavit. Aftion be zoi. C A P. X. An Aft for the more efFcftual employing the Poor, by encouraging the Manufadlures of this Kingdom. 'D ' T THEREAS it is moft evident, that the Continuance of the Trade to the Euft Indies, in the fame ' W Manner and Proportions as it hath been for two Years laft paft, muft inevitably be to the great ' Detriment of this KiiK dom, by exhaufting the Treafure thereof, and melting down the Coin, and ta- ' king away the Dabour of the People, whereby V£ry many of the Manufacturers of this Nation are be- ' . "^ come exceffively burdenfome and chargeable to their refpeftive Parilhes, and others are thereby com- ' pelled to feek for Employment in foreign Parts :' For Remedy whereof, be it enafted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prclent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after After 29 Sept. the t^KenVj-mnth.'Ds.y o^ September one thoufand feven hundred and one, all wrought Silks, Bengalis, 1701. no and Stuffs mixed with Silk or Flerba, of the Manufadture of Pcrfja, China, or Ea/i India, and all Calicoes, wrought Silks, painted, dyed, printed, or ftained there, which are or fliall be imported into this Kingdom, fhall not be chin°a wind'a worn, or otherwife ufcd within this Kingdom oi England, Dominion oi Wales, or Town oi Berwick upon or Caficoes" &c'. Tweed, but under fuch Limitations as are herein after mentioned and exprefled. (hall be worn, ' IL_ And for the better efteiting the fame, be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after ^'^■ the faid twenty-ninth Day of Septe?nber one thoufand feven hundred and one, all fuch wrought Silks, Such Goods Bengalis, and Stuffs mixed with Silk or Herba, of the Manuladture oi' Perfia, China, or Eaji India, as imported afier aforefaid, and all Callicoes, painted, dyed, printed, or ftained there, which are or fhall be imported into -9 ^"^P"^- '7°i' this Kingdom, of ir?;^/ff«//, DomJnion oiJVales, or Town oi Berivick upon Tivecd, fhall, after Entry there- after Entry of, be forthwith carried and put into fuch Warehoufe or Warehoufes, as fliall be for that Purpofeapprov- thereof ftall be ed of by theCommiffioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms for the Time being, fo as none of them fliall be P"' ^"to Ware- taken or carried out thence upon any Account whatfoever, other than in order for Exportation, and not °"'"' until fufficient Security be firft given to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succefibrs (which the faid Com- miffioncrs are hereby required and impowered to take) that the fame and every Part thereof fliall be exported, and not landed again in any Part of this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town and fliall be ex- oi Berwick upon Tweed; which faid Securities fhall be difcharged without any Fee or Reward, upon Cer- ported again, and tificate returned under the Common Seal of the Chief Magiftrate in any Place or Places beyond the Seas, ""t landed in or under the Hands and Seals of two known £«^///i!) Merchants upon the Place, that fuch Goods were f.^l'^"^^'^^^'^^-.^. there landed, or upon Proof by credible Perfons that fuch Goods were taken by Enemies, or perifhed when t^o be^voiT in the Seas; the Examination and Proof thereof being left to the Judgment of the faid Commiffioners; S Anna?, c. 13.' and all fuch of the aforefaid Goods, whether the fame fliall be mixed, fewed, or made up together for §• 24-' Sale, with any other Goods or Materials, or otherwife, which fhall be found in any Houfe, Shop, or Warehoufe, or other Place whatfoever (other than in fuch Warehoufes as fhall be approved of by the faid Commiffioners, as aforefaid) fhall be forfeited, and fubjedt and liable to be fearched for, and feized, Penalty. in like Manner as prohibited and uncuftomed Goods are, by an A£t {itiutul^d,. An JiSi for preventing j^c'slv.z. c. n. Frauds, and regulating Abufcs in his Majefty s Cujioms) made in the -fourteenth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Second; and all fuch Goods, fo forfeited as aforefaid, Ihall, upon Goods forfeited Seizure thereof, be carried to the next Cuftom Houfe, and after Condemnation fhall be fold to the heft to be fold, &c. Advantage for Exportation, at publick Sale by Candle; the Buyer and Buyers giving Security for the Ex- portation thereof in Manner as aforefaid; and cue third Part of the Monies to be railed by fuch Sale fhall be