All Retailers of Ale and Beer to fell the fame hy Standard Mea- fure. in Veffels of Wood, Karth, &c. marked ac- cording to the Standard, Penalty on Re- tailer felling Ale or Beer in Vef- fels not marked. 52 C. 15. Anno undecimo & duodecimo Gulielmi III. A. D. 1700. ' much lefs than the faid Standard, is found to be of evil Confequence in hindring the Cbnfumption of ' malted Corn, and leflening his Majefty's Revenues of Excife, and a great Wrong and Prejudice to ' wayfaring Men, Travellers, Manufacturers, Labourers and others, and alfo to fuch poor People whofe ' Neceffities force them to buy Ale and Beer from them :' For remedying whereof may it pleafe your rnoft gracious Majefty that it may be enadted, and be it enacted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Par- liament affembled, and by Authority of the fame. That from and after the four and twentieth Day of June one thoafand feven htmdred, all Inn-keepers, x'^lehoufe-keepexs, Sutlers, Victuallers, and other Retailers of Ale or Beer, and every Perfon and Perfons keeping any Publick-houfe, and retailing and fel- ling Ale or Beer in any City, Town Corporate, Borough, Market Town, Village, Hamlet, Parifh, Part, or Place whatfoever, within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of JVales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, fhall retail, utter, and fell their Ale and Beer, in and from their refpective Houfes, by a full Ale Qiiart or Ale Pint, according to the faid Standard, or in Proportion thereunto, in a Veffel made of Wood, Earth, Glafs, Horn, Leather, Pewter, or of fome other good and wholfome Metal, made, fized, and equalled unto the faid Standard, and figned, ftamped, or marked to be of the Content of the faid Ale Quart or Ale Pint, according to the faid Standard, either from the faid Exchequer, or from the City of London, or from fome City, Tov/n Corporate, Borough, or A'larket Town, where a Standard Ale Quart or Ale Pint, made from the faid Standard, fhall be kept for that Purpofe, and fhall not retail and utter any Ale or Beer to any Perfon or Perfons in any other VeiTel not figned and marked as aforefaid, on Pain to forfeit a Sum not exceeding forty Shillings, nor lefs than ten Shillings, for every fuch Offence, to be recovered as herein aiter is provided. XL And be it further enaCted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Inn-keeper, Alehoufe-keeper, Victualler, Sutler, or other Retailer aforefaid, fliall from and after the nine and twentieth Day of Sep- tember one thoufand feven hundred, retail, utter, or fell any Ale or Beer in any VefTel not figned, ftamped or marked as aforefaid, to any Traveller, or other Perfon or Perfons, or if in giving any Account or Reckoning in Writing or otherwife, fuch Inn-keeper, Alehoufe-keeper, or other Retailer as aforefaid, fhall refufe or deny to give in the particular Number of Qiiarts or Pints of Ale or Beer, for which De- mand is made in fuch Account, it fhall not be lawful for any fuch Inn-keeper, Alehoufe-keeper, or other Retailer as aforefaid, for Default of Payment of fuch Reckoning, to detain any Goods, or other thing or things belonging to the Perfon or, Perfons from whom fuch Reckoning fhall be due, but fhall be left to his Action at Law for the fame; any Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. ■ III. And for the better Execution of this ACt, and to the Intent that Veflels containing the faid Ale Quart and Ale Pint refpeCtively, may be from time to time fized and equalled according to the faid Standard, and figned, ftamped and marked as aforefaid, by the Mayor or other chief OlHcer of each City, Town Corporate, Borough, and Market Town in England, Wales, and Town of Berwick upon Tweed, for all Inn-keepers, Alehoufe-keepers, Victuallers, and other Retailers as aforefaid, procuring and defiring the fame; Be it further enaCted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Sub-Commiilioners or Collectors of his Majefty's Revenues of Excife, within their refpeCtive Circuits or Divifions, fhall forth- with provide and procure a fubftantial Ale Quart and Ale Pint, according to the Standard of the Mea- fures aforefaid remaining in the faid Exchequer, of Brafs, to be made, fealed and certified from the faid Chamberlains of the faid Exchequer, without any Fee or Reward, for the Mayor or chief OfKcer in each City, Town Corporate, Borough, and Market Town within his faid Divifion, in which there is not already a Brafs Standard Ale Quart and Ale Pint, made and certified either from the faid Exche- quer, or from the Lord Mayor of the City of London, in the Cuftody or Power of fuch Mayor or chief Officer, and fhall, on or before the faid four and twentieth Day of June., caufe the fame to be delivered unto the Mayor or other chief Officer in every City, Town Corporate, Borough, and Market Tov/n within his faid Divifion (which chief Officer is hereby required to give a Receipt for the fame; and the faid Standard Meafures fhall be delivered to every fucceeding Officer) in which there is not already fuch Brafs Standard Ale Quart and Ale Pint as aforefaid, to be by them refpeCtively fafely kept for the Pur- pofes aforefaid ; on Pain that each Sub-Commiffioner or CoUeCtor, for every Default herein, fhall forfeit the Sum of five Pounds, to be recovered as aforefaid. IV. And it is hereby further enaCled and declared by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Sub-Com.miffioners or Collectors of Excife refpeCtively, to deduCt and detain their refpeCtive reafonable Charges and Expcnces in the procuring, providing and delivering of fuch Brafs Ale Quarts and Ale Pints to each Mayor or other chief Officer within his faid Divifion as'aforefaid, and to infert the fame in his next Account to be made or given to the Commiffioners of his R'lajefty's Revenues of Excife, who are hereby authorized and direCted to allow of the fame accordingly. V. And be it further enaCted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Mayor or chief Officer of each City, Town Corporate, Borough or Market Town for the time being, from and after the faid four and and twentieth Day of June, fhall from time to time, on Requefl to him or them refpeCtively made, caufe or procure all fuch Ale Quarts and Ale Pints made of Wood, Earth; Glafs, Horn, Leather, Pewter, or -other good and wholfome Metal, as fhall be brought to him or them refpeCtively, to be meafured, com- pared, fized and equalled with fuch Standard Ale Qiiart and Ale Pint in their Cuftodies ; and fhall then caufe the fame, and every of them, to be plainly and apparently figned, ftamped, and marked with JV. R. and a Crown, teflifying that fuch Ale Quarts and Ale Pints refpeCtively have been fo meafured, compared, fized, and equalled with fuch their Standard as aforefaid ; which Stamps or Marks the faid Mayor or Colleftors of the lixcife to provide Ale Quarts, and Ale Pints of Brafs Standard Mea- fure, for the Mayor, &c, of each City, Jfec. in their Divi- vifion, where no fuch is already, &c. Penalty on Col- leilor making Default. Colledlor to charge the faid Meafures in his Accounts, and be allowed the fame, ' Mayor, S^c. to caufe all IWea- fures fized with fuch Standard, to be marked. «nd provide Scampi. One Farthing a Meafure to be yaid fot ftamping, Penalty on Mayor, &c, • The Univeifity Privileges are provided for by iz & 13 W. 3. c, 11. §. rg chief