A. D. 1716. Anno tertio Georgii Regis. C. 5. 103 any Term for which the fame is hereby granted, or 5ny Part of the faid Term, a> a Security for any Sum Sec i ty fr Mo- or Sums of Money by them to be borrowed for the Purpofes in this Ad mentioned, and none other ; n,: v '■ • which faid Monies fo borrowed, and alfo what fhall arife by the faid Duty, (hall be applied and difpofed £L 0Wthe !iii of to the Ufes following, viz. for renewing the Water-pipes and helping the Conduits which carry Wa-app," J Uu ""° ter to the Tov/n ; for enlarging the Harbour and deepening the Channel of Leith; for building a new Key at Leith ; for fettling an annual Fund of three hundred Pounds per Annum towards employing and maintaining the Poor of Edinburgh and adjacent Counties, which fhall commence and grow due after the tuft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen; for fettling a Salary upon the Profeffor of Law in the Univerfity of Edinburgh, and his Succeflors in Office, not exceeding one hundred Pounds per Annum, to commence and grow due from and after the eleventh Day of November one thoufand feven hun- dred and feventeen; for rebuilding the City Walls and Caufwaying the Highways leading to the City; and for building two new Churches and fettling Stipends for the Minifters ; and in Aid of the Deficiency of the prefent ordinary Revenue of the Town, a Sum not exceeding four hundred and fifty-two Pounds an- nually: And the faid Magiftrates (hall, and they are hereby required to lay before the Overfeers an Ac- The Magiftratei count of all the Debts contracted upon account or by reafon of any the Matters and Things aforefaid, Q v !ay . b,for " the together with the Agreements, Covenants and Accounts relating thereunto ; which faid Account of Debts Accotint ofaIl fhall be fairly entred in a Book to be kept for that Purpofe, and an Entry fhall be made yearly and every Debts cowrie Year, till the Purpofes in this Aft are completed and fatisfied ; and on the third Tuefday of 'July which ted. /hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four, a full and perfect State of all the Debts incurred and then grown due to the firft Day of July in the faid Year, fhall be made up, and out of the Monies arifing by the faid Impofition hereby continued, the Intereft of the Debt then due from the faid Town fhall be paid, and all the annual Payments before-mentioned, together with two thoufand Marks Scots to two French Minifters, and what fhall remain fhall be applied for paying off Part of the Ca- pital Debt, and fo be applied yearly till all the Capital Debt due and unfatisfied before the firft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three, is paid off and difcharged ; and if any more Monies ihall arife by the Impofition hereby continued, than (hall be found neceffary to pay off the Debts aforefaid, and difcharge the annual Payments aforefaid, that fuch Overplus (hall be laid out and applied for carrying OveipV, Savr on fuch publick Works as (hall be found neceflary for the Service of the faid Town, as the fame fhall be t0 be a 'l' ll - d - fettled and agreed to by the Magiftrates and Majority of the Overfeers for the Time being : Which Over- feers (hall be fummoned by the Magiftrates, or any three or more of them, to be prefent at all Agreements relating to Alignments or Farms made of the faid Impofition of two Penny Scots on the Pint of all Ale and Beer Scots Meafure by this Act continued. V. Provided, That from and after the firft Day of July which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one Provifo, that the thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three, it fhall not be in the Power of the Magiftrates, and they are Magiftrates mail , not borrow r— fhall be firft had under their Hands, or under the Hands of three or more of them. VI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That of the Number of Poor to be employed and main- ^ow the Poor tained out of the yearly Fund of three hundred Pounds intended for that Purpofe, one Fourth Part of that """ be P re: ' e n- Number (hall be prefented, and their cafual Vacancies fupplied by the Reprefentatives in Parliament and y^ c ™^f". ■two Heretors elected by the Freeholders of the Shire of Edinburgh ; and another Fourth Part of the Num- phed. ber of Poor to be employed and maintained as aforefaid (hall be prefented, and their Vacancies fupplied by ■ the Reprefentative in Parliament and two Heretors elected by the Freeholders of Haddingtown Shire. VII. And it is hereby further enacted and declared, That the annual Payments with which the Town Annual Pay. is charged by this Act, (hall continue and endure only till the firft Day of July which (hall be in the Year'" 1 -'"' 5 * a " of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and forty-two, and no longer ; any Thing in this Act or any other c ° ntm ? e t,;} Act to the contrary notwithftanding. ■' u '-' Ij I74i ' VIII. And for the further explaining the Powers granted to the faid Magiftrates of Edinburgh for their tion ; and the Commiffioners of Excife in Scotland for the Time being are hereby authorized and directed fionera ihall to allow the faid Magiftrates or their Collectors to take out true and exact Copies of the faid Charges given -■"'■'■' 'I 1 ? W*V* up by the Officers of Excife upon the faid Brewers liable in Payment of the faid Impofition ; the faid Ma- ni^eJaies giftrates and Town-council being always obliged to difcount and allow to the Brewers the fame Deducti- of the Charges. ojis and Allowances which are granted to the Brewers by the Commiffioners of Excife. ' IX. And whereas there have been fundry Debates and Difficulties arifen betwixt the Magiftrates, their ' Farmers, Affignees and Collectors, and the Brewers, fince Gauging took Place in Scotland, in relation ' to the Method of collecting the faid Impofition now payable by the Brewers, by virtue of the aforefaid ' Act palled in the Parliament of Scotland ;' For preventing whereof, and further explaining of the faid Powers, and for avoiding of Oaths, and keeping a juft Equality amongft the Brewers, and preventing their being overcharged in railing and levying the faid Impofition, for the Term yet to come by the faid Act palled in Scotland impofed ; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the firft How the impoi Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and eighteen, the faid Impofition Shall- be afe'ertained, leyied and fition (hall be collected} conform to the Charges to be given by the Officers of Excife, upon the Brewers liable in Pay- afcertain'd, &tf. meat