A. D. 1 716. Anno tertio Georgii Regis. C °. taincd therein., nn.I every of them, and aifb the faid particular Duties on HnuCi • , fi ' redeemed by PartiaJncns, and (hall not be iffucd, paid, oi applied to any l'. ever, wi'liGu ftp .ii ■iiny "I ' rnriiament ; other than and cxc< pt the J)uties calf d 1 fidy of Tonr.ave &ttd Poundage upon Goods and Merchandizes imported, and nthc Duric: upon Sbfifefc, Co-oa-nuts, Chocolate, Cocoa-pafte, Tea, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cl< u and tVluftir!S< and other than and except the increaled Duties upon Coffde, G • -■.- tut , Chocolata CtfCoa-paftej Tea, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace and l'i'cuie?, arid el 1 and except the ftlfttel 1 &&& and Duties upon all White Callicoes, Por. clan called China-ware, and DrufiS" all which faid Subfidies and Duties fo excepted are Part of the 1 .id A; ; _ . tfi J . tfld 1 of ■ i' r wwin* 01ft of the fame excepted SubfidiCs ar.d other Duties, ail the Payment-; which ih.til aftef fuch Annum, foi -,iption grow due for or upon the (aid yearly Sum of fifty-four thoufand fix hundred Pound:-, fdi incut of Annuities, as aforeiaid; and alio tor anfwering and paying out of the fame ex*.?,.- d Stub 1 Fes paying and other Duties, all the Payments which fhall after fuch Redemption grow due, for or upon (he (aid -; ; . . r yearly Sum of four thoufand Pounds to be iiYiied to Sheriff's, as aforefaid ; which Annuities or yearly Sums Annum to arc to continue for ever, except fuch of them as fhall be redeemed by Parliament according to other Aits nRs - ifi that Behalf; and the faid excepted Subfidies and Duties fo to be continued for anfwering the Pavmrnis 01 the faid yearly Sums of one hundred and twenty thoufand Pounds, and fifty-four thouiand fix hundred Pounds, and four thoufand Pounds per Annum, or fo much thereof as fhall be fufficieiu to pay the fame, are and ■fhall be hereby appropriated, iifued and' applied thereunto,' during- the Continuance of the fame yearly Sums rcfpcctively ; any Thing herein contained to the contrary notwithitanding. XLVIII. Provided neverthelefs, That nothing in this A£t contained, for or concerning the Redemp- T,ie An '"" t,es - tion of any of the faid Annuities or yearly Sums hereby payable to the (aid Governor and Company K^lxmeu'."" of the Bank of England, fhall in any wife prevent or hinder the Redemption of any other of the fame ' Annuities or yearly Sums to them payable by this Act, but that every one of the faid Annuities or yearly Sums may feparately be redeemed at the Time and in the Manner by this Act prefcribed, according fo the refpective Provifo herein contained for Redemption of the fame; any Tiling in this Act to the con- trary notwithstanding. XLIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Governor and Company of Eank to ronti- the Bank of England, and their Succeflbrs, fhall continue and be a Corporation, and fhall enjoy the faid ,u:c * Corpora- feveral Annuities or Sums of eighty-eight thoufand feven hundred fifty-one Pounds feveii Shillings a!nd "°" ti ^ b c e rj *"'" ten Pence Half-penny, one hundred thoufand Pounds, and feventy-fix thoufand eight hundred thirty deemed, &c. Pounds and fifteen Shillings per Annum, and the faid other Annuity or Annuities after the Rate of five Pounds/)^' Centum per Annmn^ till they respectively fhall be redeemed, as aforefaid, and fhall enjoy all fuch Capacities, Powers, Privileges, and Advantages to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank oi Eng- land, as a Corporation, belonging, until all the faid Annuities or yearly Sums fhall be redeemed accord- ing to the feveral and refpective Provifoes in this Ait contained concerning the fame, freed and dif- eharged of and from all- former and other Provifoes and Power of Redemption whatsoever, for redeem- ing the faid Duties or Revenues, called the Aggregate Fund, or the laid Duties on Houfes, or any of them ;.. any former Act or Statute, or any Claufe, Matter or Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwith- flanding. ' L. And for the better Encouragement of fuch Perfons and Corporations as are or fhall be ti tlftrfg to ' advance Monies for or towards paying off any Part of the principal Sums amounting in the whole to ' Millions feven hundred fixity-two thoufand fix hundred and 'twenty-five Pounds, or thereabouts, now car-
- ■ rying InterefL' after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, upon' feveral Acts of Parliament made
' and palled in the ninth and tenth Years of her faid late Majefty's Reign, relating to feveral Lotteries, and 9 Ann. c. 6. ' charged upon the feveral yearly Funds of one hundred thirty-five thoufand Pounds, one- hundred eighty- I0 Ann " c ' l 9~: ' fix thoufand fix hundred and feventy Pounds, one hundred fixty-eight thoufand and- three Pounds, and ' one hundred fixty-eight thoufand and three i'ounds therein refpectively mentioned ; or for redeeming the ' Annuities payable by an Act of Parliament of the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King' 1 &'i'3 w > 3- ' William (of glorious Memory) to certain Patentees therein named, their Heirs and- Affign's, out of the c ' la ' ' weekly Sum' of three thoufand feven hundred Pounds charged on the Excife; for which Monies fo to be ' advanced for the Purpofes aforefaid, it is intended that the Perfons or Corporations advancing the fame,, ' his, her, or their Executors, Adminiftrat'ors, Succeffors, or Affigns, fhall have and enjoy Annuities, not ' exceeding the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, redeemable by Parliament, according to fuehs ' Act or Acts of Parliament as fhall be made and parted in that Behalf:' It is hereby declared and enacted. Bank toimoloy hv the Authority aforefaid;, That the Governor and Company of the Bank of England (lizU, from Time to f ufficient p «-. Time, until the faid Annuities, not exceeding the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, -fo to be p^i^-ch'rfCsihier" chafed, fhall be redeemed by Parliament, appoint and imploy one fufficient Peribn within their Office in 2n d Accountant the City of London to be their Chief or Firft Cafhier, aa-.d one other fufficient Perfon within the fame general. Oflice to be their Accountant general ; and that the Monies from Time to Time coming in;o the Receipt of the Exch.quer for Payment of fuch Anns dries,- fhall be iiTued and paid quarterly to fuch Firft or Chief Cafhiers for the Time being, by way of Impreft and upon Account, for Payment of the fame Annuities? and that fuch Accountant general for the Time being fhall, from Time to Time, infpect and examine all the Receipts and Payments of the faid Cafhier, and the Vouchers relating thereunto, in order to prevent any