A. D. 171'B. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. C. it. 197 and rfter the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, during the Continuant (kid Duties, in cafe any Sill icoes, Linens or «S tuffs, printed, p Intcd, Stained or di , in Britain, (hall be found in any Place whatfoever, on Land or Water, without being marked or l with a Stamp or Seal, denoting, That the Duties have been duly paid or charg.d (except on board I ' Ships or V el:'. 1 on which fiich Goods have been I ipped for Exportation) th fame fhall and may be fch I by any Officer of the Cuiloms or Excile; and the Perfon or Perfons in wl Cuttody or Pofleffion the Goods fo feized fhall be found, mail for every fuch Offence i ,, y on fifty Pounds ; one l Loiet} of which Forfeitures and Penalties dial) be to his Majefty, his Heirs and Sue- l>0 '""• ceflbrs, and the other .Moiety to him a: them that (hall feize, inform or fue for the fame in his -V Courts of Record fit 11 'eftminfter, or in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, wherein no Protection cr per of Law (hall be allowed : Provided always, That the Goods fo recovered (hall not be delivered on. of the Cuftom-houfe Warehouse, until the fan. fhall be marked or fealed with a proper Mark or Stamp, to be provided by the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms for that Purpofe ; and they are hereby directed and au- ,] to provide the fame, and to caufe the laid Goods to be ftarriped the'ieA'ith accordingly; any Law to the contrary notwithstanding. ' XVI. And whereas in an J by an Act made in the third and fourth Years of her late Majefty's Reign, 3 £.-4 Ann. c. ' intituled, An Ail for encouraging the Importation of Naval Stores fro?n her Majeflfs Plantation* in Amert- 10 - ' ca, It was amongft other Things declared and enacted, That every Perfon or Perfons who mould import ' or caufe to be imported Tar or Pitch into this Kingdom, directly from any of his Majefty's Plant: t'i .113 ' in America, within the Time therein mentioned, he or they fo importing the fame fhould have and en- ' joy a Reward or Premium of four Pounds for every Ton containing eight (a) Barrels, and each Barrel M E'gHty 'n ' gauging thirty-one Gallons and one Half of good and merchantable Tar ; and the like Reward or Pre- thc Record -
- mium for every Ton of good and merchantable Pitch, each Ton containing twenty Grofs Hundreds
' (Nett Pitch) to be brought in eight Barrels ; and by another Act made in the twelfth Year of the Reign 12 Ann. flat, 1. ' of her faid late Majefty, intituled, An A£i for continuing an Ail made in the third and fourth Yeai s of the Q - 9- ' Reign of her prefent Majefty, intituled, An Act for encouraging the Importation of Naval Stores 'from ' her Majefty's Plantations in America ; And for the encouraging the Importation of Naval Stores from that
- Part of Great Britain called Scotland to that Part of Great Britain called England, the firft-mentioneJ
' Act, and every Part thereof, is continued from the Time of the Expiration of the fame for and during 1 the Term of eleven Years, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of Parliament : And it is 4 thereby enacted, That the like Rewards or Premiums mail be allowed on the Importation of good and ' merchantable Tar and Pitch from North-Britain into any Part of South-Britain, in fuch Manner as is ' therein mentioned : And whereas Complaints have been made by the Commiffioners or principal Offi-
- cers of his Majefty's Navy, That^Tar brought from the faid Plantations is frequently mixed with Drofs
- or Water, and that Dirt or Drofs is often found in the Pitch, whereby the fame are unfit for the Ser-
' vice of his Majeity's Navy :' Be it therefore declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from Mt " *9 Sepr. and after the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen no Certificate fhall I 71 ?' n P Cert ! be made out in order to allow the Premium or P.eward for any fuch Pitch, until the fame be freed from outforPitch r Dirt or Drofs, or for any fuch Tar that is not fitting to be ufed for making Cordage, and that fhall not Tar till fn-ed be freed from Drofs and Water, and unlefs fuch Pitch and Tar be clean, good, merchantable and well- from Drofs, &c. conditioned. ' XVII. And whereas by the faid laft-mentioned Acts the Perfon or Perfons importing fuch Pitch and ' Tar are entitled to the laid Premium or Reward, upon a Certificate from the Officers of the Cuftoms
- where fuch Pitch and Tar is imported : And whereas the faid Officers have not fufficient Authority by
- the faid A£ts to examine the faid Pitch and Tar fo ftrictly as they ought to do, to enable them in Judg-
' ment to certify whether the fame is good and merchantable :' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority Officers of the aforefaid, That it fliall and may be lawful for the Officers of the Cuftoms, before they make any fuch Cuftoms, before Certificate, to examine the faid Pitch by opening the Heads of the Barrels wherein it is imported, (awing p y .? ake fuch off the Staves in the fvl iddle and breaking the Barrel, or fo many of them as they find fufficient to make examine the ' a Proof, or by fuch other Means as they fhall think proper, to find out and difcover whether the faid pitch and Tar. Pitch is good and merchantable, not mixed with Dirt or Drofs ; and alfo it fhall and may be lawful to and jr or t h e comi- for the faid Officers to examine and fearch the faid Tar, to find out and difcover whether th; fame is clean, nuance of this srood, merchantable, well-conditioned and clear of Drofs or Water, and fit for making Cordage. ^nd the follow- ° ing Section, fee 2 Geo. 2. c. 35. fee. 10. XVIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Fee, Gratuity or Reward fhall No Fee for exa- be demanded, taken or received by any Officers of the Cuftoms for the examining, viewing or delivering minirl g> &c - fuch Pitch, Tar or other Naval Stores, with refpect to the Premium or Reward allowed by the Acts afore-mentioned, or for the making or figning a Certificate in order to the receiving fuch Premium or Reward, under the Penalty of the Lofs of His Office ; and fuch Officer fhall be alfo incapable of ferving Penalty on Of- his Majefty, his Heirs and SucceiTors, and fhall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds to fuch Perfon or ficer - Perfons as will inform and fue for the fame, by Action of Debt or of the Cafe, Bill, Suit or Information in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Weftminfter, wherein no Effoin, Protection, Wager of Law or more than one Imparlance fhall be granted or allowed.
- XIX.