230 C. 21. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. A.D. 1718.
&yfoi -putting C ution, or for accepting or cxerciitng any Office or Truft whatfoever, in purfuance of this Act or of any
cutibn &" E " e 'Charter, Letters Patents or Warrant to be granted by his Majefty in purfuance thereof; any former Law
' or Statute or Provifion to the contrary notwithftanding.
Upon Payment XVII. Provided always, and it is hereby enadted, That at any Time, upon Payment by the Parliament
all 4 Are°°i" the* °^ Great Britain of the full Sum of forty thoufand Pounds Sterling, without any Deduction or Abatement
faid yearly Fund w hatfoever to be made out of the fame or any Part thereof, and all Arrears (if any fuch be) of the faid
of 2000 1. fhall Annuity or yearly Sum of two thoufand Pounds then due, computing the fame quarterly, to the End of
- eafe. the then next preceding Quarter of a Year, and from thenceforth by the Day, until the Day of fuch Payment made, then and not till then, and from thenceforth the faid Annuity or yearly Fund of two thoufand
Pounds fhall ceafe and determine ; this prefent Aft, or any Thing herein contained to the contrary not- withftanding, The raid Annul.'- XVIII. And it is hereby declared and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Annuities Drfcha i-n-e 'of all or Funds of ten thoufand Pounds per Annum and two thoufand Pounds per Annum, and other Payments Equivalents. ' by this Act directed and appointed, fhall be in lieu and full Difcharge of all Equivalents whatfoever which fhall or may be claimed or demanded by Scotland or on the Behalf of Scotland, by reafon of the faid Treaty or otherwife in regard of the faid Union ; and that the united Kingdom of Great Britain, or any the Revenues thereof, fhall not be liable to any further or future Dema»ds of or for any fuch Equivalents or to the Expence or Charge of keeping or rendring any further or future Accounts thereof (the faid yearly Funds and other Payments by this Act eftablifhed or appointed always excepted). TheCommiiTion XIX. And it is hereby declared, That the prefent Commiffion for taking and ftating the Debts due and continue™"' t0 g r °wing due to Scotland by way of Equivalent, and the Salaries and other Charges of that Commiffion JongerthanMid- fhall or may be continued to the faid Feaft of the Nativity of Saint John Baptifl one thoufand feven hundred i'ummer 1719. and nineteen, and no longer. TheKing'sSub- ' XX. And in regard by the fourteenth Article of the faid Treaty it was agreed or mentioned, That all jefts in Scotland ' neceffary Provifion fhould be made by the then Parliament of Scotland for the publick Charge and Service ?vvera°bl be f an " ' ot " that Kingdom for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and feven,' It is hereby declared, That his olfidenVfor^Majefty's Subjects in Scotland fhall not be anfwerable for any Deficiency which happened in making that the Service of Provifion ; any former Law or Statute whatfoever to the contrary notwithftanding. that Kingdom for the Year 1707. ' XXI. And forafmuch as the intended Corporation cannot receive and diftribute the Annuity of ten
- thoufand Pounds per Annum, and defray the other neceffary Charges of Management without leffenino-
' their Intereft, which, if wholly born by the Members thereof, would prove a great Difcouragement to The yearly Sum ' them :' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That over and above the faid Annuity or Fund of 600 1. (hall f ten thoufand Pounds hereby fettled to be paid to the faid Corporation, there fhall be paid and payable to Aid P Co Oration t ^ le ^ Corporation to be erected by virtue of this Act:, and their SuccelTors, until the faid annual Sum to'wardTth" '°" herein before fettled fhall be redeemed as aforefaid, or to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fhall be authorized under Charge of Ma- the Common Seal of the faid Corporation to receive the fame, for the Ufe of the faid Corporation the nagement, &c. further annual Sum of fix hundred Pounds for and towards the Charge of Management, and other neceffary Charges in receiving and diftributing of the faid Annuity of ten thoufand Pounds payable to the faid Cor- To be payable poration, and the feveral Members thereof as aforefaid; which annual Sum of fix hundred Pounds is out or the fame hereby charged and chargeable npon, and made to be paid and payable by and out of the fame Funds and at fuch Time and Times, and in fuch Manner, and by the fame Ways, Means and Methods, as is and are herein and hereby prefcribed, fettled or appointed for Payment of the faid Annuity of ten thoufand Pounds per Annum. ' XXII. And whereas feveral of the above-mentioned Debentures, which were iffued purfuant to the ' Acts of Parliament aforefaid, have by Cafualty or Mifchance been loft, burnt or otherwife deftroy- The Barons of ' ed :' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all Cafes where it fhall appear to the Exchequer in the faid Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, to their Satisfaction, that any fuch Debentures Scotland may it- nave Deen or are jofl-^ burnt or otherwife deftroyed, and that there be good Reafon to believe the fame to turefinVieu of " ^ ave ^ een Durnt i l°ft or otherwife deftroyed ; it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Barons, or any three fuch as have or more of them, to iffue or make forth new Debentures of the fame Tenor and Contents with the Deben- been burnt, loft, tures loft, burnt or deftroyed as aforefaid, on Security given to the Good-liking of the faid Barons of the &c - Court of Exchequer in Scotland by the Perfon or Perfons claiming fuch Debentures, againft all other Persons whatfoever, concerning the Monies fpecified in or due upon fuch Debentures.
An Act for the better Securing the lawful Trade of his Majesty's Subjects to and from the East-Indies; and for the more effectual preventing all his Majesty's Subjects trading thither under foreign Commissions.
CfW. 3. c.44. * I. WHEREAS it is of great Importance to the Welfare of this Kingdom, That the Trade and §. 4°- J ' V V Traffick to and from the Eqft-Indies in the Countries and Parts of Afia and Africa, and to and 1 Ann. fat. 1. ' f rorn f ucn Places of Afia, Africa and America, or any of them, beyond the Cape of Bona Efperanza to the 6 '/>'• Gf "' S freights of Magellan, where any Trade or Traffick of Merchandize is or may be ufed or had, be regu- 2 j. "" c ' 3 ' lated according to the Acts of Parliament relating thereto and the Royal Charters or Grants made in 10 Ann. c. 23, * purfuance