4.6 C. 4. A. D. 1719. 12 Ann. Stat. 1 c, 11. 12 Ann. Stilt. 1, c 9 ; 1 Geo. I. Stat. J. c. 2. 1 Geo. I, c. 19 at. 2 Geo, 2. c. 3. Anno fexto Georgii Regis.
- two Pounds four Shillings and five Pence (Part of the faid yearly Fund of one hundred and thirty-fiVe-
- thoufand Pounds) hath already been purchafed by the Corporation of the Governor and Company of.
' Merchants of Great Britain, trading to the South-Seas and other Parts of America, and for encouraging " the Fifhery ; and the fame eighty-feven thoufand three hundred forty-two Pounds four Shillings and five ' Pence per Annum, together with one thoufand three hundred ninety-feven Pounds nine Shillings and fix ' Pence per Annum more, for Charges of Management, is already added to the yearly Fund or Annuity of ' the fame Corporation ; and the yearly Sum of forty-fix thoufand two hundred fixty Pounds fix Shilling ' and one Penny (being the Refidue of the faid yearly Fund of one hundred and thirty-five thoufand ' Pounds) is, during the Remainder of the laft-mentioned Term of thirty-two Years,, payable in feveral ' Lottery-annuities, and upon Pay-tickets for the fame,^ which were not fubfcribed upon the faid Adt of 4 the fifth Year of your Majefty's Reign, which yearly Sums herein before-mentioned to be payable during
- the refpeclive Remainders of the faid feveral Terms of thirty-two Years, do together by Computation,
4 amount to the Sum of one hundred twenty-feven thoufand two hundred fixty Pounds fix Shillings 4 and one Penny per Annum, or thereabouts. And whereas feveral principal Sums,, amounting in the 4 whole to fixteen Millions five hundred forty-fix thoufand four hundred eighty-two Pounds feven Shillings 4 and one Penny Farthing, or thereabouts, are fecured by feveral A£ts of Parliament, for which Intereft- 4 monies or Annuities at feveral Rates are payable at the publick Charge, till the fatisfying of the faid prin- 4 cipal Sums, or Redemption of the Funds charged with the Payment of fuch Intereft-monies or Annuities, 4 according to the Tenor of the refpe&ive Acts of Parliament in that Behalf; that is to fay, The Sum of 4 five hundred fixty-three thoufand three hundred Pounds doth, on the nineteenth Day of March one thou- 4 fand feven hundred and nineteen, remain unfatisfied to complete the Sum- of fix hundred thirty-three 4 thoufand and ten Pounds principal Money, which by virtue of Letters Patents of her late Majefty Queen an Bei.... Jive hundred thoufand Pounds on the Revenues appointed for U/es of her Civil Government, to he applied for ', towards Payment of fuch Debts and Arrears owing to her Servants, Tradefmen, and others, as are therein mentioned, was charged with an Intereft after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, upon a yearly Fund of thirty-five thoufand Pounds, payable at the Exchequer during the Term of thirty-two Years from Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, out of the Revenues in the fame Letters Patents mentioned ; which yearly Fund is redeemable upon paying oft* all the Principal and In- tereft charged thereupon ; the Sum of one million fifty-five thoufand nine hundred and ninety Pounds doth, on the two and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, remain unfa- tisfied to complete the Sum of one million one hundred fifty-feven thoufand three hundred and fixty Pounds ; which in refpect only of the Tickets conrmonly called the Blank Tickets, drawn in the Lot- tery for raifing fourteen hundred thoufand Pounds for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hun- dred and fourteen, was charged with an Intereft after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, upon the yearly Fund of one hundred fixteen thoufand five hundred feventy-three Pounds and twelve Shillings, payable at the Exchequer out of certain Duties on Sope, Paper, Linens, Silks, Callicoes, Stuffs,. Starch, exported Coals, and upon ftampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, granted for thirty-two Years, from the fecond Day of Augufi one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, by two Acts, one of the twelfth Year of her faid late Majefiy's Reign, intituled, An Ac! for laying additional Duties an Sope and Paper,, and upon certain Linens, Silks, Callicoes and Stuffs, and upon Starch, exported Coals, and upon Stampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper, for raifing one million four hundred thoufand Pounds by ivay of a Lotttery for her Maje/r/s Supply ; and for Allowances on exporting made Wares of Leather, Sheep-fkins and Lamb-fkins ; and for Dijlribution of four thoufand Pounds due to the Officers and Seamen for Gun-money ; and to cidjit/l the Pro- perty of Tickets in former Lotteries ; and touching certain Shares of Stock in the Capital of the South-Sea Com- pany; and for appropriating the Monies granted to her Majefly, and the other of the firft Year of your Ma- jefiy's Reign, intituled, An All for rectifying Mi/lakes in the Names of the Commiffioncrs of the Land-tax for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; and for raifing fo much as is wanting to make up the Sum of fourteen hundred thoufand Pounds, intended to be raifed by a Lottery for the publick Service in the faid Tear, or by one of the Acts laft-mentioned ; and the Sum of fix hundred fifty-two thoufand and twenty Pounds doth, on the two and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, remain unfatisfied, to complete the Sum of feven hundred nineteen thoufand and forty Pounds, which in refpecT: only of the Tickets, commonly called the Prize-tickets, drawn in the Lottery laft-mentioned, was charged upon the faid yearly Fund of one hundred fixteen thoufand five hundred feventy-three Pounds and twelve Shillings, with an Intereft after the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum; which yearly Fund laft mentioned is alio redeemable upon paying off all the principal Sums and A' rears of Intereft due thereupon. And feveral Sums amounting to on: millon feventy-nine thoufand Pounds principal Monies were advanced for the Ufe of the Publick, purfuant to two feveral Acts of Parliament of" the firft Year of your Majefty s Reign, th : one for railing nine hundred and ten thoufand Pounds upon a Fund of forty-five thoufand five hundred Pounds per Annum, and the other for raifing one hundred and fixty- nine thoufand Pounds upon a Fund of eight thoufand four hundred and fifty Pounds per Annum, charged upon the Aggregate Fund, and other Provifions therein mentioned ; for all which Sums fo amounting to one million feventy-nine thoufand Pounds, the Contributors, and thofe claiming under them, are in- titled to feveral Annuities at the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, payable by the Cafhier of th; Bank of England for the Time being ; and the fame Annuities at that Rate amount to fifty-three ' thoufand