276 C. 4. Anno fexto Georgii Regis. A. D. 17x0. Truftees (iwil LXXVI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That after the choofir.g and conftituting once in 14 Days f uc h Truftees as aforefaid, during the faid Term of feven Year;, they the faid-Truftees for the Tine being, Treliur^and ^ a ^ once ' n cver Y fourteen Days at the fartheft, make up and deliver, as well to the Commiffioners of the Company, 3 Ac- Treafury, or High Treafurer for the Time being, as alfo to the faid Governor and Company of Merchants counts ot all the of Great Britain, or to their Court of Directors, or their Cafhier for the Time being, a juft, true and Monies fumifted perfect Account in Writing, figned by the faid Truftees, or four or more of them, of all the Monies or B°- 1 ? !tr o! li,n8 ' r ' E Proportions of Money, which within the Time of every fuch Account (hall have been furnifhed to them the .? . ' faid Truftees for or towards circulating or exchanging the faid Exchequer-bills, or any of them, or for Payment of Intereft thereupon, diftinguifhing how much thereof fhall have been furnifhed by or on the Behalf of the fame Governor and Company, and how much thereof (if any) fhall have been furnifhed on account of the Pubiick, purfuant to any other or future Aft or A£ts of Parliament in that Behalf; and how- much of the fame Money furnifhed by the fame Governor and Company, fhall or ought to be born or allowed by them for Intereft, or for the proportional Part of Intereft which they fhall or ought to bear at their own Charge, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this Aft ; and fhall together with every fuch Account deliver to the fame Governor and Company, or to their Court of Directors, or their Cafhier for their Ufe, fo many Exchequer-bills then current as by the Monies then due thereupon fhall amount to the Total of the principal Sums contained in the Bills which were fo exchanged by or with the Money or Proportions of A'loney furnifhed by the fame Governor and Company, as aforefaid. m^c^ilTn ' LXXVI1 - Anti for better preferring the Credit and Currency of the faid Bills to be made forth by the Company for ' v ' rtue °f this or any other or future Aft or Afts, as aforefaid,' It is hereby further enafted by the this Purpofe. Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being, upon receiving any Account or Accounts, as aforefaid, from the faid Truftees by any Notice in Writing to be given or left at the pubiick Office of the fame Governor and Company, to call for and require fuch Sums, from Time to Time^ to be furnifhed and paid by them to the faid Truftees for the exchanging and circulating the faid Bills, or for their Proportion thereof (not exceeding one hundred thoufand Pounds at a Time) as the faid Com- miffioners of the Treafury, or any three or more of them, or the High Treafurer for the Time being fhall, from Time to Time, judge to be neceftary iri that Behalf; and that the faid Sums fo called for fhall, from Time to Time, be furnifhed by the fame Governor and Company accordingly, within four Days after every fuch Notice given or left. T»urteestoex- LXXVIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Truftees to he conftituted change for ready as a f or efaid (being from Time to Time furnifhed with Money of the lawful Coins of this Realm, for the pubhckOfficeall Purpofe aforefaid, according to the Purport and true Meaning of this Aft) fhall, and they are hereby en- Bills brought to joined and required at their faid pubiick Office to exchange for ready Money all fuch of the faid Bills to them. be made forth by virtue of this or any other or future Aft or Afts of Parliament, as aforefaid, as from Time to Time, or at any Time or Times within or during the faid Term of feven Years, fhall be in the Hands of any Perfon or Perfons, and within the fame Term fhall be demanded of the fame Truftees, or at their Pubiick Office, to be exchanged for ready Money, by paying unto all fuch Perfon and Ferfons in ready Money, the principal Sum or Sums for which fuch Bill or Bills fo required to be exchanged fhall have been iffued, or which the Owner or Owners of fuch Bills fhall be entitled unto by the fame Bill or Bills refpeftively, together with Intereft which fhall have grown due thereupon, for any Time or Times within the faid Term of feven Years, and fhall at the Time of any fuch Demand be due on fuch Bill or Bills refpeftively, and fo tot'tes quoties, as often as fuch Bill or Bills fhall be demanded, as aforefaid, within the faid Term of feven Years. P.«<ty Money LXXIX. And it is hereby enafted, That any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, having eTLBiliTon iri n' s or their Cuftody any of the faid Exchequer-bills to be made forth by virtue of this or any other which 6 Months or future Aft or Afts, as aforefaid, upon which fix Months Intereft, or more, fhall be due and unpaid Jntercft is due. at any Time or Times during the faid Term of feven Years, fhall and may, from Time to Time, demand and receive of and from the faid Truftees for the Time being (they being furnifhed with Money, as aforefaid) all the Intereft fo due and unpaid, which the fame Truftees are hereby direfted and required to pay and difcharge accordingly. Pnfons concern- LXXX. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Governor, Sub-go- cd . i J n <- cl M U J 'c t ' nB vernor, Deputy-governor or Direftor cf the faid South Sea Company, or any of the faid Truftees, or notdifebledfrom , ,i ,. r y 6 t ■ /vhi t k :. 'h j ' • 3 • 1 1 A- being Members other renon or renons wnatioever, who mall be intrufted or any ways concerned in or about the Cir- of Parliament, culation or exchanging of the faid Exchequer-bills, or any of them, purfuant to this Aft, fhall for that or liable to be Caufe only be difabled from being a Member of Parliament, or be adjudged liable to be a Bankrupt Bankrupts. within the Intent or Meaning of all or any of the Statutes made againft or concerning Bankrupts j any Law, Statute or Provifion to the contrary notwithstanding. Thefe Bills to be LXXXI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Exchequer-bills current m the ro be made" forth, as aforefaid, and to be current at any Time or Times, within the faid Term of feven Years, fhall be received and taken by, and fhall pafs and be current to all and every the Receivers and Colleftors in Great Britain, of the Cuftoms, Excife, or of any Revenue, Supply, Aid or Tax whatfo- ever already granted, due or payable, or which fhall or may hereafter be granted, due or payable to his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeftbrs, and alfo at the Receipt of the Exchequer, from the faid Receivers or "Colleftors, or from any other Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate whatfoever, making any Payment or Loan there to his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, for or upon any Account, Caufe or Oc- cafior*