The TITLE S of the STATUTES. powering John Turton Efq;' Owner thereof, to inclofe a Part of fuch Chafe, and for other Purpofes in the ("aid A.61 mentioned. 5. An A6t for confirming feveral Awards made for i'ncloiing and dividing the Common Fields and Common Groiinds within the Manors of Fangfoffe aim Spittle, and Scaggle- thorpe, in the County of York. 6. An A 61 to enable his Majefty to grant the Inheritance of certain Lands, called Bowoo'd Park, in the County of Wilts, to Truftees, upon Trull for Sir Orlando Bridginan, Barf, and his Heirs, upon a full Coniideration to be paid for the fame. 7. An A6t to enable his Majefty to grant the Inheritance of the Site of the diflblved Monaftery of Furneis, in 1 ruff. for Sir Thomas Lowther, Bart, and his Heirs, upon paying the Value thereof into the Exchequer. 8. An A£t for afcertaining feveral MefTuages and Lands in the County of Glouceflcr, purchafed by Sir Greville Vemey, and for the effectual Partition of the Manor of Tudrington and Itchington, in the faid County. 9. An Act to rectify a Miftake in the Settlement made on the Marriage of the Honourable George Carpenter Efq; with Elizabeth, his now Wife. 10. An Act to enable Charles Loivndes Gent, and the Perfons in Remainder after him, to make Contracts for getting Brick -Earth in, and grant Building Leafes of the Houfe and Ground called Spring-Garden, and other the Ground called Great Spittle field and Little Spittlefeld, in theParimes of St. Martin in the Fields and Chelfea, in the County of Middlefex, late the Eftate of William Lowndes Efq; de- ceafed. 11. An Act to enable the Lords Commiffioners oftheTrea- fury, or the Lord High Treafurer for the Time, to com- pound with Thomas Baynton an^ Robert Shavj, late pf London, Merchants and Copartners, for a Debt due from them to the Crown, on Account of Bonds given for Du- ties on Tobacco. iz. An Act for difcharging certain Lands in the County of Wilts, from the Ufes and Eftates limited thereof in the Settlement made by Zachary Bayly, Gentleman, after his Marriage with Mercy his Wife, and for fettling other Lands of greater yearly Value in the Counties of Somerfet and Wilts, in Lieu thereof. 13. An Act for veiling in Truftees the Manors of Hard- wick and Haresfield, and other Lands in the County of Gloucejler, the Eftate of Thomas Trye Efq; to be fold for Payment of his Debts, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 14. An A6t for confirming a Leafe made by Thomas Byde Efq; to James Fordhani therein mentioned, and to enable him to let Leafes of any Part of his Eftate, for any Num- ber of Years not exceeding eighty-eight Years. 15. An Act for Sale of the Manor of Warkleigh, and other Lands and Hereditaments in the Parillies of Warkleigh, Satterley and Roborough in the County of Devon, the Eftate of Thomas Jeffery, of the City of Exon, Merchant, towards railing Provifions for Sufanna his Wife, and their Children ; for fecuring whereof the faid Manor and Lands were, at the Time of their Marriage, made liable. 16. An Act to enable the Truftees of Echvard Romford, Efq; to make Leafes of certain MefTuages, Houfes, and Plots of Ground in and near the City of Dublin. 17. An Act for naturalizing John Pontz, John Chrijlopher, Balthaztr Wagner, and others. 18. An Aft for naturalizing Jean Jaques Coulliette de Vali- court. 19. An A6t for Sale of the Site of Cardigan Houfe, lately d em ol idled by Fire, fituate and being in Great Lincoln^- j Inn-Fields in the County of Middlejex, for the Purpofes i therein mentioned, and for fettling Lands of greater Va* lue in the County of York, to the lame Ufes. 20. An Act for Sale of Part of the fettled Eftate of James Lord Waldegrave in the County of Somerfet, and for fet- tling other Lands in Lieu thereof, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 2J. An Act for difcharging the Barton and Lands of and in Catch French in the County of Cornwall, from the Ufcs and Limitations contained in the Will of Hugh Fortefcne Efq; and for fettling the Barton and Demefne of Town- hotije, and other Lands in the County of Devon, of greater- Value, in Lieu thereof. 22. An Act to repeal an Act made in the fixth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty King George, intituled, An Act to enable Sir James Lumley, Baronet, to fettle a con:- petcnt Jointure, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; and alfo to veft the feveral Eftates of the faid Sir Ja?nes Lumley herein mentioned, in Truftees, to be fold for Pay- ment of the Debts and Legacies of Sir Martin Lumley, Baronet, his late Father deceafed, and the faid Sir James Lumlcy's own Debts. 23. An Act for making Leafes of divers Lands and Grounds < in the County of Middlefex, the Eftate of Dame Mary Grofoenor, a Lunatick, during her Life. 24. An Aft for Sale of Part of the Eftate of Sir FeJlus Burke, Baronet, toward difcharging the Debts and Incum- brances affecting the fame, and for making a Provifion for the Lady Letitia his Wife, eldcft Daughter of the Right Honourable John late Earl of Clanrickard in the Kine- dom of Ireland. 25. An Aft for veiling certain Manors and Lands in the Counties of Oxon and Bucks, in Dame Anne Tipping and her Heirs, and certain Manors and Lands in the County of Devon, in Dame Mary Tipping and her Heirs, and for other Purpofes in the faid Act mentioned. 26. An Act for Sale of feveral Lands in the County of Suffolk, the Eftate of the Honourable Thomas Sidney Efq; and Mary his Wife, and for purchafing feveral Lands in. the County of Norfolk, of as great or greater Value, and fettling the faid Lands in Norfolk to the fame Ufes, as the faid Lands in Suffolk now ftand limited. 27. An Act for the Sale of feveral Eftates of Henry Grey Efq; in the County of Southampton, and for fettling other Eftates of equal Value in the Counties of Berks and Wilts to the fame Ufes. 28. An Act for veiling the Real and Perfonal Eftates of Richard Hampden Efq; in Truftees, for making fome Provifion for his Wife and Family, and for better fecu- ring the Debt due from him to the Crown. 29. An Act for Sale of Part of the Eftate of John Burt de- ceafed, in the County of Southampton. 30. An Act for veiling certain Lands and Hereditaments in the Kingdom of Ireland (the Eftate of Cafar Colclough Efq; in Truftees) to be fold or mortgaged for railing Money to difcharge Incumbrances affecting the fame, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. 51. An Act for veiling in Truftees the Eftate of Thomas Bennct Efq; in the Counties of Suffolk, Kent, Middlefex^ and the City of London, to fell Part thereof for Payment of h,is Debts, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. PUBLICK AC T S. Anno 1 3 Georgii I. N Act for granting an Aid to his Majefty by 3 Land-Tax to be raifed in Great Britain for the Ser- vice of the Year 1727. 2. An Ait for punilliing Mutiny and Defertion ; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters. 3- An'