Th TITLE S of the STATUTE S. king Navigable the Rivers Wye and Lugg, in the County of Hereford ; and for making the fame more effectual. 35. An Aft foreftablifhing a certain Provifion for maintain- ing the Curate of the Parffll of St. Katbefine Cree Church, alias Chrijl-Church, London ; and for repairing and fup- porting the Chancel of the faid Paiifjh-Church. PRIVATE ACTS. Anno 13 Georgll. I. N Aft for naturalizing Daniel Crefpin. 2. An Aft for naturalizing Louis Sekeyhaye, George Frederick Handel, and others. . An Aft for exchanging, inclofing, and reducing into Se- veralty, the Lands in the common Fields, common Mea- dows, mowing Grounds, Pafture and Feeding Grounds, and all other the Lands lying open in the Parilh of Little Rijjington, in the County of Gloucejler . . An Act to enable Thomas Brodnax, Efq; and the Heirs and Iffue of his Body, to take and ufe the Surname of May. . An Aft to enable Charles Nicoll, alias Gaunter, Efq; and his Iffue Male, to take and ufe the Surname of Nicoll, purfuant to the Deed of Settlement of 'William Nicoll, Efq; deceafed. . An Act for enabling John DIJbrow, Gent, and his Iffue, to take and ufe the Surname of Spencer. 7 An Aft for naturalizing Abraham Llndberg, and others. 8. An Aft for naturalizing Louis Aubert DupleJJis. 9. An Act for naturalizing Lewis Gulllemau. 10. An Aft to enable an Exchange to be made between Lionel Duke of Dorfet, and the Truftees of Henry Smith, Efq; deceafed, fixteen Acres, feventeen Perches and an half of Land and Coppice, lying near Knole Park, in the County of Kent, of the Value of eight Pounds per Annum, for a Rent-Charge of ten Pounds a Year, Part of a Fee- Farm Rent of forty Pounds per Annum, iffuing out of the Manor of Heddington, within the Hundred of Bulllngdon, in the County of Oxford. 11. An Act to veft the feveral Reftories, Parfonages, Churches and Chapels of Breamore, South-Charford, Hale, Rockbourn, Whhjbury, and ^uidefly, with the Glebe Land and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, in new Truftees, to put in Execution certain Trufts and Powers contained in an Indenture dated the fifteenth Day of May 1683. 12. An Aft for appointing Commiflioners to make a Divifion of certain common Fields and Waftes in the Townfhips of ScarcUffe and Palterton in Derby/hire, among the Pro- prietors, in order to inclofe the fame. 13. An Aft for inclofing the common Fields in Hucklecott, in the Parifh of Church -Downe, in the County of Glou- cejler. i. An Aft to veft the Manors of Great Hallingbury and Little Hallingbury, Wallbury and Monkbury, and the Foreft or Chafe in the Parifh of Hatfield, in the County of EJfex; and alio the Manor or Lordfhip of Blunt/hall, in the County of Suffolk ; and the Manor or Lordfhip of Win- terton, in the County of Norfolk, in Truftees, to be fold for the Payment of the Debts, to which the fame are fub- jeft by Virtue of the Will of Sir Edward Tumour, Knt. deceafed; and for laying out the Surplus of the Money (if any) arifing by fuch Sale in the Purchafe of Lands, to be fettled to the Ufes mentioned in the Will of the faid Sir Edward Tumour. 15. An Aft for veiling Part of the Eftate of Mcyle Breton Efq; in- Truftees, to be fold for raifmg three thoufand Pounds charged on other Part of the fame Eftate, and for other the Purpofes therein mentioned. t6. An Aft for Sale of certain Houfes and Lands in the Town and Liberties of Bridgenorth, intheCounty of Salop, contained in the Marriage-Settlement of John Yate, Gent, and for the Purchafing and Settling other Lands of as great yearly Value to the fame Ufes. « 17. An Aft for exchanging the Tithes and Glebe-Lands of and belonging to the Reftory of the Church of Addlng- ton, in the County of Bucks, for other Lands in Adding- ton aforefaid, to be fettled on the Reftor of the faid Church, and his Succeffors, and for other Purpofes there- in mentioned. 18. An Aft for vefting the real Eftate late of Elibu Tale, Efq; deceafed, in the County of Denby, in Truftees, to be fold, and applying one third Part of the Monies arifing by Sale thereof, according to the Will of Urfula Yale, his Daughter, deceafed, and the other two Thirds for the Be- nefit of his two other Coheirs. 19. An Aft for repealing a Power of Revocation in the Set- tlement made on the Marriage of Francis Gou'Jlou, Efq; and for eftablifhing and vefting a new Power inftead there- of. 20. An Aft for confirming a Conveyance of the Manor of the Reftory of Great Stoughton, in the County of Hun- tingdon, unto Sir Baldwin Conyers, Bart, in Exchange for an Annuity granted by him to the Vicar of Great Stough- ton aforefaid, and his Succeffors. zi. An Aft for vefting certain Copyhold and other Lands in John Amphlctt, Efq; in Lieu of the Freehold Lands agreed to be purchafed and fettled on him by the Marriage-Ar- ticles of Jofeph Amphlett, Efq; his late Father, with A?ine his Wife, both deceafed ; and for making Provifion for the younger Children of that Marriage. 22. An Aft for Sale of two undivided third Parts of the Manor of Weeton and other Lands in Holderncfs, Part of the fettled Eftate of Thomas Rand; and for applying the Money arifing by fuch Sale in the Purchafe of an entire Eftate to be fettled to the fame Ufes. 23. An Aft for vefting the real and Perfonal Eftate of Wit- Ham Norton, Efq; deceafed, in Truftees, for the Purpofes therein mentioned. 24. An Aft for the Sale of the Manor of Aldbury, in the Parifh of Mejlham, and the Manor of Chaldon, and other Lands in the County of Surrey, Part of the Eftate of ■ John Southcott, Efq; for the Purpofes therein mentioned ; and for fettling the Capital Meffuage of Witbam Place, and other Lands in the County of EJJex, of the fame Va- lue, Part of the Eftate of Sir Edward Southcott, Knt. Fa- ther of the faid John Southcott, to the like Ufes. 25. An Aft for fettling certain Lands and Tenements of Edward Sainthill, the Elder, Efq; therein mentioned, purfuant to an Agreement made on the Marriage of Ed- ward Sainthill, his Son, with Frances, the Daughter of Sir Walter Younge, Bart. 26. An Aft for Sale of Part of the Eftate of John Wall, for Payment of Debts, and for fettling other Part of his Eftate for the Education and Maintenance of his only Son. 27. An Aft for vefting feveral Sums of Money in the Arch- bifhop of Canterbury, and the Bifhop of Ely, .given for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of poor Vicars within the Diocefes of Canterbury and Ely ; and to im- povver them to lay out the fame in the Purchafe of Lands to be vefted in other Truftees for the fame Purpofes 28. An Aft for Sale of Part of the Eftate of Valentine Brown, Efq; commonly called Lord Kenmare, in the King- dom of Ireland, for Payment of Debts and Incumbrances affefting the fame. 29. An Aft to enable Thomas, now Lord Southwell, and his Truftees, to raife Money, by making Leafes for Lives, renewable forever, and Fee- Farms, and by Sale or Mort- gage of certain Lands and Hereditaments in the County of Limerick, in the Kingdom of Ireland, for Payment of 3 Debts