A. D. 1720. Anno feptimo Georgii Regis. Stat. 1. C. 13. 343 every Journeyman Taylor, or other Perfon employcd,#or to be employe;! or retained as a Journeyman Taylor, for his Work, during the Hours aforefaid, the Wages and Sum- follo'wing, (that is to fay) from the five and twentieth Day of March to the four and twentieth Day of yum; any Sum not exceeding two Shillings per Diem, and for the reft of the Year one Shilling and eight Pence- per DiAn. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any T::ylor or Taylors, or Timers om;--i other Perfon or Perfons acting as fuch, or carrying on, ufmg or exercifing the Art or Myftery of a Taylor t0 P a 5'*HcirJ <»'• within the Limits aforefaid, lhall hire, retain or imploy any Journeyman or other Perfon, not being an "a^ute! tmhc Apprentice, he, fhe or they fo hiring, retaining or imploying any fuch Journeyman or other Perfon aforefaid, (Apprentices excepted) fhall, and they are hereby_ obliged and required to pay them after the Rate aforefaid, for the full Time for which he, £he or they fo hire, retain or imploy them, or agree fo IV. And for more eafy recovering the faid Wages, It fhall be lawful for any two Jufiices of the Perec Wages tofcc 1 by for hereof rants for levying fuch Wages due, as aforefaid, by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods, rendring the committed till' Overplus to the Owner; and for want of fufficient Diftrefs to commit the Party or Parties offending to tiie Satisfaction Common Gaol, there to remain without Bail or Mainprife, until he, {lie or they fhall pay or give Satif- 'V 3 ^- faftion to the Party for the fame. ' V. And in regard it may be reafonable upon fome Occafions to alter the Wages and Hours of Work Qnjrter.Senij.n3 pofe, to take into their L-onlideration the rienty or scarcity ot the 1 ime, ana otner ^-ircumuances necella- cumitancesof fily to be confidered, and to alter the Wages, and Hours of work aforefaid, and to order and appoint what Plenty or Scar- Wages and Allowances fhall be paid or made to Journeymen Taylors, and Servants, retained or imployed, Cit?> &Cl or to be retained or imployed, in the Art or Myftery of a Taylor, as aforefaid, within the Limits aforefaid, and what Hours they {ball work, and (ball make fuch Alterations therein, from Time to Time, as fuch Jufticvs at any fuch General Sefiions fhall think fit, upon Application to be made to them for thatPurpofe, and fuch Juftices fhall, within the Space of fourteen Days next after fuch General Sefiions, caufe fuch Rates and Alterations, from Time to Time, to be printed, publifhed and made known, in fuch Manner as Such Alterations to them fhall feem meet, at the reafonable Lxpence of any Perfon or Perfons defiring the fame; and from to be printed and after Publication thereof, all Taylors, and their Journeymen and Servants, within the Limits aforefaid, and pubiiihed; are hereby ftrictly required to obferve the fame, upon Pain of Imprifonment by fuch Juftices, for any Time nnc j fr0 ™ 'hence not exceeding two Months, being lawfully convicted of fuch Offence, after Knowledge or Information of *° p° n "f* d any fuch Rates or Alterations thereof to be made, as aforefaid, upon any Profecution to be commenced Months impti- within fix Days after the Offence committed. fonment. VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon actually retained or imployed Journeyman tained, or until the Work, for which he was hired or retained, fhall be finifhed, or not being retained or Term, orthe imployed, fhall refufe to enter into Work or Imployment (after Requeft made for that Purpofe by any Work finifhed, k, be fent to the Houfe of Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding two Cor.-eaion foi Months. tv ™ Months. VII. And for more effectual preventing the Mifchiefs and Inconveniencies which may happen by Non- Taylors allow- obfervance of this Act, or by feducing or inticing any of the Journeymen Taylors, or Servants aforefaid, ing greater Wa- from one Mailer to another; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Taylor or other Per- E« to their Jour- fon profefling, ufing or exercifing the Art or Myftery of a Taylor, as aforefaid, within the Limits aforefaid, fj r y t -™ t en . j or any other Perfon aforefaid, fhall at any Time after the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, give, allow or pay any more or greater Wages than as aforefaid, for the Flours of Work aforefaid, to any Servant or Journeyman, in Money, or otherwife, contrary to the Intent of this Act, every Perfon fo offending, being thereof lawfully convicted upon any Profecution commenced within three Months Journeymen ■after the Offence commuted, fhall forfeit and pay the Sum of five Pounds, one Moiety whereof fhall be to "king greater the Informer or Profecutor, and the other Moiety to the Poor of the Parifh or Place where the Offence ^ es ' olie le " t fhall be committed; and every fuch Servant or Journeyman taking more or greater Wages than a_s afore- correftionftir faid, for the Hours of Work aforefaid, being thereof convicted, as aforefaid, fhall be fent to the Roufe of two Months". Correction, there to be kept to hard Labour for any Time not exceeding two Months; and all Retainers, Retainers con- Prorriifes, Obligations, or Securities, for any Wages, Pay or Allowances, contrary to this Act, flaall be trar y'° this AS, null and void. _ _ ' ' v °' ' VIII. Provided, That this Act or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend to hinder the paying or , t ^° ninder receiving any more or other Wages or Allowances, which fhall be agreed upon, for working before or af- greater^W^es ter the Hours of Work limited or appointed, or to be limited or appointed as aforefaid. for working be- IX. Provided alio, That it fhall and may b.- lawful for any Perfon aggrieved by any Order or Orders to foreor after the be made by any two or more Juftices of the Peace, as aforefaid, to appeal to the Juftices of the Peace Hours limited. aiTembled at the next General Quarter-Sefiions to be holden for the City, Divifion, Parifh or Place where Appeal to fuch Q^ rt «- Scl -