•374. C. 15. Ahnq odfcavo Georgii Regis. A. D. 1721. s ubfid y of 6d. Which Subfidy of fix Pence upon the faid Goods,. Commodities or Materials ufed in Dying, and ex- ufeffcrD^n' ■ P orteci according to the feveral and. refpective Rates and. Values thereof, fet down in this Act as aforefaid, tote recovered' -r9^' a 'l ' lave f ucn or tnc like refpective, Continuances, and fhall and may, from Time to Time, be raifed, as Subfidy of received, levied and recovered, -by fuch Ways and Meatus, and under fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, and Poundage on with fuch Allowances for Goods' loft or taken at Sea, and in fuch Manner and Form, as the Subfidy of Goods exported. Poundage. on Goods or Merchandizes exported, may be raifed,' received, levied or recovered, by any Law of the Cuftoms now in Force. , ... The Produce to XIL Andit is hereby enacted, That the Produce of the faid Subfidy by this Act granted for and upon be appropriated the faid dying Goods and Commodities exported (the neceffary Charges of Management excepted) are and asthe e subfid Ure f ^ a ^ ,^ e appropriated and applied to and for the fame refpective Ufes, and in fuch Proportions, Manner Poundage 'on ° and Form, and fubjeetto fuch refpective Powers of Redemption, as the Subfidy of Poundage on other Goods exported Goods and Commodities exported (not herein before exempted from the Payment thereof J is by any Laws is by former A£b now in Force appropriated and applicable ; and that all the Powers, Directions, Penalties and Forfei- ts be applied, tures, Claufes, Matters and Things contained in any Act or.Acts of Parliament now in Force for ap- The^Powers.&c. p ro priating and applying the faid Subfidy on Goods exported, not herein before exempted, fhall be prac- tobe'put i n C Ex- l .d an£ i P Llt i' 1 Execution for appropriating and applying the faid Subfidy hereby granted accordingly, as ecu'ion for ap- ' fully and effectually, as if the fame were again repeated and re-enacted in the Body of this prefent Act ; plying the Sub- any Law or Curtom. to the contrary notwithftanding. fidy granted ... hereby. Concerning Drugs, fee farther 10 Geo. i.e. 20. 17 Geo. 2. c. 31. 25 Geo. 2. c. 32. 31 Gen. 2. c. 12 & 35. Duties upon ' XIII. And whereas Beaver-Skins imported are valued in the Book of Rates at fix Shillings and eight how to te'eom- ' ^ erice P er Skin, according to which Value the Duties now payable upon every Beaver-Skin imported^ puted and paid" ' do amount as follows, that is to fay, For the old Subfidy, four Pence; for the further Subfidy, four ' Pence; for the one third Subfidy, one Penny and one third Part of a Penny; for the two third Subfidy, ; ' two Pence and two third Parts of a Penny, and for the additional Impoft, four Pence; amounting in ' the whole to fixteen Pence per Skin, as by feveral Acts of Parliament now in Force doth appear;' Beit further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thou- fand feven hundred and twenty-two, the Duties upon Beaver-Skins from thenceforth to be imported, fhall be computed and paid^ as if they had been valued in the faid Book of Rates at two Shillings and fix Pence per Skin, according to which Value, there fhall be paid for every Beaver-Skin fo imported, fix Pence, and no more, which fhall be applied to the faid feveral Subfidies and additional Impoft, in fuch Propor- tions a§ : fixteen Pence bears to fix Pence ; any former Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Drawbacks al- XIV. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted, That from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day M^hi'"-' 25 °^ March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, upon the Exportation of any of the faid Beaver- Skins within the Time allowed by Law,- for which the Duties chargeable by this Act fhall have been firft paid or fecured, there fhall be allowed a Drawback of a Moiety of the faid refpective Duties fo paid or fe- cured and no more, which Drawback fhall be made or allowed, according to fuch Rules and Methods, as Drawbacks are allowed by any Law now in Force relating to the Cuftoms. Duty on Pepper ' XV. And, whereas Pepper imported directly from the Place of its Growth, in EngliJJ) built Shipping, for Home Con- < j s va ] ue< i j n ' t j, e Book of Rates at one Shilling and eight Pence per Pound-Weight, according to wm'ch reduced" o°4d. ' Value it now pays or is liable to pay, feveral Subfidies, after the Rate of twelve Pence in the Pound; per lb. Weight! ' and there is alfo charged thereupon an Impoft of three Pence, and a new'Duty of eighteen Pence per . . ' Pound- Weight, which Subfidies and other Duties amount in the whole to one Shilling and eleven fcTfa"'tba- sea', ' P ence Half-penny per Pound-Weight, (over and above one Half-penny per Pound-Weight, chargeable i.e. iS./. 2j.' ' f' or the Half-Subfidy upon the Importation thereof) and the faid Duties amounting to one Shilling and ' eleven Pence Half-penny per Pound-Weight, are or ought to be applied in Manner following ; that is ' to fay, For half the faid old Subfidy, one Half-penny ; for the fiid further Subfidy, one Penny; for the ' one third Subfidy, one third Part of a Penny; for the two third Subfidies, two third Parts of a Penny; ' for the old Impoft, three Pence; and for the new Duty, one Shilling and fix Pence, as by feveral Acts ' of Parliament now in Force doth appear ;' Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, the faid Duties amounting to one Shilling and eleven Pence Half-penny per Pound-Weight, upon fuch Pepper as afore- faid, which thenceforth fhall be delivered from the proper Ware-houfes for Home Confumption (without altering the Half-Subfidy now payable upon the Importation thereof) fhall beleifened and reduced to pay four Pence per Pound-Weight and no more. Value of Pepper ' XVI. And for better making a Diftribution thereof to and amongft the faid feveral Subfidies and Du- howtobeefteem- < ties reflectively,' It is hereby declared and enacted, That the Value of the faid Pepper fhall be eftecmed ep and divided. at i~ ix Shillings and eight Pence per Pound-Weight, upon which Value twelve Pence in the Pound doth amount to the faid Sum of four Pence per Pound-Weight, and the faid efteemed Value of fix Shillings and eight Pence per Pound-Weight fhall be divided as follows, in order to compute the feveral Duties. here- after to be paid thereupon ; to wit, To the old Subfidy, three Pence and one third Part of a Penny. To the further Subfidy, three Pence and one third Part of a Penny. To. the one_third Subfidy, and two third Subfidy, three Pence and one third Part of a Penny. To the faid Impoft, ten Pence. And to the faid new Duty, five Shillings, And