4 1 6 C. 3*- Anno o&avo Georgii Regis. A.D. 1721. Recital of the Letters Patent of Queen Elisabeth, Recital of the 39 Eliz. N. B. This is a private All, and other Parifhioners of the Town of Sevenocks in the County of Kent for ever, upon Truft out of the Rents and Profits thereof, to find and .maintain for ever one Mafter well (killed in Grammar, and a Batchelor of Arts, who fhould keep a Grammar-School in fome convenient Houfe wit-hin the faid Town of Sevenocks, to be purchafed with his Goods at the Difcretion of his Executors ; and likewife out of the faid Rents and Profits forever, to give and pay to twenty poor Men and Women of the faid Parifh quarterly, ten Shillings a-piece, who fhould live within the faid Town in Houfes to be purchafed for them by his Executors, and for other charitable Purpofes in the faid Will mentioned : And whereas her late Majefty Elizabeth Queen of England, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England, bearing Date the firft Day of 'July in the fecond Year of her Reign, did grant, That there fhould be for ever in the Town of Sevenocksfoxefcc, a free Grammar-School, called the Grammar-School of Queen Elizabeth, for the Education, Institution and Inftruction of Children and Youth in Grammar and other Learning ; and that in the Parifh of Sevenocks there fhould be an Incorporation, to confift of two Wardens of the faid Parifh of Sevenocks, and of the Free-School, and of four Affiftants, Inhabitants of of the faid Town and Parifh, by the Name of the Wardens and four Affiftants of the Town and Pa- rifh of Sevenocks, and of the Free-School of Queen Elizabeth in Sevenocks; and afterwards by an Act of Parliament, palled in the thirty-ninth Year of the faid Queen's Reign, intituled, An Ail concerning the School of Sevenocks, therein reciting, That for many Years there had been in the faid Town and Parifh of Sevenocks one Hofpital or Alms-houfe for Relief of the Poor, and one Free-School for the teaching of Youth, which had been at firft erected by the faid William Sevenocks, Citizen and Grocer of London, who by his laft Will and Teftament endowed the fame, as therein mentioned, and that fuch Endowment had been afterwards augmented by others ; it was enacted, That for the better Eftablifh- ment of the faid Incorporation, every Article and Claufe in the faid Letters Patents fhould for ever be and remain of Force and Validity in Law, according to the true Meaning and Purport thereof; and that the faid Wardens and Affiftants, and their Succeflors for ever, fhould quietly have and enjoy, to the Ufe of the faid School and poor People, the MefTuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents and Hereditaments, on them bellowed, with the Appurtenances, without any Let or Eviction whatfoever, according to the charitable and true Meaning of the Founders and Benefactors : And whereas feveral Warehoufes or other Buildings have been erected upon Part of the Lands in the faid Pariih of All-Saints Barking near the Tower of London, which were devifed by the faid William Sevenocks for the charitable Purpofes afore- mentioned, and the Remainder thereof hath been converted into and ufed as a Wharf or Key for land- ing Goods on, and the fame Warehoufes, Wharf or Key, have been ufually let, from Time to Time, by Leafes from the Wardens and Affiftants of the faid Town and Parifh of Sevenocks, and of the Free School of Queen Elizabeth in Sevenocks, all which are now expired : And whereas it would prove of great Advantage to the faid Charity, if the faid Wardens and Affiftants were enabled to raife, by the Difpoiition of the faid Warehoufes, Wharf or Key, a competent Sum of Money to be imployed in re- building, repairing, furnifhing and fitting up the faid Free School, and Hofpital or Alms-houfes, all which are much out of Repair, and in inlarging the fame, and for other charitable Ufes appointed by the faid Will ; and likewife obtain a fettled Revenue for the better Support and Maintenance of the faid Charities in all Times to come; and it would be likewife for the Service of his Majefty and the Pub- lick, if the faid Warehoufes, Wharf and Key, might be purchafed for the Ufe of or in Truft for his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflors, as lying contiguous to his Majefty's prefent Cuftom-houfe, whereby the fame may be built or fitted up for Warehoufes, Offices or other Conveniencies for Merchants, or the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms, and Officers employed in the managing or collecting the Revenue ariiing by the faid Cuftoms; whereupon his Majefty, out of his pious Inclination to promote fo ufeful and beneficial a Charity, and to advance the publick Good, hath gracioufly been pleafed to fignify his Royal Plcafure, That the faid Wardens and Affiftants fhould at prefent be paid two thoufand five hundred Pounds, with Intereft, "as herein after mentioned, for the Purpofes herein after mentioned, and fhould for the future receive the yearly Rent of five hundred and fifty Pounds, to be paid to them and their Succeflors, for the Maintenance of the charitable Ufes intended by the faid Founder and Bene- factors, in all Times to come, in cafe the Fee-fimple and Inheritance of and in the faid Warehoufes, Wharf or Key, herein after more particularly defcribed, be conveyed and allured unto, or to the Ufe of proper Truftees and their Heirs, in Truft for his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflors, fubject to the Payment of the faid annual Rent; whereunto the faid Wardens and Affiftants moft readily aflented, and are willing the Fee-fimple and Inheritance of the Premifles fhould be conveyed accordingly, fo as the faid annual Rent be effectually fecured to them and their Succeflors for ever, for the perpetual Support and Maintenance of the Charities aforementioned, but are not able to make fuch Conveyances or A du- rances without the Aid of an Act of Parliament :' May it therefore pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, That it may be enacted, &c. ■Horn Key, &c. veiled in Tuftees for the Ufe of the Crown. Charge- ith Intereft, and the annual Rent of 55° I. for the Purpofes in the .mens, jc, of Sevenocks. Intereft of the faid Sum to be computed after the n. Payable out of the Cuftoms. The faid 2500I. and Intereft to be paid to _efore March 25, 1722, who are to expend the fame in. rebuilding, tic. the Claufe to the Crown, ©V "PR " The Piece of Ground called Harts-Ho " able with the Payment of 2500I. with Intereft, and the annual Rent of 550 1. for the Purpofc . Act, Payable to the Wardens, &c, of Sevenocks. Intereft of the faid Sum to be computed after the " Rate of 4I. ios. per Annum, (i the faid Wardens, Lie. bef ^' School, Lvc, Savinj PR. Anno