A. D. 1 7 14. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. C. 3, 4. 7 « XVII. And whereas by an Act of the ninth Year of the Reign of her late Majcfly Queen Anne, inti- Dut ' cs °. n Hj £" tuled, An Aa for laying a Duty upon Hops, a Duty of three Pence for every Pound Weight Averjupoiz^j^l /^ is laid upon all Hops, which at any Time or Times within or during the Term of four Years, to be continued till reckoned from the firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and eleven, fhall be imported or brought i Aug. 17 15. into the Kingdom of Great Britain, (over and above all other Cuftoms, Subfidies, anil Duties impofed Madc p"pctual upon or payable for the fame) and for and upon all Hops growing or to grow in Great Britain, which by c ' Ge0 '^ . at any Time or Times within or during the faid Term of four Years, fhall be cured and made fit for Ufe, *' c " I2 ' •' 5 ' the Sum of one Penny for every Pound Weight Averdupoiz, and after that Rate for a greater or IefTL-r Quantity ; which Act is thought convenient to be further continued :' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, .That the faid Act, and every Claufe, Article, Matter, and Thing therein contained, Farther PAtffi. fhall continue and be of Force from the thirty-lira: Day of May in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fu- ™ ! '/Tcff yen hundred and fifteen, until the firft Day of Attgu/l in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred ,_ t '.' JU e 40) and fifteen, as fully and effectually, to all intents and Purpofcs, as if the fame were herein particularly and 6G«. i.e. si- at large repeated and re-enacted. /-*s- 6G "- *•• 37- /• 6. fiehk'S is made perpetual iy 31 Ceo. z. c. 41) 7 Geo. z. 6 19. CAP. III. An Aft for the better regulating the Forces to be continued in his Majefly's Service, and for the Payment of the faid Forces, and of their Quarters. E X P. CAP. IV. An Act to explain the Aft made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of King William the Third, intituled, An A£i for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better fecuring the Rights and Liberties of the Subjetl.
- I.TT 7HERE AS by an Act of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of our late Sove- 11&13 w 3*.
VV reiem Lord King William the Third, intituled, An ASl for the further Limitation of the Crown, <=• 2 - ' and better fecuring the Rights and Liberties of the Subjccl, it is amohgft other Things enacted, That from
- and after the Time that the further Limitation of the Crown by that Act fhould take Effect, no Perfon
4 born out of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, or Ireland, or the Dominions thereunto belonging, al- ' though he be naturalized or made a Denizen, except fuch as are born of Englijl) Parents, fhould be ca^-
- , pable to be of the Privy Council, or a Member of either Houfe of Parliament, or to enjoy any Office or
' Place of Truft, either Civil or Military, or to have any Grant of Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments
- from the Crown, to himfelf or to any others in Truft for him : And whereas fome Doubts have arifen-
' concerning the Conftrudtion of the faid Law ;' Be it declared and enacted by the King's moft Excellent No Perfon na» Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons, in n u "£"- d e fl e f° re; Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That it was not the Intent and Meaning of the A c Ce fl; oa ^ S faid Act, that the faid Claufe, or any Thing therein contained, fhould extend, nor fhall the faid Claufe be the Crown i n - conftrued, adjudged, or taken to extend to difable or incapacitate any Perfon, who at or before his Ma- capacitated to jefty's Acceffion to the Crown was naturalized, to be of the Privy-Council, or a Member of either Houfe Jf a Pl "^ of Parliament, or to take or enjoy any Office or Place of Truft, either Civil or Military, or to take or have a ^" i ^ b " , o ° 1 ' any Grant of Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments from the Crown,, to himfelf,. or any other in Truft parliament, or for him. to have an j Office of Truft, Grant of Lands, &c., ' II. And for the better preferving the faid recited Claufe in the faid Act of the twelfth Year of the late No Perfon mall ' King William the Third, entire and inviolable ;' Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That ^^ be , na " no Perfon fhall hereafter be naturalized, unlefs in the Bill exhibited for that Purpofe there be a Claufe or ] e r s ; n t h' e B 'fi particular Words inferted to declare, that fuch Perfon fhall not thereby be enabled to be of the Privy- there be fuch a Council, or a Member of either Houfe of Parliament, or to take any Office or' Place of Truft, either difabling Claufe- Civil or Military, or to have any Grant of Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments from the Crown, to i? lert ( ? d l himfelf, or any other Perfon in Truft for him ; and that no Bill of Naturalization fhall hereafter be B| C j[ be a ro any received in either Houfe of Parliament, unlefs fuch Claufe or Words be firft inferted or contained ce ived in iirher. therein. i Houfe of Par- liament without fuch Claufe, GAP,.