448 C. 15. Anno nono Georgii Regis. A. D. 1722. Freeholders of XXXIII. Provided alfo, That it fhall be lawful to any four Freeholders of the Shires of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, &e. fjaddingto^t, Linlithgow and Fife, in cafe of any Embezilment or Mifapplication of the Duties arifing by giftrates &c. for tnis Aft ' or the A & s in Part before recited, to fue the Magiftrates and Town-Council, or others guilty Misapplications, of fuch Mifapplication or Embezilment, in the fame Form, Manner and Way, and under the fame Pro- vifoes, as is before directed in relation to Profecutions at the Suit of the Burgefies, and that with or with- out any Confent of the Overfeers. HolyroodHoufe XXXIV. Provided, That nothing in this Act fhall be conftrued to fubject any Ale or Beer, brewed and Edinburgh an j confumed within the Precincts of Holyrood Houfe and Gallic of Edinburgh, to the above Duty and Caftle exempt T„„ n r.*:~~ fo« the Dut- -Irnpolition. Corporation Y ' XXXV. Provided alfo, That no Sums or Debts contracted or borrowed in Purfuance of this Act, and Elites charge- f° r the Ufes and Purpofes above recited, fhall any ways affeit or be a Charge upon the Eftates Perfonal able with Debts or Real of any of the Burgeffes or Inhabitants of the faid City of Edinburgh ; but neverthelefs, that the contrafled in Debts lawfully contracted in Puifuance of this and the other Acts in Part recited, fhall and may be law- Pur< 7" ce ot fully charged upon the Property and Perfonal Eftate belonging to the faid City of Edinburgh and Body t_ls ' Corporate thereof; any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithftanding. E dates of Magi- XXXVI. Provided alfo, That the Eftate Perfonal or Real of any Magiftrate or Counfellor, who fhall ftrates aniwer- j, e convicted to be guilty of any Malverfation done or committed contrary to the true Intention of this tlfc don^ ifaP " ancl the A< -* s in Part recited ' ^ a ^ bs ft'kjedl: to refund and repay fuch Damage as fhall be adjudged to have been incurred by fuch Malverfation, at the Suit of any of the Perfons, who by this Act: areim- powered to fue or profecute the Magiftrates and Council of the faid City in cafe of Malverfation or Mif- application of the Duties arifing by this and former Acts in Part above recited. XXXVII. And whereas by the faid recited Act of Parliament of the third Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign it is enacted, That from and after the fir ft Day of 'July one thoufand feven hundred and twenty- three certain Dues, paid and commonly known by the Name of Petty-Fort Cuftoms, payable at the Ports of the faid City of Edinburgh, fhould be difcontinued and ceafe during the Continuance of that Act, and -^etty Cuftoms no longer; Be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Dues and Petty Cuftoms fhall di [continued du- b e difcontinued and ceafe during the Continuance of this Aft, and no longer; any Thing in this A<5t or ung this Act. an y other Act of Parliament, or any Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. Annual Pay- XXXVIII. And it is hereby further enacted and declared, T'hat the annual Payments before-men- inents, how long tioned, with which the aforefaid Impofition is burdened by this Act, fhall continue and endure only till to continue. trie £ r fl. j^ a y Q r y u ^ w hich fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-one, and no longer ; any Thing in this Act or in any other Act to the contrary notwithftanding. This a publick XXXIX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act fhall be deemed and £ ct ' taken to be a publick Act, of which Notice fhall by all Courts in this Kingdom be judicially taken, and all Judges, Juftices and other Perfons are hereby required to take Notice of it as fuch. C 22. 26 Geo. 2, c. 36 CAP. XV. An A<ft to inflicl: Pains and Penalties on John Plunket. ' !• 7 H E R E A S in the Years one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, and one thoufand feven VV hundred and twenty-two, a deteftable and horrid Confpiracy was formed and carried on by 1 divers Traitors for invading your Majefty's Kingdoms with Foreign Forces, for raifing an Infurreftion ' and Rebellion againft your Majefty, for feizing the Tower and City of London, and for laying violent ' Hands upon your Majefty's mod facred Perfon, and upon his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, in ' order to iubvert our prefent happy Eftablifhment in Church and State, and to place a Popifh Pretender 4 on your Throne : And whereas for the better concealing and effecting the faid Confpiracy, divers trea- ' fonable Correfpondencies were, within the Time aforefaid, carried on by Letters written in Cyphers, ' Cant Words, and Fictitious Names ; which Confpiracy, had not Almighty God in his great Mercy dif- ' appointed the fame, would have deprived your Majefty's Kingdoms of the Enjoyment of their Religion,
- Laws and Liberties, involved them in Blood and Ruin, and fubjected your People to the Bondage and
' Qppreffion of Romijl) Superftition and Arbitrary Power : For which execrable Treafon Chrijiopher Layer ' hath been indicted, tried, convicted and attainted. And whereas John Plunket hath been a principal
- Actor in the faid horrid and deteftable Confpiracy, by traiteroufly confulting and correfponding with
- divers Perfons, to raife an Infurrection and Rebellion againft your Majefty within this Kingdom, and
- to procure a foreign Force to invade the fame, with a Defign to depofe your Majefty, and to place the
' Pretender on your Throne, by traiteroufly correfponding with the faid Pretender, and by engaging
- in a mod execrable and villanous Defign of laying violent Hands upon the facred Perfon of your Majefty
' (whom God long preferve) :' Therefore to manifeft our juft Abhorrence of fo wicked a Confpiracy, and our Zeal and tender Regard for the Prefervation of your Majefty's Perfon and Government, and for the Proteftant Succefjion in your Majefty's Royal Family, the folid Foundation of our prefent Happinefs and future Hopes ; and to the End that no Confpirator may, by any Contrivance or Practice whatfoever, efcape Punifhment, and that all Perfons may be by the Juftice of Parliament for ever hereafter deterred from engaging in any traiterous Confpiracies or Attempts, We your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament aflembled, do humbly be- ifeech your Majefty, that it may be enacted, £sV. P R, 3 CAP,