Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/508

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462 C. 23. Anno nono Georgii Regis. A. D. 1722. rift is hereby required to pay within thirty Days from the Day on which the faid Certificate (hall be pro- duced and fhewn to him, under the Penalty of forfeiting the Sum often Pounds to the faid Perfon or Per- fons to whom fuch Certificate is given, for which faid Sum of ten Pounds, as well as the faid Sum of fifty Pounds, fuch Perfon may and is hereby authorized to bring an Adion upon the Cafe againft fuch Sheriff, as for Money had and received to his or their Ufe. ' XIII. And whereas the Shortnefs of the Time within which Profecutions for Offences againft the , & 4.W. & M. < Statute made in the third and fourth Years of the Reign of their late Majdties King William and e. 10. s Queen Mary, intituled, An Ail for the more effectual Difcovery and Punijhment of Deer-JIealers, are liniit- bc°c7.mmen'cd l,y ' ed to be commenced, has been a great Encouragement to Offenders ;' Be it therefore enacted by the w 1thto th«e Authority aforefaid, That any Profecution for any Offence againft the faid Statute, (hall or may be corn- Years after Of- menced within the three Years from the Time of the Offence committed, but not after, fence committed. XIV. And for the better and more impartial Trial of any Indictment or Information, which fhall be Such Offences found commenced or profecuted for any of the Offences committed againft this Act, Be it enacted by the may be tried in Authority aforefaid, That every Offence that fhall be done or committed contrary to this Act, (hall and any County. may be enquired of, examined, tried and determined in any County within that Part of the Kingdom of Great Britain called England, in fuch Manner and Form, as if the Fact had been therein committed; Attainder not. to p t0 yj<fed, That no Attainder for any of the Offences made Felony by Virtue of this Act, fhall make ^BkoT'lT"" 1 or wol 'k any Corruption of Blood, Lofs of Dower or Forfeiture of Lands or Tenements, Goods or ' ' Chattels. This Aft where XV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act fhall be openly read at every to be read. Quarter-Seffions, and at every Leet or Law-Day. ' Farther conti- XVI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act fhall continue in Force nued by 24 Geo. ^ rom *he firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three, for the Space of three Years, a. c. 57." ' and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer. [Continued for five Years by 12 Geo. 1. c. 30.] XVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Venifon or Skin of any Deer, fhall be found in the Cuftody of any Perfon or Perfons, and it fhall appear that fuch Perfon or Perfons bought fuch Venifon or Skin of any one, who might be juftly fufpected to have unlawfully come by the fame, and does not produce the Party of whom he bought it, or prove upon Oath the Name and Place of Abode of fuch Party, that then the Perfon or Perfons who bought the fame, fhall be convicted of fuch Offence, by any one or more Juftice or Juftices of the Peace, and fhall be fubject to the Penal- ties inflicted for killing a Deer, in and by the Statute made in the third and fourth Year of the Reign of 3&4W. &M. their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, intituled, An Ait for the more effectual Difcovery

  • ■ '?■ , and Punijhment of Deer-flealers.

hee farther 10 v -* . * G '°- *■'•*• CAP. XXIII. An A<5t for the further enlarging the Times for entring, hearing, and determining Claims on the Eftates veiled in the Truftees of the South-Sea Company, and for obliging Perfons to claim Stock by the Time therein mentioned for Money Subfcriptions, and for other the Purpofes therein mentioned. 7 Gco.i.ftst. 1. ' I. 'ITT HEREAS by an Act of Parliament made in the feventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, intitu- £ - z8, VV ted, An Aft for raifmg Money upon the Ejiates of the late Sub-Governor, Deputy-Governor,

  • Directors, Cajhier, Dtpuiy-Cajhter, and Accountant of the South-Sea Company, and of John Aiflabie, Efquire,
  • and likewije of James Craggsy^n. Ejquire, deceafed, towards making good the great Lofs and Damage fujiain-

' cd by the faid Company ; and for dijdbling fuch of the faid Perfons as are living to hold any Office or Place of ' Trujl under the Crown, or to fit or vote in Parliament for the future; and for other Purpofes in the faid Act Farther Prrvifi- ' exprejj'ed ' ;' It is enacted (amongft other Things) That all and every the Real Eftate and Eftates what' on 5 for theft ' foever, and of what Nature or Kind foever, and all Rights of Action, Ufes, Trufts, Powers and Au- M.ticrs, 13 « thorhies whatfoever, and all and every the Share and Shares in the Capital Stock or Stocks of any Cor- ' poration, Company or Society, and all Monies due upon any Account or Accounts balanced or to be ' balanced, and all other Debts and Securities for Debts, and all ready Monies, Goods and Merchan-

  •, Pcrfonal Eftate and Effects whatfoever, of what Nature or Kind foever, which Sir John Fellows,

' Baronet, late Sub-Governor, Charles Joy, Efquire, late Deputy-Governor, and William A/tell, Efquire, ' Sir Lambert Blackwcll, Baronet, Sir John Blunt, Baronet, Sir Robert Chaplin, Baronet, Sir William ' Chapman, Knight and Baronet, Robert Chcjler, Efquire, Stephen Child, Efquire, Peter Delaport, Efquire,

  • Francis Eyl.s, Efquire, James Edmondfon, Efquire, Edward Gibbon, Efquire, John Gore, Efquire, Sir
  • William Hammond, Knight, Francis Hazves, Efquire, Richard Horfey, Efquire, Richard Houlditch,

' Efquire, Sir Theodore Janffen, Knight and Boronet, Sir Jacob Jacobfon, Knight, Arthur Ingram, Efquire, ' Sir John Lambert, Baronet, Sir Harcourt Mailer, Knight, William Morlcy, Efquire, Ambrofe Page, ' Efquire, Colonel Hugh Raymond, Samuel Read junior, Efquire. Thomas Reynolds, Efquire, Jacob Saw- ' bridge, Efquire, William Tillard, Efquire, and John Turner. ; Efquire, late Directors of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South-Seas, and other Parts Geo. 1. c. 21.