Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/559

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A. D. 1724, Anno uiidecfrno Georgii Regis. c. 3^3 Rates for the old Subfidy, inftcad of the Oath of the Importer. H. /. j. d. Hay, the Load, containing 36 Trufles, ? ■ each Trufs being 56 Pounds S ' Horns of Cows or Oxen, the Hundred, ? containing five Score J — Horn Tips, the Hundred, containing 6 8 five Sc Hair vocat. Hoans, the Score Cow or Ox Hair, the C. wt. containing 112 ]b. Horfe Hair, the Pound Human Hair for Perukes, the Pound Hundred, containing five I. i— i 10 — 2 6 6 8 — 10 2 10 — Iron of Ireland and. all other Places"! unwrought, not otherwife rated, the ( Ton, containing 20 C. wt. each C. j ' containing 1 12 lb. . J Iron Oar, the Ton, containing 20 C. wt. each Hundred containing 112 lb. Old Bufliel broken and old call: Iron, the Ton Iron flit or hammered into Rods, called Rod Iron, and Iron drawn or ham- mered lefs than three Fourths of an Inch fquare, the C. wt. containing 112 lb. Iron, called Pig Iron, from the Brltijhy Plantations, the Ton, containing 20 C 1 C. wt. each C. containing 112 lb. 3 Iron Wares manufactured, not other-"} wife rated, or not prohibited by Law ( to be imported, the C. wt. containing f ii2lb. J Juice of Limes, the Gallon 6 20 C. wt K. Kelp, the Ton, containing each C. containing 112 lb. L. Lard, the Pound 'Alexandria or Turkey Linen, the Ell Borlaps, the Ell Damafk and Diaper Napkinningl and Towelling, of the Manufac- / ture of Rujjia, not exceeding half > an Endilh Ell in Breadth, the Yard. _ ! j Damafk or Diaper Tabling or Nap- > ^ kinning and Towelling of any c Place (except Ireland and Rujjia) s not otherwife rated, to be rated at the feveral Rates of Damafk or Diaper of Silefia making, in the Book of Rates. Neckcloths of Silefia, or any other £ Country (except India) the Dozen S Oilcloth, the Ell : Voj,. V. h — 9 — 1 — Ratci for the old Subfidy, inftead ef the Oath of the Importer. /. 4-> Sailcloth commonly called Sail Duck or Holland Duck, from all Places (except from India) the C. con- taining 120 Ells ■ Sheets Old, the Piece Spanifl) or Portugal Linen, the Ell }■-- — 1 6 ^ ifrillets, the Ell M. Maps in Frames, the Map and Frame V of Barbary or Portugal, the Matting < Yard /of Holland, the Yard Leaf Metal (except of Leaf Gold) the Packet, containing 250 Leaves Metal prepared for Battery, the C. wt. containing 112 lb. Morels, the Pound Mum, the Barrel, containing 42 Gallons N. Nuts, called Chefiinuts, the Bufliel - I 6 -

6 o — — 2 4 10 r — 5 — O. Oil of Hempfeed, the Ton, containing 7 2Q Z52 Gallons J Oil, called ordinary Oil of Olives, from ' any Place, not otherwife rated, the ^3 2 Ton, containing 252 Gallons P. Pails of Wood, or Kits of Wood, the; Dozen — 6

, not other- } _

Painters Colours of all Sorts, not other- wife rated, the Pound f Atlafs Ordinary- Genoa Royal Fine Genoa Medium Fine £>each R.eam — 14 — Fine Holland Royal Medium Paper Second Genoa Royal 1 Second Genoa Me- dium Second Fine Holland ; Royal _ f each Ream "j Fine large Poll, weigh- ing 15 Pounds per Ream and upwards J Cartridge Paper Ordinary Eliphant Fine large Poft, weigh- i»each Ream ' ing under 15 Pounds ' per Ream Chancery Double Ordinary Royal — 10 — each Ream And the feveral Sorts of unrated Paper hereafter mentioned are to pay the new Duties of twenty per Cent, and ten per Cent, granted by the Ads made in the U u u tenth