A.D. 1724. Anno undecimq Georgii Regis. C. 19 — 22. 533 XXI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act fliall in all Courts and Places PuWiek Aft. be deemed and taken to be a publick Act, and fhall be judicially taken Notice of as luch by all Judges, Juftices and Courts whatfoever without fpecially pleading the fame. CAP. XIX. An AS for making more effectual an Act palled in the Parliament holclcn in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ail for making the River Nine or Nen, running from Northampton to Peterborough, navigable. PR. Two CUufes in the Act !2 Ann. Stat. 2. c. 7. a private Act, repealed. Commiffioners to meet on 13 July 172s, at Northampton, to contrail with Perforis for making the River Nine navigable. If Commif- fioners break up without Adjournment, &c. Cuftos Rotalorum in Com' Northampton to appoint the Time and Place of Meeting. Powers in the former Act continued. Not to prejudice the Water-works at Nun-Mills. CAP. XX. An Act for repairing and amending the Road from Bigglfwade, in the County of Bedford, to Bugden, and through Alconberry, to the Top of Alconberry- Hill, or Crofs Port leading into Sa'utery-Lane, on the York and Edinburgh Road, and from the faid Town of Bugden to the Town of Huntingdon, and from Crofs-Hall in Eaton Sokon, in the faid County of Bedford, to Great Stoughton-Common , in the faid County of Huntingdon. P R. The Toll granted by this Act took Place from the firft of May 172 j, to continue for 21 Years. [Con- tinued by 9 Geo. 2. c. 9.] CAP. XXI. An Act for the Relief of infolvent Debtors EXP. Sheriff or Gaoler to make an Alphabetical Lift of his Prifoners on 29 Sept. 1724, &c. To be kept by the Clerk of the Peace. The Perfons in fuch Lifts on their Petition and Oath to be difcharged. Prifoner to deliver in a Schedule of bis whole Eftate, &c. to Qiiarter-Seffions. Clerk of the Peace to keep the Shedule. Prifoners Effects veiled in him to be affigned over to the Creditors, &c. Notice to be ferved upon the Creditors 30 Days before Quarter-Seffions, and inferted in the London Gazette. All Requifites performed by the Prifoner, Quarter-Seffions to difcharge him. Prifoner difcharged, hereafter imprifoned, on fhewing the Duplicate to be releafed, &c. Notwithftanding Difcharge, Judgments good againft Lands, is'c. May plead generally againft any Scire facias, fcfe. in Difcharge of his Perfon from Execution. No Advantage, if Difcharge be not obtained before 26 March 1726. Not to extend to Scotland. Keeper to permit any Perfon to fpeak with Prifoners whofe Names are in the Gazette, &c. Prifoners not decla- ring the Trade and Habitation of the Perfons at whofe Suit they are detained, &c. uncapable of the Be- nefit of this Act. Debtors only for Fees, not exceeding 40 s. difcharged. Debts to the Crown, and 100/. to any one Perfon, not difcharged. CAP. XXII. An A£t to prevent Violences and Outrages being committed by any Perfons under Pretence of fheltering themfelves from Debt, or any Procefs of Law, within the Hamlet of Wafping- Stepney, or elfewhere within the weekly Bills of Mortality. f I. J HERE AS it is notorious, That many evil-difpofed and wicked Perfons have, in Defiance of 8 £r gfr. 3 , f the known Laws of this Realm and to the great Difhonour thereof, unlawfully affcmbled and <"• 2 7-
- affbeiated themfelves in the Hamlet of IVapping-Stepney, and Places adjacent in the County of Middle [ex, 9 G -°- *• '• ll -
- under Pretence of fheltering themfelves for Debt, and have committed great Violences and Outrages
' upon many of his Majefty's good Subjects, and by Force protected themfelves and their wicked Ac- ' complices, againft Law and Juftice : And whereas it is abfolutely necefTary that Provifion fhould be ' made for effectually preventing fuch Violences and Outrages for the future, and for bringing all Often- If r.ny Peifon
- ders in the Premiffes to more fpeedy and exemplary Juftice ;' May it therefore pleafe your moft Excel- fi»aii,aiter ijucs
tent Majefty, That it may be enacted, And be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and ^miet'of w with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefentParlia- pine-Stepntv, 2 !:'" ment aftembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Number of Perfons, not lefs than three, within the Week- ftiall, after the firft Day offline one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, within the faid Hamlet of ly Bills, Iheiter Wapping-Stepney, or any other Place within the Limits of the Weekly Bills of Mortality of. the Cities of themfelves from London and JVe/lminJler wherein Perfons fhall unlawfully affemble and affbeiate for the fhehering them- Presentment felves from their Dtbrs, of which Complaint fhall have been made by a Prefentment of the Grand Jury hath been made at a General or Quarter- Seflions of the proper County, knowingly and wilfully obftruct and oppofe any by the Grand Perfort or Perfons ferving, or endeavouring or attempting to ferve or execute any Writ or any Rule or J u, y; and ftali Order of any Court of Law or Equity, or other legal Procefs whatfoever, and fhall, in making fuch Ob- a(I " ault Perfons ftruction or Oppofition, atfault or abufe any Perfon or Perfons ferving or executing any fuch Writ, Rule, writ l ^ r anj Order or Procefs, or for having fo done, whereby any fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall receive any bodily they 'fhall' be Hurt; every Perfon fo knowingly and wilfully offending in the Premiiles, being thereof lawfully con- tranfported r« I Victed. feven ^ears,