550 C. 30. Anno undecimo Georg 11 Regis. A. D. 1724.. ' VII. And whereas a confiderable Quantity of Coffee and Tea was found in the faid Warehoufes ' which had heen there upwards of three Years, and for which the remaining Duties were paid or fe- ' cured according to the Directions of the faid Act, Part of which Coffee and Tea hath been exported to ' Parts beyond the Sea, and fome Doubts have arifen upon the making out of the Debentures for draw- WarehoufedCof- ' j n g , ac k the D ut j e s of fuch Coffee and Tea fo exported, the Exportation of which Coffee and Tea not W & 2 C Tune" ' being by Law reftrained to any particular Time;' For obviating of which Doubts, be it enacted and , 7a4) or to be declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the Exporters of all fuch Coffee and Tea, as have been ex- exported before ported fince the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-four, or fhall be 25 March 1726, exported before the twenty- fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix, are and fhall draws back all be entitled to draw back the refpective Duties fo paid or fecured for the fame (except half of the oldSub- cept Half o/the ^y i) an y Law, Cuftom or ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. EXP. oldSubiidy. ' VIII. And whereas great Qu an ti ties of Tea imported into Flanders, Holland and other Parts beyond ' the Seas, directly from the Eajl-lndies by Foreigners, are from thence imported into this Kingdom on ' Pretence that fuch Tea was formerly exported from hence, to the great Prejudice of the Trade and Na- ' vigation of this Kingdom, and to the great Difcouragement and Lofs of the fair Importers of the faid No Tea to be « Commodity from the Place of its Growth;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from fromdie Place Rn ^ s ^ teT ^ e ^" a '^ twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, no Tea whatfo- of its Growth. ever fhalt be imported into this Kingdom from any Place whatfoever, other than from the Place of its Growth, although the fame may have been formerly exported from hence, or upon any other Pretence whatfoever, on Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Tea; one Moiety whereof fhall be to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of fuch Perfon and Perfons as fhall feize and fue for the fame; any Law, Statute, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary whatfoever notwithftanding. ' IX. And whereas, in order to increafe the Weight of roafted Coffee, whereby to defraud and impofe upon fuch as buy the fame, divers evil-difpofed Perfons, at the Time or Times of Roafting fuch Coffee, or foon after, or before the felling thereof, do ufe or mix, or caufe to be ufed or mixed therewith, or do add or caufe to be added thereto Butter, Lard, Greafe, Water or other Materials, whereby fuch Coffee is rendered lefs wholfome, to the Prejudice of the Health of his Majefty's Subjects, and to the Lofs and Penalty on ' Injury of all honeft and fair Dealers therein;' For preventing whereof, Be it enacted by the Authority Roafters of aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twen- Butt«r 'sec'" 5 ty-five, n o Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, either in Roafting or foon after the Roafting, or before Selling therewith, iool. thereof, fhall, in Order to increafe the Weight of fuch Coffee, ufe or add thereto, or mix therewith any Butter, Lard, Greafe, Water or other Materials whatfoever, on Pain of Forfeiting for every fuch Offence, the Sum of one hundred Pounds; and if any Trader or Dealer in Coffee fhall knowingly buy or fell any Coffee fo mixed, or to which fuch Addition fhall be made, every fuch Trader or Dealer fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and lofe the Sum of one hundred Pounds. ' X. And whereas feveral Dealers in Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Spirits and Strong Waters, Coffee, Tea and ' Cocoa-Nuts, in order to fecure Quantities of the faid Commodities, which have been clandeftinely im-
- ported without paying any of the Duties by Law charged thereupon, from being feized as forfeited for
' fuch clandeftine Importation thereof, do frequently take out Permits from the Officer or Officers for ' the faid Duties upon Coffee, Tea and Chocolate, Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Spirits and Strong Waters, ' for the removing of the faid Commodities from one Place to another, but in Reality do not remove the 4 Commodities from the refpective Places they are authorized by fuch Permit to remove the fame to the ' refpective Places they are by fuch Permit authorized to carry the fame Commodities unto, but make ufe ' of fuch Permits for fecuring the like Quantity of Commodities mentioned in fuch Permits, which have Penalty forta- ' been clandeftinely imported, from being feized as forfeited for fuch clandeftine Importation;' For Re- king out Per- medy whereof, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty- ftndVawa ' f° urt h Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, if any Perfon or Perfons watfoever fhall the Commodities ta ^ e out an y Pe"™ 1 or Permits from the Officers employed in the faid Duties or any of them, for remov- in the time limi- ing of any of the faid Commodities from one Place to another; and if, within the Times limited in fuch ted, Permit or Permits refpectively, the Party or Parties, by or for whom fuch Permit or Permits fhall be fo taken out, fhall not either actually and really fend away all the Commodities by fuch Permit or Permits authorized thereby to be fent away, purfuant to the true Intent and Meaning thereof, or in Default of fo fending away fuch Commodities, fhall not before the Expiration of the Time limited in and by fuch Per- or'not returningtrnt and Permits, refpectively, return fuch Permit and Permits to the Officer or Officers, from whom the the Permits, tre- f ame was h af j; then, and ira every fuch refpective Cafe and Cafes, the Perfon or Perfons taking out fuch blethe Value. p erm; t or p. :rr nits, or for whofe Ufe fuch Permit or Permits fhall be taken out, fhall, for every Gallon of Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Spirits and Strong Waters, and for every Pound Weight of Coffee, Tea and Cocoa-Nuts, mentioned in fuch Permit or Permits, and not removed according to the Purport thereof, forfeit and lofe treble the Value thereof, to be eftimated according to the higheft Rate of the like Com- If there does not modities at the Time when fuch Forfeiture fhall be incurred; and if fuch Permit or Permits are not fo appear a fuffici- returned, as aforefaid, and in Cafe, upon taking an Account by any of the Officers for the faid Duties anfier C the f Re°- upon Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Spirits and Strong Waters, and for the faid Inland Duties of the Stock of mora" Office^to '^ e Coffee, Tea and Cocoa-Nuts, remaining in the Hands or Cuftody of the Perfon or Perfons, from or ftizeaiikeQuan- out of whofe Stock the Commodities, mentioned in fuch Permit or Permits as aforefaid, are thereby au- tity of the Bran- tborized to be removed, there fhall not appear a fufficient Decreafe to anfwer the Removal of the Conv Ay, Sec. modities mentioned in fuch Permit or Permits as aforefaid, refpectively; then, and in fuch Cafe, the re- fpective Perfon or Perfons, from or out of whofe Stock the faid Commodities mentioned in the faid Per- mit or Permits fhall be authorized to be removed, fhall forfeit and lofe the like Quantities of the refpec- tive Commodities, fo permitted to be removed, and not removed according to fuch Permiffion, to be feiied -. and