Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/650

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6; 2 C. 4. Anno decimo tertio Ge org 11 Regis.- A. D. 1726. Hie Lottcvy- whereof the faid one hundred and three thoufand two hundred and feventy-two Pounds and ten Shillings, Part of the fame Annuities, may be difpofed of without any further Lofs or Difcount;' Be it therefore Tickets may be enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury or any three or exchanged fcr more of them now being, or the Lord High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of the Shares in the Treafury f or the Time being, fhall or may caufe all the faid Lottery-Tickets, lb as aforefaid remaining in ^'"V/ctrt! the Exchequer, to be entred for fuch Certificates as_ the faid Lottery Aft has for that Purpofe directed, in. A-'inuiies. ' ' the Name or Names of fuch one or more of the Teller or TelLers of his Majefty's Exchequer, as they fhall think fit; and that from and after fuch Entry or making out fuch Certificates, the Share or Intereft. which the faid Lottery Tickets are infilled to in the faid Joint-Stock of three Pounds per Centum Annuities fhall be veiled and remain in fuch Teller or Tellers as Cafh in the Exchequer, and upon Truft in the firft Place, to pay, apply or difpofe of the Annuity due, or to grow due thereon, to and for Part of the Fund, commonly called the Aggregate Fund, when, and as the fame fnall become due and payable, and fubject thereto, upon Truft to affign and transfer the Whole, or any Part of the Principal Sum, to which the" faid Lottery Tickets are entitled, in the faid Joint-Stock of three Pounds per Centum Annuities, to fuch Perfon or Perfons, as being Proprietors of the faid laft mentioned ftanding Orders, {hall voluntarily deliver Op to be cancelled the like or equal Principal Sum or Sums, in any of the faid laft mentioned Debenture- Orders, and fubjecT: thereto, upon Truft to affign and transfer the Refidue of the faid Principal Sum in the faid Joint-Stock of three Pounds per Centum Annuities, which fhall not be affigned or transferred to the Proprietors of the faid Debenture- Orders, to fuch IJfes, and for fuch Purpofes, as fhall be hereafter directed by the Authority of Parliament, of and^ concerning the fame, and to and for none other Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever. The Method of XL And to the End and Intent that the faid laft mentioned ftanding Orders may be regularly difcharged, <iifchargingrhefe according to the Courfe of the Exchequer, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Com- ftandiug Orders. m iffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them, now or for the Time being, or the Lord High Treafurer for the Time being, fnall and are hereby impowered to direct the Auditor of his TheTimeen- Majefty's Exchequer, at any Time before the twenty-fourth Day of June which fhall be in the Year of larged by our L orc j one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven, to receive and take in from any of the Proprietors J M g°i^ tat,a " of the fame Orders any Number of the faid Orders, containing therein any Principal Sum or Sums of Money, not exceeding in the Whole the Principal Sum of one hundred and three thoufand two hundred and feventy-two Pounds ten Shillings; and the faid Auditor fhall thereupon receive in all fuch Orders, as fhall be brought to him for that Purpofe, until the faid Sum of one hundred and three thoufand two hun- dred and feventy-two Pounds ten Shillings, fhall be compleated, and fhall enter in a Book or Books, to be kept by him for that Purpofe, a particular Account of the Orders fo brought to him, and of the Proprie- tors of the fame, in the Order and Courfe of Time in which they fhall be fo brought, without giving any undue Preference to any one of them before the other of them, fo as the Proprietor or Proprietors of fuch Orders, or fome other Perfon or Perfons duly authorized_ by them for that Purpofe, do, by proper Words in Writing, to be written in fuch Book or Books refpectively, fignify their Defire and Requeft, that fuch ftanding Order or Orders be paid off, and difcharged out of the faid Joint-Stock of three Pounds per Centum Annuities as aforefaid; and the faid Auditor fhall thereupon direct the faid Teller or Tellers to pay- the fame Principal Sums mentioned in fuch Orders, out of the faid Share or Intereft in the faid Joint-Stock of three Pounds per Centum Annuities, fo vefted in him or them as aforefaid; and the Clerk of the Pells fhall afterward record fuch Directions, and afterwards fuch Teller or Tellers fhall transfer or caufe to be tranf- ferred in due Manner and Form fo much of the faid Joint-Stock of three Pounds per Centum Annuities, as. fhall be contained in fuch Directions, to the refpective Perfon or Perfons entitled to the fame, upon his, her or their Signing .or Giving, upon fuch Order or Orders refpectively, proper Difcharges or Acquittances for the fame; and thereupon fuch Orders fo paid off and difcharged, fhall be cancelled and preferved in the Exchequer, in the fame Manner as other cancelled Orders are preferved there, jntereft on thefe XII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Intereft or Annuity on the faid Orders due at Orders to be difcharged and cancelled as aforefaid, which hath become due at or before the twenty-fifth 25 Dec 1726. j) a y f December one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix, fhall be paid and difcharged out of the Mo- th b< Q* lA T* nies arifen or to arile at the Exchequer, for the feveral Duties and Revenues compoling the Fund com- Fum}. '" monly called the General Fund; and the feveral Perfons, to whom any Part or Parts of the faid Joint-Stock of three Pounds per Centum Annuities fhall be transferred, in Difcharge of the fame ftanding Orders, fhall be entitled to the Annuity which fhall grow due thereon, from or after the faid twenty-fifth Day of De- cember one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix : Provided always, that nothing herein contained fhall in any wife alter or prejudice fuch of the faid laft mentioned ftanding Orders, as fhall not be defired to be difcharged in Manner aforefaid, or the Security for the fame, or the Method or Courfe of Payment of the: Annuity or Intereft due or to grow due thereon, but they and every of them fhall remain, continue and be in the fame Condition to all Intents and Purpofes as if this Act had not been made;. any thing herein be- fore contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. CAP. IV. An Act for Cleanfing, Deepening and Widening a Creek, called Beverly Beck, running into the River Hull, and for Repairing the Staiths near the faid Beck, and for Amending the Roads leading from the faid River to the Town of Beverley in the Eaft-Riding of the County of York,, and for Cleanfing the Streets of the faid Town. P R. Corporation of Beverley to cleanfe, &c. Beverley Beck. Duties to be paid for Veflels paffing up or down the Beck or Hull River within the Presincts of Beverley, viz. For every Chaldron of Coals Wmcheller Meafure