A. D.i 728. Anno prima Georgi i II. Stat. 2. C. 8. 651 the further Sum of fixty-five thoufand three hundred and ninety-five Pounds, which together with the faid Sum of four hundred thirty-four thoufand fix hundred and five Pounds, will compleat and make up a Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, for the Redemption of a proportionable Part of the Annuities attending their whole Principal Monies, whether in Capital Stock or Annuity Stock; and that two hundred and fifty thoufand Pounds, being one Moiety or Half-part of the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds fo made up as aforefaid, (hail go and be applied to and in difcharge of fo much of the Principal due to the faid Company, in refpe£t of that Part of their Debt which remains Capital Stock of the faid Company ; and the remaining two hundred and fifty thoufand Pounds (hall go and be applied to and in difcharge of fo much of the Principal due in refpect of that Part of their whole Stock, as was fo as aforefaid, converted into a Joint Stock of South-Sea Annuities; and that from and after fuch Payment as aforefaid, a proportional Part of the Annuities payable to the South-Sea Company, whether in their own Right, or in Trull: for the Proprie- tors of the faid South-Sea Annuities, fhall fink and be abated. ' XX. And whereas by an Aft of Parliament made and pafTed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his
- faid late Mzjefty King Georg E the Firft, For enlarging the Times for hearing and determining Claims hy the 13 Geo. 1. c. a»»
- Truflces for raifing Money upon the. Eftates of the late Direclors of the South-Sea Company, and others, it was
' amongft other Things enabled, That the Court of Directors of the faid Company fhould, after thetwen-
- ty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-eight, caufe all and every Part of the South-
' Sea Stock and South-Sea Annuities, remaining any wife in the Right of, or in Truft for the faid Com- ' pany, to be divided out and diftributed as near as might be, to and among the Proprietors of the Stock ' of the faid Company, at fuch Time or Times, and in fuch Manner and Porm, as the General Court of
- the faid Company fhould from Time to Time judge to be mod practicable and convenient : And whereas
' the faid Company have, or are intitled in their own Right, as a Company, to greater Sums both of South- ' Sea Stock and South-Sea Annuities, undiftributed among their other Proprietors, than the faid Sum of ' five hundred thoufand Pounds fo made up as aforefaid, will be fufHcient to f'atisfy or redeem ; and it would ' be more convenient for the faid Company, and for the refpective Proprietors of the faid Stock or Annu- ' ities, that the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds fhall be applied, as far as the fame will extend, ' to the Redemption and Difcharge of the faid Stock and Annuities undiftributed as aforefaid, preferably to ' the Redemption of any other Parts of the faid Stocks or Annuities already diftributed to the refpective '•Proprietors thereof:' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid South-Sea Company, South-Sea Com- upon Receipt of the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds fo made up as aforefaid, fhall apply the fame in P an y t0 a PP'y equal Moities as aforefaid, as far as the fame will extend, to the Difcharge or Redemption of fuch Parts °' J e re d°°m°hefr the faid South -Sea Stock or South-Sea Annuities, as at the Time of fuch Receipt fhall belong to the faid undiftributed Company, in their own Right as a Company, and undiftributed amongft the other Proprietors of fuch stock ; Stocks or Annuities, and fhall not be obliged to apply or divide out any Part thereof to or amongft any other the Proprietors of the faid Stocks or Annuties, towards Redemption of any Part of their refp:-ctive Shares or Interefts in the fame Stocks or Annuities ; 3ny former Law or Statute to the contrary notwith- standing. XXI. Provided always, That the Monies fo to be paid to the faid South-Sea Company, may be afterwards an( j t0 d;r c harge. ufed or imployed by the faid Company, to the difcharging or paying any Debts, Dividends, or other Ser- Debts, &c. vices of the faid Company, in the fame Manner as any other Monies or Calh of the faid Company may or See farther am- ought to be imployed ; any Thing herein, or in the faid laft mentioned Act of Parliament to the contrary " rm "g tb ' 1 Csm - notwithstanding. £ 16 & 2?. 4 Go. 2. c. 5. 5 Gee. z. c. 17. 6 Geo, %. c, 25 Sf 28. 7 Geo. z. c. 17. gGco.z.e.^. 10 Geo. a. e. 17. zo Geo. z. c. 3. feel. Co. 24. Geo. 2. e. z & 11, 26 Geo. 2. e. 16. ' XXII. And whereas in Purfuance of a certain Act of Parliament made and pafTed in the feventh Year 7 Ann. c. 7: ' of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ail for enlarging the Capital Stock of the Bank 4 of England, and for raifng a further Supply to her Majc/ly for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven hun-
- dred and nine, the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England did become intitled to a certain
- Annuity or yearly Sum of one hundred and fix thoufand five hundred and one Pounds thirteen Shillings
' and five Pence, being after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, for or in refpect of the Sum of ' one million feven hundred feventy-five thoufand and twenty-feven Pounds feventeen Shillings and ten
- Pence Half-penny, being the Amount of certain Exchequer-Bills by the laid Act directed to be delivered
' up by the faid Governor and Company to be cancelled, which Annuity was thereby charged on certain ' Duties on Houfcs therein mentioned, and was made redeemable by Parliament on Repayment to the faid ' Governor and Company of the faid Sum of one million feven hundred feventy-five thoufand and twenty-
- feven Pounds feventeen Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny : And whereas by fubfequent A6ts of Parlia-
- ment the faid Annuity was, by and with the Confent of the faid Bank of England reduced, and particu-
larly by an Act made in the eleventh Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, ' intituled, An Acl for continuing the Jeveral Annuities of eighty- eight thoufand feven hundred and fifty '-one Pounds n Geo. 1, c.o, ' feven Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny, and one hundred thoufand Pounds, to the Bank of England until ' Midfummer one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven, and from thence for reducing the fame to feventy-one ' thoufand and one Pound two Shillings and three Pence three Farthings, and eighty thoufand Pounds, redeemable
- hy Parliament, and for preventing the uttering of forged, counterfeited or era/ed Bank Bills or Notes, it was
' amongft other Things enacted, That from and after the Feaft-Day of Saint 'John Baptifl in the Year of ' our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven, the faid Annuity Ihould ceafe and determine, and 4 the faid Governor and Company fhould have and enjoy, in lieu thereof, one Annuity of feventy-one
- thoufand and one Pound two Shillings and three-Pence three Farthings for ever, fubjedt neverthelefs to
- Redemption by Parliament, on Payment to the faid Governor and Company of the Principal Sum above-
- mentioned ; and it was thereby provided and enacted, That if at any Time or Times Payment fhould be
- made of any Sum or Sums of Money (not being lets than five hundred thoufand Pounds at a Time) in
4O2 ' Part