660 C. 15, 16. Anno primo Georgii II. Stat. 2. A. D. 1728. £? 36. 6Ga>. a. Bodies of him or them fo actually belonging to one of his Majefty's Ships as aforefaid ; this Ad! or any c 15. s c». z. Thing herein, or any former Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding. c. 29. 1 1 Gto. ° * ' 2. c, 30. 13 Geo. z, c, 3, Sf 17. 14 Geo. 2. £. 38. 17 G«, a. f. 34. iS Geo. 2. r. 31, 20 C». 2. c. 38. 22 Geo, 2. c. 52. 24 Geo. 2. c 47 *. Cw. 2. c. 10. 3 CAP. XV. An Aft for making Provifion for the Rector of the new Church fituate near Millhank, in the Parifh of Sai.it Margaret Weffminfler, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned. P R. 2,500 /. allotted for the Rector of the new Church near Milbank. Treafurer to lay out that Sum in. purchafing Lands, &c. in Fee Simple, for the Ufe of the Rector. Chargeable with 52 /. :oi, per Annum to Dr. Brodrick, officiating Minifter at the^ new Chapel near Tuttlc Fields. Till fome Purchafe be made, the Money to be placed out on real Securities, or publick Funds. 125 /. per Ann. to be raifed by an equal Pound- Rate on the Inhabitants. Rector, Churchwardens and Veftry to make the Afieiiment, and to make good Deficiencies on any former Afleflments, on Forfeiture of ico /. Afleflments to be allowed by two Juftices.. Veftry to choofe Collectors. Collectors to pay the. Rector quarterly. Perfons aggrieved may appeal to the Quarter- Seffions. The Interefl of 2,500/. laid out, and the 125 /. per Ann. by a Pound Rate, {hall be the annual Maintenance of the Rector, befides Surplice Fees, and Houfe. Subject to pay 17 /. 8 s. n d. per Ann. to the Curate of the old Parifh Church. Dr. Gee to have the Surplice Fees, and the annual Interefl: of 2,500 /. on providing Miniftcrs to officiate in the new Church. When the Curacy ihall become vacant, the Provifion hereby made fliall be enjoyed by the Rector and Succeflbrs for ever. Subject to pay 52 /. 10 si per Ann. to Dr. Brodrick, and 17 /. 8 s. 11 d. per Ann. to the Curate of the old Church. Churchwardens not to difpofe of Pews, but by Confent of Veftry. If Churchwardens and Veftry on Eaffer Tuefday fliall allot the annual Sum or any Part, and pay it to the Rector, then only fo much fliall for that Year be raifed, as will make up that Sum. The Pv.ectory fliall not be held in Commendam. The Parifh Clerk fhall be a Member of the Corporation of Parifh Clerks. C A P. XVI. An Aft for removing Doubts concerning the additional Duty of two Pence per Gallon upon low Wines and Spirits of the firft: Extraction, from foreign Materials •, and for obviating Queftions relating to Appeals in Matters of Excife ; and for appointing the Number of Com- miflloners of Excife, who may hear Caufes depending before them. 12 W. 3. c ii. ' 1I7HEREAS by an Act of Parliament made and pafTed in the twelfth Year of his late Majefty King ' VV William the Third, intituled, An Ail for granting to his Majejiy feveral Duties upon low Wines or ' Spirits of the ffrjl Extraction ; and continuing feveral additional Duties upon Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Spices and; ' Pictures, and certain Impofftions upon Hawkers, Pedlars and petty Chapmen, and the Duty of fifteen per Cen- ' turn upon Mufi 'ins, and for improving the Duties upon japaned and laquered Goods, and for continuing the Coinage' ' Duty, for the feveral Terms and Purpofes therein mentioned, it was enacted, That from and after the twenty- ' fourth Day of March in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred, and until the twenty-fifth Day ' of March one thoufand feven hundred and fix, there fhould be paid, by way of Excife, unto his Majefty, his- ' Heirs and Succeflbrs, for all low Wines or Spirits of the firft Extraction, made or drawn by any Diftiller
- or other Perfon making or drawing Spirits or ftrong Waters for Sale or Exportation, within the Kingdom
- of England, Dominion of W ales and Town of Berivick upon Tweed, the Rates and Duties therein mentioned,
- over and above the Duties payable for Spirits perfectly made, and particularly for every Gallon of low
' Wines or Spirits of the firft Extraction, made or drawn from any foreign or imported Materials, or any ' Mixture therewith, four Pence : And whereas by one other Act of Parliament made and pafTed in the third 3 Ann. c. 4. ' Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ail for continuing Duties upon low Wines- ' and upon Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Spices and Piilures, and upon Hawkers, Pedlars and petty Chapmen, and upon ' Muffins, and for granting new Duties upon feveral of the faid Commodities, and alfo upon Callicoes, China Ware 1 and Drugs, the aforefaid Duties on low Wines or Spirits of the firft Extraction, were continued from the- ' twenty-fourth Day of Marcbom thoufand feven hundred and fix, until the twenty-fourth Day of June one ' thoufand feven hundred and ten : And whereas by one other Act of Parliament made and pafled in the 4 Ann. c 12. ' fourth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ail for laying further Duties on- ' lozv Wines, and for preventing the Damage to her Majejiy s Revenue by Importation of foreign cut Whalebone, ' and for making fome Provifons as to the Stamp Duties, and the Duties on Births, Burials and Marriages, and ' the Salt Duties, and touching Million Lottery Tickets ; and for enabling her Majefiy to difpofe of the Effeils of ' William Kidd, a notorious Pirate, to the Ufe of Greenwich Hofpital ; and for appropriating'the publick Mo- ' nies granted in this Sejfion of Parliament, it was amongft other Things enacted, That for every Gallon of ' low Wines or Spirits of the firft Extraction, which at any Time or Times, during the Term of five Years,
- to commence from the twentv-fourth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and five, fhould be made
' or drawn from any foreign Materials, or any Mixture with foreign Materials, there fhould be paid and pay- ' able to her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, over and above all other Duties charged or chargeable there- 4 upon by the faid laft mentioned, or any other Ail or Acts of Parliament, the Sum of two Pence, to be paid ' by the Diftillers or Makers thereof: And whereas by an Act of Parliament made and pafled in the fifth 5 Ann. c. ig. ' Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ail for continuing the Duties on low ' Wines and Spirits of the firfi Extrailim ; and the Duties payable by Hawkers, Pedlars and petty Chapmen; and ' Part of the Duties on ffamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper ; and the late Duties on Sweets ; and the One Third 1 Subffdy, ofTunnage and Poundage ; and for fettling andeflablijliing a Fund thereby, and by the Application of cer- tain