674 C. 3. Ar>no feciindo Georgii II. A. D. 729. 3 Geo. I. c, J 1 Geo. r. c. 1 1 C5eo. 2, St.it. %. c a. •ntofthe Sink- ing Fund as fhall ante from 25 March 17-9. Money to be . paid quarterly to the Bank for re- deeming the Re- mainder of the Annuity of 71, cot 1. 2 s. -3 d - 3 S> Pence Half-penny, being the Amount of certain Exchequer-Bills by the faid Act directed to be delivered up by the faid Governor and Company to be cancelled, which Annuity was thereby charged on certain Duties on Houfes therein mentioned, and was made redeemable by Parliament on Repayment to the fame Governor and Company of the faid Sum of one million (even hundred feventy-five thqufand and twenty- feven Pounds feventeen Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny : And whereas by an Act of Parliament made in the third Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An Acl for redeem- ing fever al Funds of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, purfuant to fanner Provifoes of Re- demption, and for fecuring to them fever al new Funds and Adowances redeemable by Parliament, and for obliging thevi to advance further Sums not exceeding tivo millions five hundred thoufand Pounds, at five Pounds per Cen- tum, as /hall be found necefiary to be impkyedin lefening the national Debts and Incumbrances, and for continuing certain Provifuns made for the Expence of his Majeflfs Civil Government, and for Payment of An unites for- merly purchafea 'at the Rate of five Pounds per Centum, and for other Purpofes in this Aft mentioned, the faid Duty on Houfes, on which the faid laft mentioned Annuity was charged, was added to and made Part of the Aggregate Fund eftablifhed by the faid Act ; and the faid Annuity of one hundred and fix thoufand five hundred and one Pounds thirteen Shillings and five Pence, was thereby reduced to an Annuity of eighty-eight thoufand feven hundred fifty-one Pounds feven Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny, redeem- able by Parliament, being after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, for or in refpect of the faid Sum of one million feven hundred feventy-five thoufand and twenty-feven Pounds feventeen Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny ; and by or in purfuance of the faid laft mentioned Act, the faid Governor and Com- pany of the Bank of Englandbscame intitled to one other Annuity or yearly Sum of one hundred thoufand Pounds, being after the Rate of five Pounds per Centum per Annum, for or in refpect of the Sum of two millions, being the Amount of certain other Exchequer Bills by the fame Act directed to be delivered up by the fame Governor and Company to be cancelled, which laft mentioned Annuity was thereby charged on the faid Aggregate Fund, and was made redeemable by Parliament on Repayment, to the fame Gover- nor and Company, of the faid Sum of two millions : And whereas by a fubfequent Act of Parliament, made in the eleventh Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Firft, intituled, An Acl for continuing the fever al Annuities of eighty-eight thoufand feven hundred fifty-one Pounds feven Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny, and one hundred thoufand Pounds, to the Bank of England, until Midfummer one thou- fand feven hundred and tivcnty-feven ; and from thence for reducing the fame to feventy-one thoujand and one Pounds Huo Shillings and three Pence three Farthings, and eighty thoufand Pounds, redeemable by Parliament, and for preventing the uttering of forged, counterfeited or erafed Bank Bills or Notes, it was amongft other things enacted'; That the faid two laft mentioned feveral Annuities fhould be reduced accordingly; and it was alio thereby provided and enacted, That if at any Time or Times thereafter Payment fhould be made to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, of any Sum or Sums of Money (not being lefs than five hundred thoufand Pounds at a Time) in Part of the faid feveral principal Sums of one million feven hundred feventy-five thoufand and twenty-feven Pounds feventeen Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny, and two millions, or either of them, fo much of the faid refpective Annuities attending the fame, as fhould bear Proportion to the refpective Sums fo paid in Part of the faid refpective principal Sums, fhould ceafe, determine and be abated, as by the faid feveral laft mentioned Aits of Parliament, relation thereto refpec- tively being had, more fully may appear : And whereas in purfuance of an Act of Parliament made in the firft Year of his prefent Majeity's Reign, intituled, An Acl for granting an Aid to his Majefty by Sale of An- nuities to the Bank of England, at four Pounds per Centum, redeemable by Parliament, and* charged upon the Duties on Coals and Culm, and for further applying the Produce of the Sinking Fund, and for inlarging the Time for exchanging Nevis and Saint Chriftopher's Debentures for Annuities at wree Pounds per Centum, and for applying the Arrears of his late Majefty s Civil Lift Revenues, the Sum of one million hath been paid to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, in Part of the -faid principal Sum of one million fe- ven hundred feventy-five thoufand and twenty-feven Pour.ds feventeen Shillings and ten Fence Half-pen- ny, for redeeming forty thoufand Pounds per Annum, being a proportional Part of the faid Annuity of fe- venty-one thoufand and one Pounds two Shillings and three Pence three Farthings ; fo that there is now ftibfifting of the fame Annuity only the yearly Sum of thirty-one thoufand and one Pounds two Shillings- and three Pence three Farthings, which is redeemable on Payment to the fame Governor and Company,, of the remaining principal Sum of feven hundred feventy-five thoufand and twenty-feven Pounds feventeen Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny :' Now to the Intent that a fufficient Sum or Sums may be raifed and applied, not only to redeem the Remainder of the faid laft mentioned Annuity, but alfo to pay to the fame Governor and Company the further Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds, towards redeeming a propor- tional Part of their faid Annuity of eighty thoufand Pounds, payable in refpect of the faid Sum of two millions, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That by or out of fuch Monies as are or fiiall be in the Receipt of Exchequer, of the Surpluffes, ExcefTes or Overplus Monies, commonly called the Sink- ing Fund, arifen or to arife at or from the Feaft of the Annunciation of the bleffed Virgin Mary which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-nine (after Payment of, or referv- ing fufficient to pay, fuch Monies as have been directed by any former or other Act or Acts of Parliament to be paid out of the fame Surpluffes, ExcefTes or Overplus Monies) there fhall be ilfued, paid and applied to the faid Governor and Campany of the Bank of England, at the faid Feaft-Day, and afterwards quarter- ly, from Time to Time as the fame fhall arife, fuch Sum or Sums of Money as fhall on fuch Quarter-day be in the faid Receipt of Exchequer, for or towards redeeming the faid Remainder of the before men- tioned Annuity of feventy-one thoufand and one Pounds two Shillings and three Pence three Farthings,, until the fame Payments fhall in the whole amount to the Principal Sum of feven hundred feventy-five thou- fand twenty-feven Pounds feventeen Shillings and ten Pence Half-penny, and that as the faid Payments of Principal Money fhall from Time to Time be made, a proportional Part of the faid Annuity attending thereon fhall alfo from Time to Time ceafe, determine, and be abated for the Benefit of the Publick. 4, XVI. And