A. D. 1729. Anno fecundo Georgii II. C. 18. 683 6 ficer and Collector of the Cuftoms for the Time being, redding in the faid refpeftive Ports or Havens, ' where the faid Corn or Grain fhall be imported, to be hung up in fome publick Place in the Cuftom- houfe, ' to which all Perfons may refort for their Information: And it is thereby further enacted, That the Cuftom ' and Duty of foreign Corn and Grain imported into any of his Majefty's faid Dominions af England, Wales,
- and Town ot Berwick uyonTweed, appointed by the firft mentioned Aft to be paid, fhall be collected and
' paid according to the Prices contained in fuch refpeftive Certificates as aforefaid, and not otherwife ; any ' Thing in the faid Aft, or in any other Law or Statute contained to the contrary notwithftanding : And ' it is further provided by the laid Aft, That all that by Virtue thereof is to be done by the Juftices of the ' Peace at their Quarter- Seffions in their feveral Counties, fhall be done and performed in like Manner in
- the City of London, in the Months of Oclober and April yearlv, by the Mayor, Aldermen, arid Juftices of
- ■ the Peace there, and that the Perfons making fuch Oaths fhall be no Corn-chandler, Mea'man, Factory
' Merchant, or other Perfon interefted in fuch Corn fo to be imported, but fhall be fome fubftantiui Houfe -
- keepers living in Middlefex or Surrey, qualified as aforefaid : And whereas the Juftices of the Peace for
- fome of the Counties of this Kingdom have, notwithftanding the laft mentioned Aft, omitted or ne-
- glefted to fettle the Price of Corn at their Quarter-Scffions after Michaelmas laft, and to return Certificates
- thereof to the chief Officer and Colleftor of the Cuftoms, refiding in the refpeftive Ports where the faid
' Corn o: Grain has been or may be imported ; by Means whereof the faid Officers were at a Lofs how to 4 charge the Cuftom and Duty due for fuch Corn, which has been, and may be a great Lofs to the Revenue, ' and a Detriment to the Farmers and fair Traders :' For Remedy whereof, Be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That it fhall and may be law- r uft; . h ul to and for all and every the Juftices of thePeace for fuch of the feveraland refpeftive Counties of this King- have omkte'd dom, who have omitted or neglefted to fettle the Prices of Corn at the Quarter-Seflions after Michaelmas to fettle the laft, and they are hereby injoined and required, at the- next refpeftive Quarter-Seflions, or at any Adjourn- Prices of Com ment thereof which fhall happen after the paffing this Aft, to examine and determine what the common *' l! ie Q^" Mr - Market-Prices of midling Britijl) Corn and Grain, of the refpeftive Sorts in the faid Afts mentioned, were at Michaelmas'la/f or about Michaelmas laft, in the refpeftive Counties, upon fuch Oaths, and by fuch other Ways and Means, aie to fettle it at as are direfted and prefcribed by the faid Aft pafled in the firft Year of King James the Second, and to grant the next Q^ar- Certificates thereof as direfted by the faid Aft; and the Officers of the Cuftoms, and all other Perfons con- ter-Seflions. cerned, are to govern themfelves according to the Prices of Corn or Grain contained in fuch Certificates, as if the fame had been regularly examined, determined and certified at laft Michaelmas Quarter-Seflions as aforefaid ; any Thing in the faid Aft, or any Law, Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. II. And be it declared and enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all Cafes where any of the Sorts Com imported of Corn or Grain aforefaid have been imported from beyond the Seas, fince the firft Day of Michaelmas fince the ift Day dmas tue of the former and this prefent Aft, fuch Importers or Proprietors fhall forfeit and lofe all fuch Corn and feited. Grain, or the Value thereof, and the fame fhall and may be feize'd, profecuted and fued for, by Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at We.ftminfter, or in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland ; one Moiety whereof fhall be to the ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the Seizor or Profecutor. III. Provided always, and be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe the Juftices of Juftices not de- the Peace for the feveral Counties of this Kingdom fhall for the future omit or negleft to examine and de- " r . m,nin g th e termine the Prices of Corn or Grain, at their refpeftive Quarter-Seflions after Michaelmas and Eafter yearly, Cpileaor""'"' and to certify the fame unto his Majefty's chief Officer and Colleftor of the Cuftoms for the Time being, fettle it. refiding in the refpeftive Ports or Havens, where foreign Corn" or Grain fhall or may be imported, in order to be hung up in fome publick Place in the Cuftom-houfe, as direfted by the faid Aft parted in the firft Year of the Reign of King James the Second ; then and in fuch Cafe, the Colleftor of his Majefty's Cu- ftoms, at the relpeftive Port of Importation, is hereby impowered to receive the feveral Duties of the Corn fo imported, according to the loweft Price of the feveral Sorts of Corn or Grain, mentioned and expreffed Exfora£iji% in the faid Aft pafled in the twenty- fecond Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second ; any Law, G -'- 2 - '• ?• Cuftom or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. IV. And for the better afcertaining the Quantity of Corn or Grain to be fhipped for Exportation, which i W. & iw. by an Aft palled in the firft Year of the Reign of their late Majefties King William and Queen Mary, feff.i. c. iz» intituled, An AR for the encouraging the Exportation of Corn, is no otherwife afcertained, than by the Cer- tificate of the Exporter, attefted upon Oath ; Be it enafted, That the proper Officers of the Cuftoms fhall Oncers to be impowered to admeafure all Corn and Grain, whereon there is an Allowance payable for .the Exporta- "^ " ; Corli tion thereof; and for greater Expedition therein, fuch Admeafurement fhall and may be by a Tub or Mea- expoue fure containing four Winchcfier Bufhels ; and if fuch Corn or Grain intended to be exported , fhall be brought to be fhipped off in Sacks, that then and in fuch Cafe the laid Officers are hereby impowered and required to make choice of two of thofe Sacks, out of any Number not exceeding twenty Sacks, and fo in Propor- tion for any greater Quantity, before the fame fhall be put on board for Exportation^ and thereby compute the Quantity of Corn fo intended to be fhipped for Exportation ; and according to fuch Computation, the Allowance or Bounty Money fhall be paid to the Exporter for the whole-Quantity propoftionably, upon his producing a Certificate from the proper Officer or Officers of the Cuftoms, attefting the Quantity and Quality of the Corn or Grain fo fhipped for Exportation. V. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the like. Powers, Certificates and Regulations, and other Matters and Things above mentioned, fhall be extended to the afcertaining the Prices and Quantity of Bear alias Bigg, Oatmeal and Malt made of Wheat, or Wheat Malt, intended for Ex- 4 S 3 portation s