Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/78

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C.'i4» Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. A. 0.1714, 15 C fT Z v*' ' A<a » mt0 a & u:U Service, the Perfons charged by the faid Act with Horfes, Horfemen and Arms, or ";' ! ' ' with Foot-Soldiers and Arms, fhould provide each their Soldiers refpectively with Pay in Hand, not i Ann. flat. 2. * exceeding one Month's Pay, as fhould be in that Behalf directed _ by the refpective Lieutenants of the c. 23. * feveral Counties, and in their Abfence, or otherwife by ;their . Directions, by their Deputies, or any ' three or more of them ; for Repayment of which faid Monies, and for Satisfaction of the Officers for - their Pay during fuch Time, not exceeding one Month, as aforefaid, as they fhall be with their Soldiers 'in actual Service; it was thereby declared, That Provilion fhould be made for the fame by his faid Ma- ' jefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, out of his or their publick Treafury or Revenue ; neverthelefs, it was

  • thereby further provided and enacted, That in cafe a Month's Pay fhould be provided and advanced, as
  • aforefaid, no Perfon who fhould have advanced his Proportion thereof, fhould be charged with any 'other

J like Month's Payment, until he or they fhould be re-imburfed the faid Month's Pay, and lb from i Time to Time, the faid Month's Pay by him or them laft provided and advanced, . as aforefaid : And { whereas in the late War it was found neceffary for the publick Defence and Safety, to draw out the faid ' Soldiers into actual Service, and to charge the faid Perfons to provide each their Soldiers reflectively with ' Pay in Hand, although the Month's Pay by feveral of them before that Time provided and advanced

  • was not nor could be re-imburfed : And whereas it may be necefiary for^the publick Safety and De-

' fence of this Realm, to draw out the faid Forces into actual Service, more particularly at this Time, 5 when Tumults and Rebellions are fomented at Home, fupported by Hopes of Affiftance from a foreign The King may t Invafion,' Be it therefore enacted by the King's molt Excellent Majeffy, by and with the Advice and oi'/e^theMmda Content of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by in England to be the Authority of the fame, That if at any Time or Times hereafter it fhall be found neceffary by his Ma- drawn out into jefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, for any of the Purpofes in the faid recited Act mentioned, to draw out the actual Service. f a j,(j Soldiers into actual Service, and the fame fhall be declared and fignified to the refpective Lieutenants or Deputy-Lieutenants of the feveral Counties, Ridings, Ckies and Places of that Part of Great-Britain •called England, and to the Lord- Warden of the Cinque-Ports, two ancient Towns and their Members, or jn his Abfence, to his Lieutenant or Lieutenants, by his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, it fhall be lawful for the faid Lieutenants, or their Deputies, .or for any two or more of them, and for the Lord- Warden of the Cinque-Ports, two ancient Towns, and their Members, or in his Abfence, for his Lieu- Ti e P rfo tenant or Lieutenants, in purfuance of fuch Orders from his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and in charged to uro- the Manner prefcribed by the aforefaid Act, notwithstanding one or more Month's Pay already advanced, vide °heir Sol- be not reimburfed, to raife and draw out the faid Soldiersinto actual Service, and to caufe the Perfons diers with Pay, charged, as aforefaid, to provide each their Soldiers with Pay in Hand, not exceeding one Month's Pay, nat exceeding j n ^^ Manner as if all their Pay already advanced and provided had been fully reimburfed and paid; j>"v. °i3,'& S i4 anv Thing in the faid Act of the thirteenth Year of King Charles the Second, or in any other fubfequent "Ca't. x. c. 3 ; Act to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. _ _. ■ The Militia of ' n. And whereas it may fo happen that the entire Militia of any County or Counties, within 'that .any City, &c. c p art Q f Q reat Britain called England,, cannot be affembled and got ready to march in fo fhort a Time, as fuppreffini; in'- ' Neceflity may require, for the l'uppreffing of Infurrections and Rebellion, or for repelling of Invafions :' jurreftions, &c. Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That, it fhall and may be lawful, from Time to Time, The Pay ad- and at all Times hereafter, for the proper Perfons impowered, as aforefaid, to raife, draw out and march ..vanced to be f uc h p a ,- t of the Militia of any City, Town, Borough, Riding, Diftrict or County, as they fhall judge Mmlth's 1 fiX mo ^ rea dy> proper and convenient for the Purpofes aforefaid; and the Pay and Expence advanced and laid outby the Perfons chargeable to and for fuch Part of the Militia fo imployed, fhall be repaid and made good to them, within the Space of fix Months after fuch Money is advanced, by fuch Perfons -chargeable to fuch Part of the Militia of any County, City, Riding or Place fo imployed, by an Affeffment according to ah equal Pound-Rate, to be laid and affeffed throughout the whole. County, Riding, City or Place to which they belong, for the bearing the Charge of fuch Part of the Militia fo called out, the faid Pound- Rate to be afleffed upon and paid by fuch Perfons, and in fuch Proportions .as they are chargeable to the Militia,.. according to fuch Directions as fhall be given, from Time to Time, by the faid refpective Lieu- tenants, or their Deputies, or any two or more of them, who are hereby impowered and required to make and levy, and' to caufe to be made and levied fuch Affeffment, under the like Penalties and Forfeitures, and by the like Ways and Means, as the Commiffioners appointed in an Act of this prefent Seffion of Par- liament, for collecting the Land-Tax granted to his Majefty, are impowered to make and levy the Affeff- ment for the faid Land-Tax. Accoutrements ' HI. And whereas the Arms and Accoutrements directed to be provided for Horfe and Foot Soldiers of and Arms to be <■ t fr c Militia, by former Acts of Parliament, are in a great meafure become ufelefs ;' Be it further enacted By Geo 1. by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the feveral Lieutenants,, and their Deputies, c.S. §! 7.' the in that Part of Great Britain palled England, to caufe and oblige the. feveral Perfons chargeable to the Mi- Lienienants.&c. Sitia, to provide for every Horfe and Horfeman, a Broad Sword, a Cafe Of Piftols, the BarrSls whereof t-0 fc.'.U. appoint the De twelve Inches, long, and a Carabine with Belt and Bucket, a great Saddle or Pad with Burrs and Straps, iheMuik^ & f a Bitt and Bridle with Pectoral and Crupper f and for every Foot Soldier a Mufket, the Barrel whereof to .'.,. ' be Foot long, the Gage of the Bore'for Bullets of twelve to -the Pound, with a Bayonet to fix on the , Muzzle thereof, a'Cartouch-Box, and a Sword, under, the fame Penalties, and by the fame Ways and t .» Means, as they might have' cbthpelled the faid Perfons to haVe provided- Arms-before' for their Soldiers, by vif tie of any former Act or Acts ; any Thing in any former Act or Acts to the contrary notwithftanding. IV.